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Son of a Beesting

If you were going to do a heater matrix on a VR6............

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....what else would you do while you were there?


If I was to change the heater matrix on a VR6, what else would you change (switches etc) while you were there??


Just thinking it would be a good oportunity to do some other bits? I mean more along the lines of things that go wrong rather than to make it look nicer.



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This is a good question imo

I cant find where my leaks are coming from, so i may need mine changing too.

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....what else would you do while you were there?Thanks




Clean the heater blower out.

Apparently there are some relays hidden in that area. I would unplug each one, spray switch cleaner, allow to dry and replug.


Do not forget to take photos for our sake.



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Well I changed my heater matrix for a climate control one so I did I shed load of wiring and piping and cutting and chopping to get the new condensor in and modding the dash for the new controls.


Sorry, guess that doesn't count, got a bit carried away!

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Once you,ve got the heater ducting all cleaned out, fit a Jetex pollen filter to it and save having to clean it all again. Keeps the screen cleaner when you drive too.


Mine has lots of loose shelf fixing screws too, sort those to get rid of some of the squeeks!

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I've finished for the third time that bloody job,apart from the obvious things that you all know be carefull if your ride has A/C because it's possible, if working without help like me,that while trying to reinsert the whole heater and a/c block back into the dash the round plastic solonoid that controls the bottom heater flap can get caught on part of the metal bracket that potrudes from the dash,near the ign.switch.

Watch out that the small plastic nipple does'nt catch on that bracket otherwise pop goes the fu@#ing weasle and your left with a broken solonoid.

Luckly i had a spare A/C block,non A/C cars don't have these problems 'cos the heater is half the size compared and is not fitted with that badly placed item.

1 last thing,you could maybe remove the heater unit's matrix without dismanteling the entire dash,it's going to be impossible to try that on 'raddos fitted with A/C,don't even think about trying it with the dash in place...

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Well I brought a VR6 (gradeafailure's) and it needs a heater matrix/the heater vent dial doesnt go round all the way and I am going to swap the dash shell.


I am going to get an OE heater matrix and I have a new dash shell. Is it worth getting a OE heater dial box as well to replace the broken one? I dont spending that bit extra to get OE bits. Is it worth it? do GSF or ECP sell them? Are they any good?


I am going to give it a good clean while I am there. To say I am a little worried about this job is an understatement!!!! I only want to do it once so any other ideas will be greatfully receieved.



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