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Kevin Bacon

Need a favour from the G60 boys is poss?

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OK, not many of you will want to do this, but it doesn't hurt to ask :-)


Still confused as to why I lost 4psi of boost through a brand new VAG G60 intercooler, I would be grateful if someone could bypass their IC and run the boost straight into the throttle for a quick test. It won't hurt the engine to do that for 30 seconds I wouldn't have thought?


I just want to know if losing that much boost through it is normal, or if I had a duff one.


A 4psi loss is massive for such a small IC. I just need to know for sure and then I can move onto something else.



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Can't help you on that one as I have a custom IC. However, wierdly I have a very long pipe path and MUCH bigger intercooler on mine now and noticed no loss between old intercooler and new setup. I'm about to re do the path of the pipework as soon as the car comes back losing about 3-4ft of pipe and hoping the gains in boos may be noticable!


However with your charger where it is at one side and intercooler in the far wing you must also have a pretty long pipe path. Are you sure that is not where some of your loss is happening?

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Yeah that occurred to me too, it is indeed a long path, so maybe the pressure loss was the overall 'system' loss, not just the IC. Obviously air slows down the further it has to travel. Unfortunately we didn't get time to test the IC with much shorter pipe work.


Struggling for ideas at the moment that don't necessitate hacking the car up!

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Do you have room to get in a Golf G60 FMIC?? would drastically shorten the pipework, but be a bit of a squeeze with a VR lump and also another chunk of expense!


Only other thing is can you crank up the boost to compensate?

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how are yiou measuring your boost and does its feel slower to drive?

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i wouldbut my g60 is in 1000 pieces at the moment and on hold till the r32 is done, sorry

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Blue_Joe, yep that's one option but I then run into belt slip problems. I don't really want anything smaller than a 2.4" pulley if I can help it, which gives me 12 psi. Aiming to only lose 2psi and get 10 at the throttle if poss. I suppose a 2" pulley might be doable, which is around 14psi IIRC but the G60 IC was getting pretty hot with 12 going into it.


Rob_B, standard boost guage. We did check it's accuracy with a proper hydraulic workshop guage and it's spot on. To drive, it's got a very sharp part throttle response and pulls well low down from idle, but sudden wide throttle openings in the midrange flattens it off. But the map is all over the place at the moment as it was a temporary one with loads of advance taken out until I sort the cooler.

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well i would check for leaks first. assuming you havent already done this.

have you tried running the pipework without the cooler in place?see what sort of pressure drop this gives.

does the boost pressure increase after a second or so of full throttle, i.e there is some lag there?

have you measured the charge temeperatures? obviously dropping the temps will affect the pressure, which is what you are measuring with th boost guage. if it feels quicker with lower boost readings, that is a good thing

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the vr engine will be flowing a hell of a lot more than a g60.


The much faster gas speeds will introduce another restriction/limitation of the intercooler.


You might only be running 12psi, but you are probablies trying to push twice as much gas through the same orriface!

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