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Re: Quicky's Corrado - Audi 3.2

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Really struggleing to find a suitable loom that goes from the ecu to the interior! Any body know if other models have the same part of the loom? ie would a mk5 diesel or mk4 r32 have the same setup??


I don't know if yours is different to mine but apart from the pedal wires (6) I have literally 4 wires going from the ECU to the interior in mine which are (again might be different on yours):


- ECU Power (1 wire, mines purple/black) - needs connecting to a wire that has permanent live even when cranking, mine's taken from the ignition

- MAF and Front Lambdas (2 wires) - these just need a power source so I have these connected together and spliced in to the power wire for the fuel pump.

- Diagnostics (1 wire, grey/white) - splices in to the original grey wire at the diagnostics point. There are also a couple of orange wires for the diagnostics but they are for some kind of CAN-BUS controller which the car doesn't have and so are not needed. My VAG-COM works fine.


And then you just have the 6 wires for the pedal (can't remember the order off my head but they are red/brown, yellow/green, white/blue, grey/blue, grey/black, brown/blue IIRC). Everything else is in the bay (apart from things like oil/water temp/pressure wires going to the clocks which I need to do).


I don't know the colours off the top of my head, not sure if they are different to yours though like I said. I have it all written down at home so can tell you the exact colours of the wires and the exact plugs of the ECU they connect to!

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My ECU seems to have many ecu pins, quite suprised how very few wires you have coming from yours. I can't tell at the moment with side of the ecu is interior and motor because the idiot scrap yard cut the loom and i have no connectors. luckily the engine loom is cheap ish from audi.


My ECU is

VAG 022 906 032 CA

Bosch 0 261 208 087


Audi BDB engine, I will post some pictures of the ecu and connectors when I get home.

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That's the same ECU I am currently running in mine (borrowed from Stealth as my 032 CD one was fooked, got a new one now though!) and it's running fine so should be exactly the same with yours. I will get more details on the wires going from my ECU to inside tonight for you, all the colours and pin numbers etc and some pics! If you have the main loom plug (large left hand side plug on the ECU) they all come off of that.

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That sounds superb!! I haven't got the main loom ( i assume you mean interior part?) but if only some of the wires are used I can try and find a hacked up version and extend the wires myself.


If thats true then I should be able to get the wiring done soon :-)


If you can send me as much info as you can that would be brilliant and will buy you a pint at the next meet. :notworthy:

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Well I won't get too excited yet as I might be talking complete bollox :lol:


I had my loom sorted by Vince at Stealth, I gave him the complete loom (engine and interior), he done a superb job cutting it all down to what I needed and labelling it all up etc. I have literally 99% of the wiring in the bay connected to the ECU, then I have these 4 wires and 6 pedal wires going inside. But I'm not sure off the top of my head whether that's all you need.


Best bet is talking to Vince, he will tell you all you need to know :notworthy:


In the mean time I will take some pics of mine and get the details for the wires that I have going in to the interior.

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Sorry dude, had a quick look and noted down a few but I started confusing myself and loosing track of some of the wires which were starting to all look the same :nuts: :lol:


For now I have just made you a litte diagram of the DBW Pedal wiring, good old MS Paint :lol: Not really a massive help to you at the min but I'm finishing off my wiring to the dash this weekend so will try and remember to note everything down as we go along.

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Will have to meet up for some photos at some point soon...i will try and get in touch with the bloke who owns the red corrado in Peterborough and see if he is up for a few photos :)

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Sorry dude, had a quick look and noted down a few but I started confusing myself and loosing track of some of the wires which were starting to all look the same :nuts: :lol:


For now I have just made you a litte diagram of the DBW Pedal wiring, good old MS Paint :lol: Not really a massive help to you at the min but I'm finishing off my wiring to the dash this weekend so will try and remember to note everything down as we go along.


Wow!! You don't do things by half do you! If it's only a few wires that come out of the ECU to the cabin, how come you had Stealth do the work? I wonder what the other terminals control.


You using standard clocks?


Will have to meet up for some photos at some point soon...i will try and get in touch with the bloke who owns the red corrado in Peterborough and see if he is up for a few photos :)


Yeah sounds good, let me know when your thinking and Ill get cleaning. Got any places in mind for a back drop?

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Yeah sounds good, let me know when your thinking and Ill get cleaning. Got any places in mind for a back drop?


Erm not really got anywhere in mind. I will get one of my mates out with his SLR camera aswell to get some good shots of the cars :) As for a date, im working the next 4-5 days and not sure what im working the next few weeks...i will give you a text :D

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Sorry dude, had a quick look and noted down a few but I started confusing myself and loosing track of some of the wires which were starting to all look the same :nuts: :lol:


For now I have just made you a litte diagram of the DBW Pedal wiring, good old MS Paint :lol: Not really a massive help to you at the min but I'm finishing off my wiring to the dash this weekend so will try and remember to note everything down as we go along.


Wow!! You don't do things by half do you! If it's only a few wires that come out of the ECU to the cabin, how come you had Stealth do the work? I wonder what the other terminals control.


You using standard clocks?


:lol: Just thought that's what I would have liked to see when I was trying to figure it all out!! Well only a few come out the ECU and go in to the cabin but that's after Stealth had sorted out the rest of the wiring! There's still a lot of it and I wouldn't have known where to start! :eek: There's no way near as much as there was to start with. Tbh I'm not sure what you have and what you don't so I can't really comment on how easy/hard it would be, your best option is speaking to Vince or someone. He charged £650+VAT to do my wiring which was basically handing him everything from the car and being given back a nice neat selection of engine wiring all wrapped up and labelled etc with instructions ready to just plug in, plus the ECU had the immobilizer remove, all un-needed things flashed and it was remapped. I thought that was good value really.


Yeah I'm running the standard clocks, that's actually another wire or 2 that'll be going in to the dash as I have had to use a CAN-BUS converter for the clocks for the RPM to work.

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Think I may have sourced some wiring looms! Heres hoping that when they arrive from germany, there the correct ones. My German translation and all that lol :lol:

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Should be on the road soon then :wink:

Unless its a bit like yours and scared of tarmac ;)

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Should be on the road soon then :wink:

Unless its a bit like yours and scared of tarmac ;)


LOL!! Have you seen my soldering and electrical diagram reading skillz! I reckon it's brought the conversion date closer but not by much, mainly due to funds :-(


Still aiming early next year

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Should be on the road soon then :wink:

Unless its a bit like yours and scared of tarmac ;)



You may notice me around now a days...roger works :D




We should all meet up at some point and get a few photos of the cars before the winter sets in

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What about at the next alldubzklub meet (1st Sunday of Nov)?


Yea i can do it, will have to be left by 2.30 though as i have work

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Ive allready made plans to be there this coming sunday.


Not once have I spoke to anyone there but ive decided that me and a few mates are going to turn up and see what happens!


So an ideal idea!


What time does it all kick off? Do they still meet at the pub at the showground and convoy down? Just that if Chris needs to go by 2.30, they dont meet at the botolph until 2ish aparently.


Makes no odds to me, im closer to botolph than the showground :lol:

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As far as I know they don't do the cruise from the showground to the pub any more. I'll aim to get to the Botolph for 2pm, so we can go take pics quickly before Chris has to shoot off.


Won't be able to do a full clean of my car this weekend as I will be in Donnington all day Saturday so I my car will look a bit sorry for itself on the day. :lol:

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