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Cars > 10yrs old face scrapheap?

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That does not bode well at all. The hilarious thing there of course is that there is nothing stopping one family from having 4 reasonably heavy polluting cars (say like a few big mercs, landrover, etc) yet some enthusiast who say cycles to work but has (for example) an MG from the 70's that he dusts off and takes to car shows over the summer potentially will have his car scrapped.


In my opinion, yet another completely ill concieved green scheme.

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Actually it states that in germany there are supposedly exceptions to be made for "historic" cars. 80s and early 90s cars don't count in that though. Anyway, it's only a ban from town centres in certain specific cities. Hardly worthy of the over dramatic headline.

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tbh I cant see it happening...........if they claim the older cars are pumping out pollution then it makes the emissions part of the MOT a joke if it can pass those then its "within" laid down tolerances........besides most buses I see in Aberdeen(home of First-group btw) pump out tonnes of particulates

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I think any late model VR6 will easily pass the emissions regs for 1996 .. since that's when they were being registered. So don't worry about it.


And anyway, as said, even if your car belches out fumes (like any modern diesel) it's only going to mean you *might* not be allowed to drive into the city centre and that's all.

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Yes, I think they'd really struggle to implement something like this. They'd face a massive backlash.


It's worrying that they'd even consider it though IMO.


I've got a few friends who live in Edinburgh City Centre with much older classic cars (Alfas etc) who would not welcome this if they did implement it.

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also the fact the news has come from mycarcheck.com :lol:


and the way its written is typical internet crap, written to scare people and cause arguements


"rust buckets from the 1980's" :lol: great line

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'considering'. does anyone know what red taps they have to go through before something like this is passed?

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What a load of bllocks.gif


When are people going to stop believing all the bullsh|t and hype...The human race accounts for a super small percentage of pollutants compared to the main source...


The fecking earth itself.


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Well, I think that the cars in Edinburgh city centre are pretty much 100% responsible for the pollution in Edinburgh city centre.


But, as we've all pointed out this is typically unbalanced and hyped-up "journalism" designed to catch the eye and try to incite the daily mail readers to "demand action"..


Ignore it and it'll probably never happen. Certainly not for another 5-10 years, and even then it'll be a severely cut-down version of this supposed plan.

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