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This alps guys a complete pen*s, how on earth can anyone descirbe a 10.8 second qtr time as fuck all. and then quote a race car's time(spaceframed and with virtually no civic remaining). The civic is an amazing car, i've read about it before but the time effort and money going in to it is obsene compared to the rather special mk2 that for all intents and purposeses remains simply a very well engineered mk2 (well done that man for quite a show at GTI festival at the weekend!). Who apparently drove to and from the track!!


Can you simply not end this virtual slanging match by asking him how much he has in total spent on his (very good looking, dont get me wrong the teg is a lovely car) rice burner including the extra engine work he failed to mention up to this point, and then inform him of the cost of a VR6 C and a supercharger Conversion? that would royally p*ss on his bonfire


The guy has no respect for anyone elses efforts and does not know what he is ranting about - quite clear from the inital statement that no one made a quick fwd car in the early 90's but honda. C VR6 is a good example (especially when guys on here are getting dynos from stealth for standard cars around and over the 200bhp mark (fly)) but there are others, the one that sprigs to mind is the JDM spec Nissan Primera GT (2.0 4 pot 170bhp)


Good luck with this, did make me laugh reading his posts though, thanks :-)

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That is slightly funny, slightly boring and slightly frustrating :lol:


You also need to remind him how old your car is, oh and Top Gear reckon its the best handling FWD car ever!! (may have changed in the last couple of years though).


My cars quicker than both of you anyway :p





Sorry couldnt resist :rofl:

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Im a member on that forum and its not the first time that Mr Paccino has portrayed himself as pen15.... I do love Cosworths though!!

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like the way its all about BHP, what a joke!, if you pitched my corrado G60 against my charged VR6 golf on the roads the corrado would win hands down, BHP isnt everything, there are peopel on this forum who have set their cars up to actually DRIVE properly not just to put out good 'pub figures.' if you gave the Honda some good twisty bits it would beat the 'average' corrado easy peasy, because thats what it was made for, LSD, sorted handling, high revving engine etc, wheeas the corrado isnt running any 'special' suspension to help it in the corners.plus the Honda must be using a 6 speed box too. My other halfs step brother had a Honda Integra R, hated it, everything about it, sold it and went back to his prodrive built Scooby, then onto a 530 BMW......so Hondas are good on a track but completly crap as a daily car IMO, bit like a lotus elise.

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Yeah.. that'd be a losing battle mate. Understand where you're coming from but brand loyalty is hard to get through sometimes!

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he's in middlesbrough, if you like i could go pull his hair?? it may help lol


what a complete idiot btw

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Haha just read that whole thread and am quite ammused. That guys a right nob end, saying the VR6 is 170bhp and weighs 3 tonnes :lol::lol::lol: mines 203bhp and 196lb standard and have beat a plenty of civic type r's although not raced a teg im sure it would beat one of them too!


And i agree with the money issue, he is obviously spending a lot of money to get small gains out of his steg, where as a vr6 owner can bolt on a charger and they have an extra 100bhp nearly in a day :D

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Are we not missing the point here (apart from the penii racing each other on a public road).


He's driving just another one of the billions of Jap wagons and you're driving a widely popular, rare classic of which there are only a few thousand left in existance.


And it's not slow either.


How many times does he have strangers stop him in public and say "ah yeah, nice car - I'd always wanted one of them"? :lol:

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How many times does he have strangers stop him in public and say "ah yeah, nice car - I'd always wanted one of them"?


Absolutely bang on 8)


Standard wise, an Integra would beat a Corrado. Track & Road.

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Disagree about a standard Teg beating a standard C. When I had my first VR, I beat a Teg Type R on the motorway- he was so cross he couldn't pull away, he started throwing rubbish out of his window at me!


Get caught in the wrong gear in VTEC and you're done for. By the time you get it back in the zone it's too late. I remember being destroyed by a Polo TDI when I had my EG Civic VTI. Off the lights it was very quick, and also if you were keeping it in VTEC the whole time (which becomes very tiring after about 5 mins!). For 'real world' driving though, not that impressive.


Love the Integra- especially the DC5. They're rare and look good, brilliant handling a fast. I think a VR is a match for one though- especially at higher speeds.

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he's in middlesbrough, if you like i could go pull his hair?? it may help lol


what a complete idiot btw



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Given Up trying to Argue! Like banging your head against a brick wall! Dinkus You're right! At least i own one of the best looking Coupe ever made and not some piece of mass produced box!

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Does look very nice indeed.. though I must say that, whilst its obviously there for a reason, the roof duct does look a bit out of place!

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Looks alright, about as much class and style as the original Cossies tho :lol:


Strange how they didn't include any pics of the stripped out interior tho...

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jesus christ that thing moves!


you'll never win an arguement like that though, 50% fact 50% brand loyalty, it's not like you are going to post something and he's suddenly gonna say "sh!t, your right...", just say something about his mother, or go with the hair pulling threat! :lol:

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a mate of mine runs a ITR. had an oldish one as a track day toy, just imported a newer one.


had his missus red corrado 16v for sale on here a while ago, real minter. dirves a golf tdi as a daily.


I'm hoping to take him round croft in the mk4 to see what he thinks.


last time I was at curborough I got taken out in a ITR, driven my a girl who's actually a racing driver. my mk4 was quicker (with the 2.8 in it)!

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