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Restoration project K931 RBV

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Pete, thanks mate, hope you getting sorted, I have pm'd you on the bits :wave:


til 1243, just allow twice as much time and money as you think you need and you will be half way there :shock: and dont strip the bottom end unless you really have to :nono:


leon, I bet there is a market for a kit but I did it the hard way, a few stainless and some replated, but should have spent more time preppin the bolts before sending to the platers, you live and learn!


The unit is nearly ready for installation, just waiting for a few more bits for the bay while I have easy access!in one piece again 004.JPG[/attachment:2mqxtr7w]

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in one piece again 002.JPG[/attachment:wft64pnb]


I could use it as a centre piece if its not right this time :lol:

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Fingers crossed for you matey!really hope it makes BVF :clap:

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Me too Paul, I'm talking Shawshank into coming down as well, his G60 is looking brill with the new wheels on, then if I break down I'll have a lift/tow :lol:

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I'll bring mi tow rope then dave ! :grin: you deserve a bit of luck with that engine.....what a nightmere you have had :nuts: :mad2: it looks mint though, can't wait to see it running. Nice catching up with you on sunday pal.

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:lol: Thanks Chris, hope you ve cleaned it up after the rain on Sunday, looking good, you should show it. Oh and dont worry I have break down cover :shock:


voo 51, thanks friend, yours is looking better every time I see it, serious investment involved there :wave:


Im hoping to fit it, prime the oil system and test compression shortly , heres hoping I dont need to remove it ever again :gag:

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  bruny said:
heres hoping I dont need to remove it ever again :gag:


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


it is a corrado!!!


hope all goes well pal - keep us updated :)

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Good point pete, I live in hope though :nuts:


Anyhow, its back in 'again', compression readings 185/190 slightly up on the last attempt, correct timing helps alot :bad-words:

Cylinder no.2 is down abit but within tolerance :confused4:

She started up quieter this time and seems to run smoothly. Have had it up to temperature and just needed to tighten one hose clamp, so far so good.

Will run up to temp again then change the oil and filter as a precaution, then will put the front on and give it a gentle spin, fingers crossed :roll:001.JPG[/attachment:1bosteul]

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Fingers crossed here for you too.

Birth, weddings, divorce, funerals dont hold a patch on the emotional roller coaster of getting work done to a Corrado.

:nuts: :help: :gag: :cuckoo: :brickwall: :luvlove: :luvlove: :luvlove: :luvlove:

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Had the first run out today having changed the oil, seems pretty good so far :clap:

Running in at 2500 rpm for a bit, 60 mph :shock: I so want to put my foot down to test it, must be patient :nono:

I have a little pressure build up in the cooling system which I am putting down to the original cap on the expansion bottle, will borrow one off the golf and try again

It is so good to have it back on the road,

Mot at the end of the month, considering everything has been done it should sail through!

Thanks for all the help and encouragement and kind words :notworthy:

Need a sit down and cup of tea, I shouldnt get so wound up after all its only a old car :brickwall:004.JPG[/attachment:1nyt7pum]

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Blue expansion top did the trick, no more pressure in the system.

It's back with it's stable mate, Jim's 16v006.JPG[/attachment:36w5ixqs]

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  Pat_McCrotch said:
Are the blue ignition leads OEM? (sorry if I've missed it in the thread)


No :lol: I'll lose points in the concours for them but they match the expansion tank top :norty:

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  bruny said:

No :lol: I'll lose points in the concours for them but they match the expansion tank top :norty:


:nono: :nono: :nono: :lol: Glad it's moving though Dave, might pop over tomorrow if you are around?

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WOW that must of taken years to clean the car to that standard :shock:

:salute: hats off to you sir....it truely is a masterpiece.

do you even drive it? i'd be scared to get it dirty

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Thanks for the kind words,

Heres proof it does go out in the rain :lol: 032.JPG[/attachment:ckpe7tu9]

Covered 160 miles today, still running in and improving with every extra mile :D

Now reving to 3250 nice and gentle, feeling and sounding brill, and a pleasure to drive in the rain now the heater matrix and control cables have been fixed, the screen actually demists :clap: :clap:

Compression test results have improved with 300miles;

Before start up no 1. 185psi after 300 miles 185

no2. 185 160 ???

no3. 185 195

no4. 180 190

no5. 190 190

no6. 155 170

Still keeping my fingers crossed but beginning to trust it a little more after the 2nd rebuild!!

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looks absolutely stunning mate (is that your brother's place?) - glad to hear it's not bad now after the rebuild (still wouldn't be happy about cylinder 6 personally, but i guess you'd better take what you can from that garage...).


oh and if that was mine, i wouldn't drive it in the rain - you certainly have nothing to be ashamed about after all the work you've put in :clap:

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Now i know i'm going to sound silly not knowing this but how do you check for compression? and what should it be on a VR? would like to know what mines doing :roll:

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  KIPVW said:
Now i know i'm going to sound silly not knowing this but how do you check for compression? and what should it be on a VR? would like to know what mines doing :roll:


You have a tool that screws into the plug hole, and turn the engine over, the guage then shows you the pressure in the cylinder.

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