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Chris VR6nos


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Does anyone have info on this nitrogen/oxygen mix?


Is it used at dragways? if so what kits or systems use it?


Post what you know on this subject as it is a fraction of the price of Nitrous oxide! and i'm trying to find out about it.






Thanx Chris

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it seems nitrox is a generic term for any nitrogen oxygen mix. Air is nitrox. you need to specify a ratio. run out of things to say.

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Nitrox is used by divers for deeping diving, and contains a higher ratio of oxygen to nitrogen (to reduce the effects of the benz).


Nitrox is a binary mix of Nitrogen (N2) and Oxygen (O2) - so no other gases. The ratio however depends on its rating. EAN 25 would be 25% oxygen, 75% Nitrogen, for example...


Nitrous Oxide is N2O. By weight it is 36% oxygen (whereas normal air is 23.6%). So a Nitrox mix above EAN 36, should in theory, be better.... The nitrogen in Nitrous Oxide is used as a cooling agent (thus increasing the density of the air) and helping the oxidising agent to burn the fuel more aggresively.


However, whether a normal Nitrox mix would have the same effect, I don't know.


Did you know that Nitrous Oxide is actually an irratant of the mucus membrane plus contributes to smog and acid rain? Sunlight actually breaks down NO2 and creates ground-level Ozone.... not good! Irrelevant to car use though, 'cos you should be using the oxygen up... The nitrogen isn't good for the CAT, though, iirc.


*puts A-level Chemistry notes away*

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Ground level Ozone isn't good 'cos it's toxic! O3 (ozone) is also given off by laser printers and many other heat ionised electrical appliances... If you sit near a laser printer (or fax or photo copier) at work and get headaches, it's 'cos you are slowly being poisoned! :shock:


IIRC Nitrox is also a brand name for a fuel additive that supposedly adds an oxidant to the fuel to make it burn like it's got a N2O shot attached... Was it a black banner with yellow writing on it you saw? If it was then, if I understand it correctly, it's basically the same as most Octane boosters you can get... :roll:

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(ozone) is also given off by laser printers and many other heat ionised electrical appliances...


At last, someone else that knows about that!!


I've been telling people that eversince I've been fiddling with laserJet 2's (gives you an idea of how long I've been in IT :? ) and they never believed me! They usually say ozone is in the sky or Boyzone are a pop band and nothing to do with printers......morons!



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(ozone) is also given off by laser printers and many other heat ionised electrical appliances...


At last, someone else that knows about that!!


I've been telling people that eversince I've been fiddling with laserJet 2's (gives you an idea of how long I've been in IT :? ) and they never believed me! They usually say ozone is in the sky or Boyzone are a pop band and nothing to do with printers......morons!




Yeah, when you ionise O2 you get mainly O2 with some O3 mixed in. Lasers are very good at ionising O2 when used in a heating capacity like in a printer. You also get a funny smell with O3 which is a slightly stale smell most people think is the ink/toner drying... :roll:

It's pretty basic Chemistry really. I failed my Chemistry A level, but I still know that! :lol:


The reason it's toxic is because the body can't break it down to use it or get rid of it so it affectively suffocates you in a similar way to Carbon Monoxide.... Not good... :shock:

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Lasers are very good at ionising O2 when used in a heating capacity like in a printer. You also get a funny smell with O3 which is a slightly stale smell most people think is the ink/toner drying...


This is really weird, we were discussing this at work today! - alot of our users work in old buildings that wer'nt designed for PC's let alone all the cables, peripherals etc.. I made a comment to a woman who was sitting right next to a massive Kyocera laser printer which was there first but when she started that was the only place for a desk, she said she'd just got used to the noise but was'nt aware of the other effects it could have on her especially bearing in mind there was no ventilation to the office whatsoever!! - not good :?


Not as bad as my previous job tho, managers would buy printers capable of serving whole departments just for them to use because if they didn't spend the money in there budget they would loose it next year! I installed an HP laserjet 8550 in a single person office, they even ordered the model that had a built in network card without checking they had a free point first, I connected it to the PC with a parrellel cable :shock: and upon asking who else needed to be setup to print to it I was told no-one as they didn't want people wandering in and out all the time!


And yes that was one of the main reasons I left the NHS, we had absolutly no say it what got spent, we could only recommend as they all had there own budgets - the PCT's (Primary Care Trusts) were the worst offenders (complete waste of money) - In my current job I now earn more than my mum after 3 years experience in IT, she has been a Staff Nurse for the last 20 years and initially did 3 years training to become one! - Don't you just love this country!! :mad:

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I wondered when you'd tip up into this one with your fancy avatar numberplate and all... :wink:


Come on then, what is Nitrox then?!? :roll: :lol:

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The things you learn by accident!

Glad I asked, good info lads!

See Corrado owners aren't thick!

I'd like to see this topic and it's contributions on the Saxo site!






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Oi! GRINGOG60, Are you reading this? It's now bugging me as to what NITROX actually IS..... :wink:

Answers please on a postcard to...... :lol:

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Yeah, when you ionise O2 you get mainly O2 with some O3 mixed in. Lasers are very good at ionising O2 when used in a heating capacity like in a printer. You also get a funny smell with O3 which is a slightly stale smell most people think is the ink/toner drying... :roll:

It's pretty basic Chemistry really. I failed my Chemistry A level, but I still know that! :lol:




remember getting told this by one of the reprographic engineers when he was fixing our electrostatic platemaker over 15 years ago.......and that smell its so hard to explain what its closest to

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