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UPDATE Thanks: newcomer: Revs just drop when started

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Hi All,


I have a 1.8 16V and not had any serious problems untill now. I turn the ignition to start the car and it starts but then just dies out again (revs just drop straight away). If I keep pumping the accelarator pedal it will keep reving but as soon as I stop pumping the pedal it dies out again. I have changed all plugs, Leads, Cap, arm. From what I can tell fuel is reaching the engine.


Any help would be greatful



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Could either be fuel pump, or ISV related. Not sure how to test them though, am sure someone else does though.

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I have seen that on here for a while but cant find what it is and where. for my sake and others who are thinking same thing what is it?

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isv is the cylinder shape component about 4" long and its located on the far right hand side of the inlet manifold with a plug on it.

Try unplugging it and see what happens

Could be a air leak somewhere,the rubber inlet boots can split on the underside.

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Sounds like it is the ISV. Have you tried wacking it with something blunt?


Does it buzz or vibrate when the ignition is on? Try touching it, with the ignition on, if it doesn't then it's wonky.


Where are you BTW, you might be near another forum member who could help you out...

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make sure all the vacuum hoses are connected and not spilt as flusted said. there are a couple of little shit hoses that run from the airbox to the underneath side of the air intake just before the throttle body, they always came loose on my old valver, so check them. the vacuum hose that runs from the bottom of the airbox across to the isv can get ripped on the alternator belt, as has happened to me before, so turn it over and look at the back and make sure it's ok. otherwise it's possible it's the isv. buy new, as they do go wrong, but from gsf, as they're miles cheaper.

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Hi All

just want to say A big thanks to the guys with the info, I have changed the title so others can find that there was a solution.


I dont know if it was the ISV did clean it as suggested and found alot of dirt/carbon did come out of it. I also checked all parts and found that there was a pipe that the air duct sits on that wasnt connected must not of put it on properly when i changed the rocker gasket.


But unfortunatley now I have found the revs are just bouncing when idle between 500, 1000 any ideas ??????


And my baby over heats but i think this is due to the fan as it seems loose and makes a racket when it comes on.


Thanks again - due to getting my car started again i will be making a donation when I get paid.

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your isv could be knackered, they don't usually respond well to cleaning although it can help.


revs bouncing around at 500 to 1000 rpm.... are you sure it's set up right? could be running lean?


try removing and cleaning the throttle body with carb cleaner and see how you get on then

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Assuming the Co and ignition timing are correct, try this. Turn on the ignition and make sure the ISV buzzes gently, if it doses not buzz, there is a fault in the system. Start the engine and run it until the fan comes on. Locate the idle stabilizer ECU power feed connector at the coil, which has a 1.5-mm red-black wire from both sides of a single terminal male and female white plastic connector and disconnect it. As the idle stabilizer wire is disconnected, the engine may stall. If it does, re-connect it and wind out the idle screw a little and try again. When you have the engine running with the idle stabilizer wire disconnected, set the idle at 1000 rpm using the idle by-pass screw.

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sounds like its the isv, if u unplug it it will make ur revs bounce up and down, its called a stabliser coz it stablises ur rev`s.


sure u`v plugged it back in ? :lol:

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