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VR6 Cooling system probs

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Ive got 3 problems with my cooling system - K reg corrado VR6. Now I dont know if these are all related but here they are, im wonding if anyone could shed some light on possible solutions, thanks:


1. When starting the car when it has been stood for longer than a couple of hours once the car is started after about 30 seconds the coolant warning light comes on. If u stop and start the engine again, it sometimes goes away, other times I need to got and undo the cap from the coolant system then put it back on. Any idea what could be causing this? The water level is never below the min mark and it still does it.

2. When crusing on the motorway the water temp guage will often be low (around 70) so I replaced the thermostat thinking that would help as I understand a water temp of around 90 is desirable for maximum efficiency etc. Assuming the new thermostat is not a dud, what could be causing this overcooling, or is this really not a problem worth worrying about?

3. I get a slight drip of water coming from the aux water pump when the engine has been hot. This is not a very significant amount of water, a few drips really. Water appears to be coming from the base of the unit where it appears an elbow is screwed to the unit where one of the hoses attached. Now I went into VW today to enquire about new seals, however the parts man told me that it was a sealed unit and I would have to but the whole pump at £95 - is he right?


As I say im not sure if all these problems are linked, perhaps those with more experience of the VR6 engine could let me know their thoughts.


Many thanks.

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i'm no expert but i would of thought if the pump isn't working properly the water might not be getting around the engine fully.


i don't know where the water warning light on dash has its sensor mounted but might help to know that

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1. Sounds like coolant level sensor in the expansion tank is screwed.


2. Hmmm. Either your water temp sensor is knackered (around £8 from Ford), or the stat is stuck open (unless it's a low temp stat? Mine is a low temp 70c stat and my water rarely goes much above 70c). Always check new stats in a mug of boiling water before fitting ;).


3. It is indeed a sealed unit. You can get it cheaper than that from Euro Car Parts. I have a K plate and unfortunately the shape of the socket didn't match the plug. There is no version available with the correct socket, so I had to file off a couple of the ridges on the socket to make it fit. Works perfectly!

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1) Your coolant level sender is indeed probably knackered. You'll need a new tank.


2)Try plugging vag-com in and watch the temp levels in that, might just be that your temp sender is knackered. Does it read 90ish when you aren't cruising though?


3) You might be able to unscrew the bottom section and reseal depending on the type of pump, will only be a temporary fix though as if it's been leaking the coolant can get into the pump and corrode it. A new unit will last years, if that helps to offset the pain of buying it.

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Thanks for all your replys guys!


1) Your coolant level sender is indeed probably knackered. You'll need a new tank.

It had a new tank about year and half ago cos the old one was all yellowed and I couldnt see through it, do u think maybe the new one isnt that good or something?


2)Try plugging vag-com in and watch the temp levels in that, might just be that your temp sender is knackered. Does it read 90ish when you aren't cruising though?.

Yes round town it can read upto about 100, think maybe ive got a low temp thermostat as mentioned by CazzaVR


3) You might be able to unscrew the bottom section and reseal depending on the type of pump, will only be a temporary fix though as if it's been leaking the coolant can get into the pump and corrode it. A new unit will last years, if that helps to offset the pain of buying it.

New aux pump with filed off plug edges it is then!

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