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Peugeot 205 CTI questions

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Apologies if this is in the wrong section, please move if needed...


Anyway, have acquired a 87 205 CTI and am intending on breaking it up. Does anyone have any experience with these cars or the 205 1.6 GTI and has any idea what things are worth??


Regrettably the seats are passed their best but most other parts seem decent enough including the hood...


Any guides for values of parts - bumpers, body kit, dash, gearbox, engine, lights etc etc would be appreciated..

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Keep it mate, just imagine how cool you will look driving about with the wind in your hair in the summer !!!

Ha Ha !!


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I've had both a GTI & a CTI, in between all of the electrical failures :roll: they were both nippy tin boxes. As for what they're worth broken I don't know mate sorry, hoods were always in high demand as were good rear axles. You could have a look on EGay to get an idea?

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always had a soft spot for the 205 GTI's.


Well Rob as summer is approaching maybe i could interest you in a stunning convertible in white. :)

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