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Riley's 225 quid Corrado valver - Sold.

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Removed the radiator...Its leaking where the bracket sits. May look at having it repaired.




Grabbed a pic of the rear seats now they are in, warning triangle and medical kit in there too!



Had to drill the number plate screws to remove the plate...



Removed front bumper to reveal the new crossmember! These are real bad for rusting.



Bumper and front panel are a bit pinky...




Came up alright though...




All the nooks/crannies want doing now.



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Unfortunately there is no receipt or anything...so i don't really know mate :(


Apparently unavailable from vw now though?! :pale:

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Gonna probably have a break from it now, its knackering me up being up there at every spare minute...


So here is how it currently stands.





Also found this stray wire, which ill pop a spade onto and reconnect to the fan over run switch.





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Collected some 17" alloys tonight with 2x new dunlop sp9000's and 2x part worn of the same.

£240 quid...Dosn't sound a lot i know (although more than the car! :lol: ) but i think (hope) they will work very well :D



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Started cleaning the new wheels up a bit, can see the one id done.



Anyone know what they are? :shrug:

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Here ya go guys :D


Bmw mini cooper 17x7 et48 and center bore of 56.1mm, vw is 57.1mm :( I have a plan... :wink:





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Would like to have done Adz mate, but with the money ive been spending lately, and the friggin fuel cost etc ive gotta take it easy :pale:

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Front seats haven't half knackered me up!


Passenger (worst one) pictured, i dunno what the hell was on it but took some shifting...Can see the white crap and dirt all over.




Minted (half decent) and fitted along with drivers seat which came up a touch better.



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What do you use get the seats that clean? Steam cleaner?


I can never seem to get them minted when they are in that condition.


Car is looking great btw.

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A W E S O M E Riley! Gutted you're so far away, would be fun to pop up and have a nosey!


Where did you get the new rad support panel / cross member?

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Aye, shame you are miles away mate...There's plenty of vw/audi nutters around this way too, a lot on Volksdevil that have a local unit to mess about in 8)


The support was already on the car :D ! Im probably gonna throw plenty of shultz on it before i refit the bumper.


As for getting the seats clean, plenty of autoglym stain and scuff remover, bit of water and plenty of scrubbing! :)



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  Riley said:
As for getting the seats clean, plenty of autoglym stain and scuff remover, bit of water and plenty of scrubbing! :)



Ah was hoping there was an easier way. Have used normal Vanish upholstry cleaner in the past to little effect. I'll give the autoglym a go next time!

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25mm steel spacers just arrived, will give a nice stance at et23.


They just need 1mm machining of the diameter of the spigot (.5mm on the radius)



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Big thanks to Manny (Oldskool @ Volksdevil.com) for machining the spacers.




And i now have a whole new outlook on bmw mini wheels!










Neil. :D

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I love everything you have done to this car up until now and you know I love the g60,but i don't like the mini wheels. :(


I guess i'll wait till you drop it a bit ...

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Andy, cheers mate...Got the two corrado's and the mk1 now...My dad still has the concours one too :)


Im not lowering the corrado valver btw! I want to keep it all standard apart from the rims, its my 'comfortable' daily driver :D


Just managed to paint the rad cowling and rad brackets earlier...



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Waxoiled the cross member with it being a new one, and now being obsolete from vw.





Also noticed that the drivers side indicator loom was a bit worse for wear.



And when checking the passenger side, the loom pulled out of the plug!



So i dug out my spares and stuck one on either side.Sorted!



Hopefully the (good) secondhand radiator will be here tommorow...


Neil. :)

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Good secondhand radiator arrived...£15 quid inc p+p !




Fitted the painted fan cowling etc...




And popped back in the car, just need new fan switch etc, already got the g12+ and new expansion tank.




Refitted the bumper:




And started repairing the damage to the door where somebody tried to break into it.

Here's the damage after removing door handle:




Hard work to straighten out as where its bent up, there is a second skin and it was tight to get sommet in there.

I went through the hole where the handle bolts up with a screw driver,and tweaked it back roughly into shape.




Much flatter now, there were two large gaps before...Not sure what to do with it next...




Neil. :)

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