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VR6 has died, advice please!

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Lost power on my 95 vr6 driving up the m40 at the weekend and was given (what I thought at the time to be) the bad news that head gasket had gone. I came to terms with this and arranged to have it sorted by a friend who is a VW mechanic.


However, upon full inspection, the damage was far worse - head and pistons are shot.


Further details about car:


95M VR6 Metallic Violet, full heated leather, everything works, bodywork in v good condiditon. New clutch and chains fitted 12 months ago. 128k on the clock.


My questions:


1. Do I fix or do I break?!

2. If i fix I think I should get hold of a decent reconned engine, anyone know of anyone reputable who recons?

3. I paid £3k for the car 18 months ago, any rough estimates on what I would get for all the parts if I break it? Or if I sold as is?

4. Also, estimated potential value if I fitted a reconditioned engine??


Any answers to the above would be very much appreciated, I really want to keep my C on the road but don't want to go bankrupt in the process!


Oh, and finally: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:



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Guys,4. Also, estimated potential value if I fitted a reconditioned engine??Jack


One sold on e-bay for £1500

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i'd get it fixed, no way would i split it for an engine failure, if not find a buyer for it and admit the loss :lol:

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Try Vega for a new engine, thats where im getting mine from, which is coming from the Holland.



Would be interested in knowing what price you will be paying for this and is it a 2.9 ABV and are they as good as from when new i.e as VW eith same power outputs etc.





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Yes its an ABV 2.9. The VW specialist thats ordering it in for me swears by VEGE (sorry not VEGA). Its costing me around 2k just for the engine. The engines arent new, as in just built by VW, rather reconditioned to very high standards. I didnt think of asking about the power outputs i assumed they would be the same as from new. The engines are fully stripped and parts replaced and are as new so the power output should be the same.


Another thing is availablitity. When the garage rang up VEGE to order myself one, he came back to me and said there were only 2 available. One had already been purchased by someone else, the other was available, which ive now got. However the sale is on an exchange basis of your old engine. So at a guess there will be 2 other units available, mine and the other engine from whom ever bought the other one.





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Thanks for your comments guys, you'll be pleased to hear that I have decided to invest and keep my beloved C on the road.


I have sourced a rebuilt engine, and as the car had a new clutch not so long ago then it should be in good shape once the work is completed.


One other thought, whilst this work is being carried out, what other parts are worth replacing along the way? Also, are there any parts that should be replaced with performance rather than OEM parts? I am no mechanic and am taking advice from friends on this one, but opinions of you guys would be great.



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Yes its an ABV 2.9. The VW specialist thats ordering it in for me swears by VEGE (sorry not VEGA). Its costing me around 2k just for the engine. The engines arent new, as in just built by VW, rather reconditioned to very high standards. I didnt think of asking about the power outputs i assumed they would be the same as from new. The engines are fully stripped and parts replaced and are as new so the power output should be the same.


Another thing is availablitity. When the garage rang up VEGE to order myself one, he came back to me and said there were only 2 available. One had already been purchased by someone else, the other was available, which ive now got. However the sale is on an exchange basis of your old engine. So at a guess there will be 2 other units available, mine and the other engine from whom ever bought the other one.







Critical Mass... can you keep us informed how this engine replacement works out?

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One thing to bear in mind with the Vege or any other rebuilt engines is the pistons alone are £600+VAT. So if engines seem unfeasibly cheap, question it!


Also ask what they will be rebuilding. If rebuilding your own engine, they will need 82.5mm pistons from mahle, which takes the capacity to 2897cc.


If rebuilding from a 2.8, stock 2.9 pistons from VW (also Mahles) will be OK, but they're very expensive too and usually on back order. Even the Mahles can take up to 6 weeks to ship.


A full ABV rebuild should be as follows:-


Resurfaced and rebored / honed for 82.5mm pistons

New pistons and rings

Crank journals checked and reground as necessary

New bearings throughout

New oil pump

New water pump

New intermediate shaft bearing

New chains and tensioners (with MK4 upper pad)

New conrod and main bolts

New crank seals

Head checked for warping and cracks, porosity then a light skim

Valves and valve seats checked and replaced

New guides and seals

New springs

New followers

Assembled with Sharan Metal gasket with new head bolts, timed and ready to drop in.


If all that comes to £2K using genuine parts, it's a bargain.


I know of VEGE from my aircooled days and they're good, but some engine refurbers just do a strip down, clean up and reassembly with just new rings and guides to stop oil smoking. Be wary!

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Yes ill try keep you informed.


Walsey - thanks for the advice. I will email VEGE asking them what exactly they will replace. Also ask my mechanic. Appreciated :)

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I bought a C as a non runner and put a VEGE engine in (£2K)a year ago which has run fine. I had it on a rolling road and without the air box it came up to 185 Bhp (how accurate are the Bhp readings on these??).


When you read the VEGE warranty it explains that if the engine overheats its not covered by the warranty so you end up replacing all the things that could fail and cause a problem like the radiator, water pump, sensors, etc, etc. So far Ive spent about 4-5K but that does includes Magnex exhaust, suspension etc and I do want to keep the car a while - but its easy to do ....engine mounts could do with replacing whilst the engine is out - you get the idea.


Apparently if you have a warranty claim VEGE can be very slow to do anything and I have heard of a few companies dropping them because of this. I found a couple of threads were stripped in the block when fitting ancillaries and paid for an engineer to fit helicoils which VEGE said they would pay for - I never got the money :(


All in all though things are fine, the engine is good and doesn't burn oil, and it pulls well!!

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I suppose thats the flip side of the coin of the stories my mechanic has told me about VEGE. He's told me of a camper engine that went back 4 years after it was fitted - outside warrenty. They ask for engine to be shipped over to them, they ended up fixing it and sending it back free of charge. Though wasnt told what was wrong with it.

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One thing to bear in mind with the Vege or any other rebuilt engines is the pistons alone are £600+VAT. So if engines seem unfeasibly cheap, question it!


Also ask what they will be rebuilding. If rebuilding your own engine, they will need 82.5mm pistons from mahle, which takes the capacity to 2897cc.


If rebuilding from a 2.8, stock 2.9 pistons from VW (also Mahles) will be OK, but they're very expensive too and usually on back order. Even the Mahles can take up to 6 weeks to ship.


A full ABV rebuild should be as follows:-


Resurfaced and rebored / honed for 82.5mm pistons

New pistons and rings

Crank journals checked and reground as necessary

New bearings throughout

New oil pump

New water pump

New intermediate shaft bearing

New chains and tensioners (with MK4 upper pad)

New conrod and main bolts

New crank seals

Head checked for warping and cracks, porosity then a light skim

Valves and valve seats checked and replaced

New guides and seals

New springs

New followers

Assembled with Sharan Metal gasket with new head bolts, timed and ready to drop in.


If all that comes to £2K using genuine parts, it's a bargain.


I know of VEGE from my aircooled days and they're good, but some engine refurbers just do a strip down, clean up and reassembly with just new rings and guides to stop oil smoking. Be wary!


I work for MAHLE, everyone be nice to me! :lol:

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When i was looking at recon engines Vege was by far the best solution for the money. Maybe better to spend a bit more and go for a stealth rebuild?


I remember the vege rebuild was very comprehensive. Everything that should be replaced IS replaced.

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You pays your money, you takes your choice really. If VEGE cut a corner here and there .. well it's still an engine with a warranty that's going to cost less than a brand new bare block would from VW.

If you must have it absolutely new and perfect you either pay someone to fully rebuild it for you, or you buy the brand new bits and put it together yourself.

For the rest of us mere mortals something like the VEGE rebuild is probably sufficient for the next 50k miles.

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