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boost monkey

Project Plum - The Plan of Attack

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foww showwww player! :grin:


You should pick up your spare cross-member sometime :cheers:


Thanks for the mowage today too, looks awesome and smells better out the back now!

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  Cheapmods said:
dynamic duo strikes again! :afro:

Yeah, Cheapmods is right, we need to work on our 70's style theme tune bro... :grin: 8)


  boost monkey said:
look at us with all our projects on the go :clap:

Hmm, can you spell 'gluttons for punishment'? :roll: :lol:

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So... after having placed dibs on a shot blasted and fresh rear beam about 4 weeks ago, I went and picked it up today (cheers Crispy!)


Not gonna start the build on that for a while though as the funds have kinda run out until summer temping kicks in. Plus I have no clue where to start at the mo!


But it's nice to have it in the back burner, hopefully i will be able to do it this summer before Uni chaos starts again and, more importantly, the MOT in Oct!

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Props on the new find! Before long the whole car will be rebuilt. Bet you're glad to see one project finished tho.


Man, I'm glad i don't have the rust issues you guys are having :p

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Good updates today!


Got up early (i's results day) and fitted my new gearchange turret top which means my reverse switch works properly and subsequently the lights come on! :clap:


Also, stripped the old rear beam from the scrapper. Had some good stub axles and brake shields on (even though it'd been rolled over pivoting on the discs!) so I'm hoping to keep them.


Lastly, fitted the steering rack to the subframe and bolts it to spec. Fooked my thumb up whilst doing so cos the socket slipped :bad-words: but I'm young so it's ok.


Just heard from the job agency too, they might have work for me = doing even more to teh Corrado! :salute: :cheers:

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Not found the minicam yet, and tore the spare room apart yesterday :clap: sort of belated spring cleaning :salute:


It's yours as soon as it crops up :wink:

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Ah Rob all is not lost! I may have a spare... :salute: Good to see you at Toad's shindig btw :grin:


I completely didn't realise that there is a bottom 'apron' on the rad support panel, through which the PAS cooler goes, so I need to source one of those panels too now! :confused4: :shrug:

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good to meet you too.

Always nice to meet another C sufferer.


  boost monkey said:
Ah Rob all is not lost! I may have a spare...




when I take my engine out I guess it would be a good time to tackle this then so pls bear me in mind if you do have one knocking around.



as you do.


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  boost monkey said:
Ah Rob all is not lost! I may have a spare... :salute: Good to see you at Toad's shindig btw :grin:


If you don't have one I can source one... mostly by walking to the breaker...


Where are those pics you had from that weekend?

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Just filled the car up after doing 320 miles (heathrow and back, Winchester and back, and a few other journeys) and it only took 43 litres :shock:


This is good because 43 litres is ~9.5 gallons which means Stella, with the dodgy wiring and iffy sensors, is doing 34mpg :clap:


And prodigal can attest that the Heathrow voyage wasn't exactly a pootle! :lol: :cuckoo: :nono:


Well happy with that! Now If I can only convince the MFA to read the same and not 12.5 peak..... :salute:

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Not added up all the receipts have you? Always a bad move. :ignore:

Or is it the MPG?

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Receipts? My C owes me less than four figures at the mo my good man! :salute:


This post is all about MPG and economy, hence all that up there ^^^^

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So yeah, those hoses will be going up for sale soon! :?


Bought some more VW bits today, I now have all the fixings I need to attach the new subframe to the car. I'm hoping all the old fixings come off ok? :roll:


Also bought 4 new rubbers for the cross-member, which still needs its brackets painting I just remembered! Ah well, that's not a massive issue.


Can't really do much more until I get paid from working which starts next week, and first paycheque will have to go on rent so maybe no more parts for a while... :brickwall:

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OSF wheel bearing really starting to give up the ghost now! Not gonna drive it anymore until I can sort out another one.

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...in my Facebook account! :nuts:


SO there they are, all 56 of them, individually annoted for my special friends... :camp:

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I have been researching new gearsets for the 02A box. It seems that a fair few people make some awesome cogs for them, but they come at a price which is way above what I thought some straight-cut cogs would cost.


So I will most likely just rebuild my current gearbox to OEM spec, and get some new cables. :salute:

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