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Shifting problems....

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Alrite...well first off im 17 and i just started driving a manual for the first time...a G60...Im not sure if im doing something wrong in shifting...but sometimes its hard to find first gear...and sometimes it goes into reverse without even pressing down on the stick...Then once its in first, it doesnt go straight down into second...Is this typical for corrados? Its almost like theres something from keeping it from going straight down....I have to pull down, and then go a little to the right and then down....Any comments would be appreciated. I dont know a whole lot about cars and stuff, so if you know how to fix this, please put it in stupid person terms. Thanks again :D

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well you'l make few youngsters unhappy here..17 yo driving a g60 :lol:


anyway the shifters are a bit poo..try loosening the cables at the box..then wiggle the shifter and re tighten,it may take a few trys to improove things


i think theres an article on the net somewhere describing it better

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What Steveo says.. Also, take a look under the hood, it might help if you get some spray grease and blow some onto the linkages. A little while back my G60s shift turned to $hit and that was all it needed. It was really stiff selecting pretty much any gear.



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oh my god..that cant be right! your 17 and you have a G60?? and i'm nearly 21 and was told i needed a liscence for 3yrs before even trying to insure it.

sorry to offload the topic.

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oh my god..that cant be right! your 17 and you have a G60?? and i'm nearly 21 and was told i needed a liscence for 3yrs before even trying to insure it.

sorry to offload the topic.


Theres also a guy on here who's 15 with an SLC!

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Shush...i work hard to drive that thing....and thats about it haha. Costs me about $170 a month just to insure it..then gas (or i guess you guys call it petrol?) Man, i need to look for a second job just to roll that thing out of the driveway. Anyways...its got a few little problems here and there that really cant be explained by a book....I was wondering if any of you other corrado owners that know a ton about corrado stuff had some type of instant messenger service that i could ask someone a few questions on...I have a ton of questions that could probably be answered in one sentence...Thought it would be quicker that way than putting a message up on here every time i thought of another. So if anyone could give me their icq # or AIM screen name...yahoo messenger...something along those lines, ide greatly appreciate it....Thanks again.



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Hmm i like the headlights on your Corrado Dubbprince - Howd you pull that off? Kindof look like BMW headlights or something...

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hi guys,


i am a newcomer to the site and its nice to finally find people who know what they are talking bout and not wanting to rip me off!! i am sure you all know what i am on about with that one!


i have exactly the same problem as choumbie with my gear changing so i will have to give the adjustment a try. with mine you dont have to push down to select reverse so makes interesting changing....worried that i will stick it into the garage wall accidentally if i dont get it sorted!


its been in storage for a few years now so it was probably messed up by muppet test drivers where i left it abroad to sell! thankfully no one bought it cos there was only 6 in the entire country making parts from VW even more expensive than usual! such a shame that i still have it....honest!


cheers for all the info



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i have managed to fix my shifting problems, are you still getting yours?


if you are, lift the gaiter off and take a look at the horizontal shaft that the gear stick & knob sits on.


does the gear stick and its sleeve at the base move left to right without the whole sprung unit tilting? if it does then it shouldnt!


if it does check the horizontal shaft that the gear stick sits on, and to the left on the horizontal shaft itself there should be a small groove with a circlip in it. if its broken thats what could be causing your difficulties in changing.


took me a while to notice the groove cos there was loads of blackened grease all over it but i have put a new circlip on mine and all the gear changes are as slick as ever! far better than getting VW to do it for 25 quid! :D

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Alrite....well, i finally got my car back from being fixed (getting a new distributor) annnd now it starts up all nice and stuff....but that lame shifting problem is still there...Now the car really has problems getting into second and fourth gear....Both the bottom gears...Im thinking this is not a problem that could happen from bearings not being properly greased....Can anyone think of any reasons why my car is having these problems? It was getting bad last nite, and today i tried to go drive it, and it wont go into second at all. AHHHHHh .....Theres some much crap in that shifter...If anyone has an idea how to fix this, a picture would be helpful....If anyone can tell me how to fix this problem...Ill owe my life to you. Thankyou:)

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