boost monkey 0 Posted April 19, 2008 Pipe retrieved and in good condition! Thanks to sister-in-law for the skills :D Will sling that on when the alternator is dried :salute: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boost monkey 0 Posted April 20, 2008 Put the pipe on this morning, MASSIVELY motivated by the fact that I don't have any food in (unless you count butter and sweetcorn :cuckoo: ). Also refilled ~4litres so must have lost a fair bit. Car is running well now although could do with a G12 topup as I put ~3.5 litres of water in and the stuff that was in there already was brown and icky. Like an ick. @Ron, when I said Rip Van Winkle stage I meant "sleepy time until exams are done" not "please rip one of your coolant pipes open" :brickwall: :roll: Glad he's working again though, means i can continue my spate of 10-hour days on campus trying to hit deadlines! :drinking: :drinking: :drinking: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boost monkey 0 Posted April 22, 2008 Coursework is getting owned, plotted a few of my CAD drawings on A3 today and they look awesome! :clap: Found a couple of cross-members on Ed38 from a mk2 golf auto on 70k. Finding parts from low-mileage cars with the same part number on is awesome :D £35 delivered for both which I really couldn't argue with. Told Prodigal he could have the engine mount cross-member as I already have one to go on :salute: Also ordered a bunch of bodywork-stay-fresh goodies after talking to herisites, cheers for the impartial help buddy! :notworthy: As Ron's bodywork is his best feature I thought that keeping it nice was probably a good idea. Also thinking about changing his name to Stella as he is reassuringly expensive! :lol: Don't worry, he hasn't had a sex change or anything :eek: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ProdigalSon 1 Posted April 24, 2008 You are a frootluip. Fact. Good progress though :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boost monkey 0 Posted April 24, 2008 Ha ha thanks Bro. Hopefully, tomorrow my Autoglym will arrive: 1 litre of Bodywork Shampoo, 1 litre of Clean Wheels (prob let the 'Son have this as I'm still running Sebrings), 1 litre of Super Resin Polish, (all 3 for £18.99 delivered) 500ml of Extra Gloss Protection (couldn't find 1 litre under £17 anywhere and thought it prob won't get used as much as the shampoo and SRP anyways :shrug: ) 1 Autoglym Aqua Dry Chamois, 8 Autoglym polishing cloths, all for ~£40 delivered which I thought was reasonable :salute: The sun really brought out the swirls in the paint today, will have to remedy those soon :D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CazzaVR 0 Posted April 24, 2008 Nice one- bet that paintwork will look top dollar when it's all properly clean 8) Gonna have a go myself- I'm hoping for some Megs clay, SRP and an orbital polisher for my birthday. Next step is to get some Dodo Juice Blue Velvet and some Megs step 3 8) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boost monkey 0 Posted April 24, 2008 Man, some of those products are top dollar. I see Dodo items are upwards of £30?! ouch. I'll just stick to pimping stuff engineering wise I think 8) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boost monkey 0 Posted April 25, 2008 Popping up to cheltenham tomorrow to pick up the two cross-members as above plus a low mileage subframe which should be in VGC too, all for £65! Ed38 Classifieds ftw y0 :salute: hoping to pop by CazzaVR's on the way back and grab my KW suspension he is taking care of for me, plus give him his Erwins back :D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Philuk 0 Posted April 25, 2008 this seems to be coming along very nicely mate :D, you doing all the work on your own or you got help with it? OmgWtfBbq Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boost monkey 0 Posted April 25, 2008 i am a one man machine Phil. Mainly due to student NON finance, and partly because I've had many mk2-esque cars and this will be my 4th 16v engine(?) so i'm getting familiar with them now. plus once you've flipped a car over with your man-hulk (and bro) and see how it all works from an ant's POV it makes things a lot easier to suss :salute: can't wait to get the subframe tomorrow, I can start rebuilding it all off the car! :clap: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Philuk 0 Posted April 25, 2008 must be mint to have the ability to do it, all i lack really is the space and the balls! :D lol if i had the space id buy a donor car and take that to bits to try and get it working but unfortunatly it aint happening! :( Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boost monkey 0 Posted April 26, 2008 Found my locking wheel nut key in with the toolkit and spare wheel! :dance: SO glad I didn't have to find out which wheel nuts i have and try to find a matching key :clap: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boost monkey 0 Posted April 26, 2008 Went and got my new subframe, crossmember and rad support today. Didn't realise how flimsy those rad supports are! My goodness... :shock: did a nice round trip and saw CazzaVR who makes a killer cheese and pastrami sandwich! :salute: We caught up on recent events and then i grabbed the KW suspension, cheers matey :clap: got back around 6 hours after i set off which was pretty good! Also, Ron/Stella behaved the whole way! what a legend :cheers: will put up some pics of the new parts when they're all degreased. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CazzaVR 0 Posted April 26, 2008 Good to see you today, Jon. Ron is coming along nicely. Get revising! :hitler: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boost monkey 0 Posted April 27, 2008 :eek: :salute: :lol: yeah always good to have a chinwag matey. gonna go check on the new parts, they've been degreasing overnight. The subframe seems to have a hard waxy coating on it, degreaser is dissolving it though... old Waxoyl maybe? no pics as I have no camera. :shrug: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boost monkey 0 Posted April 27, 2008 So, I worked out this K800i has a camera on and swiped a data lead off someone... enjoy the 3Mpixel goodness! I spoil you lot sometimes :lol: The old cross-member and rad-support... kinda :gag: Corrado conversion V2 (3).pdfDSC00252.JPG[/attachment:12faez7e] Book1.pdfDSC00254.JPG[/attachment:12faez7e] stromlaufplan_gamma4.pdfDSC00255.JPG[/attachment:12faez7e] ^^^ Still on the car :shock: :sad: New parts before the scrub down: ETKA Corrado.pdfDSC00261.JPG[/attachment:12faez7e] stromlaufplan_gamma4.pdfDSC00265.JPG[/attachment:12faez7e] Corrado92.pdfDSC00260.JPG[/attachment:12faez7e] Looking better... Prodigal is having the cross-member as I have already refurbed one. After some light deagreasing and then a wipe down, left to dry in the sun :grin: : passat climatronic wiring diags.pdfDSC00269.JPG[/attachment:12faez7e] climatronic wiring-Golf from May 01.pdfDSC00270.JPG[/attachment:12faez7e] 2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfDSC00271.JPG[/attachment:12faez7e] DSC00273.JPG[/attachment:12faez7e] Subframe looks worse than it is, it's all shallow surface rust. I'll be POR-15ing the subframe so the rust will be destroyed. Cross-member and rad support will get the hammerite treatment. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dirtytorque 0 Posted April 27, 2008 thats one sturdy rado your building matey. :salute: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boost monkey 0 Posted April 27, 2008 cheers mate. I'm hoping to keep it longer than a year: that's the record set by the Golf! :lol: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boost monkey 0 Posted April 28, 2008 Got a parking ticket at uni today, sucks. Was on a mud bank behind a yellow line that has been fine to park on before, I guess the warden was having an off-day. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boost monkey 0 Posted April 29, 2008 So, it's been raining most of the afternoon in O-town today. Get back to my car after a rather nasty long day in the library to find a driver footwell of RAINwater. where would it come through? only places I can think of is the bulkhead where the pedal cables / column etc go through but how would rain have got past my bonnet?! Last time I checked it wasn't a partially permeable membrane and hadn't told me it would like to osmose rain into the cabin... i know the raintray is dead (is this the answer? is it really that simple?) but i still don't see how rain gets into only the drivers footwell. Is this another thing to add to the list? so a completely sh Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Toad 0 Posted April 29, 2008 Bonnet release cable grommet probably. Or your door was open... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boost monkey 0 Posted April 29, 2008 :shrug: more investigation is needed I think...when it stops raining though :D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CazzaVR 0 Posted April 30, 2008 Could also be the door membrane. Think you should admit defeat, sell Ron and all your your spare bits, and buy my lovely VR6 ;) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boost monkey 0 Posted April 30, 2008 CazzaVR said: Could also be the door membrane. Think you should admit defeat, sell Ron and all your your spare bits, and buy my lovely VR6 ;) if you're selling for £500 and if you talk HIC into freezing my insurance at £500! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boost monkey 0 Posted April 30, 2008 p.s. if you saw my golf you would realise i never admit defeat! :salute: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites