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Stan 24v

Show me your bonnet sound proofing ;)

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After finding out that an original sound proofing for a VR is around £85 Im thinking of going with something like dynamat instead.


Or maybe even taking it all off and leaving it bare??? Is it a bit noisy??


So, who's got what under theirs?

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I remember someone saying it was very noisy when they simply removed theirs, and ended up paying for a new set, can't remember who though :-/

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I removed mine as it was tatty and is no longer availiable for the early style bonnet, and i cant say i noticed any difference in the sound, but then i'm not outside the car when i am driving it :lol:

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Here's Triggers Dynamat




Not my cuppa tea TBH.


I've heard that you can buy stuff that's exactly like the original from marine supply shops.

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Mines off at the min, ready for getting some new stuff in, not noticed any difference to be honest, and you can still get the early 5 set from vw. Dynamat hoodliner looks very good but you cant get it in this country. http://www.outdoorbits.com these sell some decent stuff by the look of it.

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yeah according to vw it is still availiable but when RAC windsreens wrecked my bonnet i ordered the foam and when it arrived it was for the new style bonnet, after a few phone calls to vw they confirmed that the stuff for the old style bonnet was discontinued, so they only supply the new style whatever you order.

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Although me and my valver doesn't put out the pure decibels that you VR boys do I didn't notice much of a difference in noise when I removed mine, And I do alot of motorway driving.


Looks nicer too with a steam cleaned engine bay rather then crappy oil stained foam, I'd say leave it off. They only put it in there so as not to offend the delicate ears of anyone with enough wedge to buy a Rado from new anyway.

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