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bottom end assembly

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when assembly the bottom end of a PG engine, you are given 6 bearings with oil holes in and 4 without oil holes. obviously 5 go into the block, but where does the 6th bearing with hole go? bently manual says cap 4, but why?

just wondering really

i seem to be having a tough time assembling the my bottom end, when all the caps are set to 65nm on the crank, it is incrediably hard to spin the crank over, any ideas?


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if you can think of a problem, ive had it this year!! lol

the crank bearings got wrecked, so ive had to get all that sorted out

but i got as far as putting the crank in yesterday and it locks up when all the caps are tightened down

hopefully this year will get better though!!!


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I am no expert on VW engines, but for any engine with a tight bottom end


First thing to check is that you have all the bearings in correctly, and the caps in the right positions


Next, check you have the correct bearings, it is possible for the manufacturers to put the wrong size on the shell, so check they are all ok


Make sure the thrust washers are positioned correctly and are not jamming?


Was the crank reground? Are all the journals the same size, and do they match the bearing shell sizes you have bought?


After that make sure the crank is not bowed, if it got heat up enough when it did bearings it is possible for the crank to distort.

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the bearings have been put in in the correct order. the caps read from left to right, 1 at the cambelt end, 5 at the flywheel end. if you stand behind the engine you can read the numbers (not upside down)

the crank hasnt been reground. it should have been checked that it is ok as it was balanced the other day.

the bearings are std size, and if anything i would expect the crank to be loose if the bearings were incorrectly sized.

the thrust washers were positioned so the vertical grooves were on the outside of the cap. the top thrust washer only sat in 1 way so i matched the bottom washer to that.

many thanks for the suggestion though. if any of that sounds incorrect then please say


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If you wrecked the bearings, but did not get the crank re-ground, could there be some debris left on the crank from the old bearings that is making it stick?

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the crank was beyond repair, so i got another crank from a KR engine which is the same.

had that checked by an engineering company, they balanced it (presumably checking it for being straight aswell) and micropolished the journals.

they also cross referenced the shells to the size of the crank.

so it kind of rules out the crank i think, so which avenue to go to next?!?!?!?


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What about any dirt behind the shells on the bearing caps themselves? Or are the caps out of alignment?

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The extra grooved bearing shell goes in the lower cap of number four main cap. What do the bearings say on the back and have you measured thee crank journals?

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