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Just wont start!

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Hi guys,


Got home last week at lunch from work- car was fine. Got back in and it wouldnt start.


Got RAC out to it that eve, and after a few checks the RAC bloke came to the conclusion its the Crankshaft position sensor OR the ECU. But he said he doubts its the ECU. So i ordered a crank position sensor and this aft i fitted it. But still the same- will not start.


The starter motor will go but the car doesnt even attempt to fire up. Could it be the ECU or something else?


I appreciate any help, just want to get it going again because its been stuck on the drive for a week now.


Cheers all!

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Would you need to reset the ECU? Not 100% sure, do a search on resetting you may need VAG-COM as well. If you disconnect battery for 10 mins that wipes fault codes but then there is a series of manouvers that you have to do to reset it. Hope that vague idea helps, I'm sure I'll be corrected.

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Cheers for the speedy replies guys.


What exactly does the ignition swith do, Is it easy to change?


I didnt think of resetting the ECU so ive jsut disconnected it now for ten mins. Will try to start it again in a bit. Fingers crossed if what you said is right nick vr6.


If it doesnt start what else could it be, fuel pump

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Imobiliser? The sensor that reads from the key can come loose and work its way down the steering column. If you have a spare key put one in the ignition to start and hold (wave) the other along the steering column. Good luck

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Its a Quantum immobiliser, dont know if thats a factory one.


If the immobiliser is on the car wont try to turn over. Plus i made sure it was switched off before hand.


Ive just reconnected the battery and tried starting it up. Still no luck. Could the RAC bloke be right when he said it could be the ECU.

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Just found my handbook, under fuses it says "no.15 engine electronics" 10 amp. You never know, it might be that simple....but its a corrado so maybe not.

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Could it be the coil? On my old golf 2.0, one day it just stopped, i got home from work ok, went to go out and that was it! Replaced the coil and all was fine. if your corrado is a vr6 though, it may be different, as when i bought my vr, the coil had packed up but it still fired on a fwe cylinders.

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yeah the fuel pump is work you can hear it when the ignition is switched on. Had the RAC back round just now. Said it could be the immobiliser, though he couldnt find it and i have no idea where it is. Also he said it could be the camshaft sensor. Or it could be the ECU (again) but he'd try that last.


AND he said if it was the ignition switch it wouldnt try to turn over at all (?)


nick vr6, Checked the fuses mate all works ok. What relay no. would it be?

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does it sound normal when its turning over? apart from actually starting

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Yeah sounds ok. Drains battery quick though. Had to buy a new one today. Can hear fuel pump when ignition is turned on.


Anyone got a ECU laying around i could try? Would an ECU from a 93 passat VR6 with coilpack work with a 93 corrado VR6 coilpack?

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im sure that would work even though the passat is 2.8, it should still start it.

my oil pump was duff so my car wouldnt start, dont know if this would apply to the vr

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I believe he's reffering to the coil to provide the spark, which you may have if you've got a distributor, or the coilpack could be knackered if you have a later engine. Try testing for a spark, if you have a spark, try testing for fuel, there can't be much else to try.

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coilpack. sorry me being dumb. No Spark but there is fuel, so the RAC bloke said he could smell. My knowledge of engiens is limited. May be worth trying a new coilpack.

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Try checking the ECU Relay. Position 3 on the fuseboard (3rd from left on the top row, probably marked with the number 109). Put your finger on the relay as you switch the ignition on, you should feel it click if it's ok. If not, replace it.


Are you sure you are getting fuel or are you just taking the RAC man's word for it?


Otherwise, it could be a broken wire somewhere which can be a real pain because of all the tracing you need to do.


Best wishes



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yeah think i put too much trust in the RAC blokes. Ive jsut bought an ignition switch gonna give it a go. if no luck ill try what you said Roger Blassberg. . This is starting to be a pain in the ar*e.


watch this space

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good luck mate..


had a nightmare with my c the other day started every day normally.. then one day nothing .. started off a bump.. or started with power to the starter solenoid direct.. so i had lost a live somewhere along route as there was live at ignition but none other end.. i just put a new live from ignition through engine bay to solenoid.. not the best but eh its running until i can get her to electrical engineer..



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How the B*LL*CKS do you get to that little screw holding the ignition switch in???? Ive done what the WIKI guide said and bent a small screwdriver. Stil lcant get to the b*gger. Whos idea was it to put a screw there?


EDIT: Right had a noesy about on here. Ive raed that s*dding the screw off all together is the best option. Get the old switch out and then cable tie it back on.


Sorry for turning the air blue, just frustrating trying to get to that little screw which is in the worse position ever! GRRR :lol:

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