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Noooo....the savages strike again. :x

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This is really starting to get my goat. After having had my windows smashed in January, now I walk round the corner and find this. Who the f**k steals your foglights? I mean, FFS, that's so low. South London sucks, bunch of savages in this town. As of tomorrow I'm looking for a lock-up.

:x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

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You can tell the weather is getting more mild - the low lives are coming back out of the woodwork :( Sorry to hear about this :(

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Wheelie Bins? That's weak! Surely you just ring up the council to ask for new ones? wouldn't know as I live in a flat.


I am gutted...... jazzdevil, you're right. When I was in 'Nam...........

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but still gonna cost me 50quid for 2 new ones!!!

Bummer dude. BTW, i didn't mean you were weak, rather the people who stole them. Not like you can flog them on fleabay. Now I know why people paint their house number in huge white paint down the side.

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no worries i knew what u meant :lol:


i've actually heard its kids takin them to burn them for some reason??????????????

least the never just set fire to them in the garden :lol:

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I wanna kick them in the nuts. Sure its gotta be someone round here with a 'rado....not anybody from here, mind you. There's a white VR6 that kicks around sometimes. I'll ask him if I see him.

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:roll: What a joke. Fog lights!??! The worst part is that it was most likely someone with a C. There really should be a law against pikeys owning Corrados.

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move house.


Not that easy, don't have the cash. Plus its either live here or in the arse crack of Wiltshire with my parents. No ta. I'm a London boy, it comes with the territory.

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there is probably some pikey round your way with Corrado fog lights as reading lamps in the bedroom or as strip lights in his kitchen....classy!!!!

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what a bunch of cnuts!!!!


what's coconuts got to do with anything?? :lol:


apparently they migrate..


Thats fricking dirty, makes you want to start etching the reg or something into every component on the car when this happens...

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what's coconuts got to do with anything?? :lol:


apparently they migrate..


take it you've seen Spamalot then? saw it last night. very funny.


There really should be a law against pikeys owning Corrados.


8) some sort of IQ/driving test?!


bad luck Corradude, so infuriating. :x just too much too soon after the windows

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too bad pal.. feeling for you.


dont have a lock up but there's a space round the back of my flat that i rent from the peabody trust, don't know how much it helps but out of sights got to be better..

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