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Horrible rattling, any clues? VR6, PROBLEM FOUND, NOT

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The garage where its being fixed has a 2.8l golf vr6 engine that they can strip parts off, so may suggest they try the oil pump off that. will see what they have to say as they have had another couple of days to look at it now.

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Right then..


Engine has been completely stripped and cleaned internally. The garage has even had an endoscope inside to look for any noticable cracks etc and found nothing.


Engine is now being put back together and I will find out tomorrow if any progress has been made.


General consensus is that it is a cracked block and is only opening up when warm.


I really don't know what to do (if that's the case) and am running out of ideas.


either :


a) Rebore the 2.8l block he has available and refit that = :-( £££

b) Buy another engine = :-( £££

c) Give up and strip the car for parts + buy another VR6 = :-( pain in the arse + ££


With either of these options I will have to sell my Rotrex kit and I am back to square one again!


All the above posibilities are not making me feel too happy...

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Cheers for the info Alex, could be the best option. PM sent


I asked him whether it was ODD1 or 2 (i am assuming 2 so mods would need to be made to drop it in)


I should hopefully find out the verdict later today re: the current engine.

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I think the OBD2ness is all to do with the sensors and throttle body, so you should be fine using bits from your existing engine.

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no worries fella, hope the existing engine comes good but least you've got a back-up plan in place!


i'm not sure whether its an original 2.9 OBD1 or bored out 2.8 OBD2 jobby tbh, can't be that hard to change over though as Toad says, i'm sure Kev had this done on his when he had his charger, think the advantage is if you get the Rotrex back on OBD2 makes the mapping side of things easier!


p.s. i'd happily vouch for Jimmi as he's a top bloke sorted me out with a wicked Spearco intercooler & a shed load of pipework which i'm going to hook up to my Rotrex eventually.


good luck mate anyway, Alex


Cheers for the info Alex, could be the best option. PM sent


I asked him whether it was ODD1 or 2 (i am assuming 2 so mods would need to be made to drop it in)


I should hopefully find out the verdict later today re: the current engine.

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Right engine is now been started up and is deemed to be f**ked.


I have PMed Jimmi and will buy the engine off him if its still available.


In regards to swapping the coilpack back to a dizzy (the new engine is coilpack obd1 so throttlebody is the same?) is it just a case of swapping bits from the old engine and plugging them into the old harness and ECU i.e the distributor area only or are there other things to consider?


Itching to get back on the road now... been 2 months at least!

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Engine on its way, should be at the garage tomorrow.. courtesy of the "thieving, modern day Dick Turpin" himself...JIMMI :-)


So, hopefully I should be back in the saddle some day soon!

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Itching to get back on the road now... been 2 months at least!


Tell me about it! Feeling the same with mine at the mo...... so close now 8)

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well, well, well...


been a while since i've been on here and thought i would revive this thread one last time for an update.


Got the C back after 3 months in the garage... new engine from jimmi finally fitted!


so back on the road again after what seemed like an age, C is running smooth and strong again with 70,000 less miles on the clock (as far as the engine goes at least).


Rotrex has been sat in a box in the cupboard since christmas now. I think I will put the kit I built up for sale in the coming weeks though... as nice as it was having all that power, I think its time to move on for the time being and put the money towards my credit card bill and a new exhaust and bodywork improvements.


i will probably pick up a larger 80mm pulley from storm developments for it (so that anyone who buys won't crack their engine block like I did!)


Should drop the boost to about 12psi and will be good for around 300bhp.


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Good to hear your back on the road Ben (funny cause mine's got a re-built gearbox from Jimmi with a Quaife in it now), sounds like the lump was a good buy then!


Sorry to hear the Rotrex is going though matey, any chance i can take you up on that offer of some help with my SP-30 84 install at some point, the rest of my VR's in a fit state to handle it now (just had clutch, chains, tensioner, water pump and a shed load of other stuff all done) so i'm happy to whack it on, charger's been sat in my spare room for nearly 5 months now & i really want to get going, got all the rest of the kit & the red tops etc, i also went for a 12psi pulley did'nt want to max the charger or my engine out.....well not just yet anyway!!! :twisted:





Got the C back after 3 months in the garage... new engine from jimmi finally fitted!


so back on the road again after what seemed like an age, C is running smooth and strong again with 70,000 less miles on the clock (as far as the engine goes at least).

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