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What tool should I use - a chainsaw or a blowtorch?

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I'm trying to fix my heater controls which have not worked properly for a while. I've looked in my manual, but it only covers the early heater controls (sliders) and I have the late-style (dials). I've taken some pics to help, and got my magic crayons out...




Here's a run-down of the issues:


Dial 1 (head, head/feet, etc.) is totally loose, and is clearly disconnected or broken. Currently, air comes out of all the vents, so it's been OK, but I'd like to fix it.


Dial 2 (heat) is pretty stiff, but turns and does seem to work.


Dial 3 (power of blower) used to work fine, but now only works on no. 4 (the most powerful) which is a pain as it's so noisy.


I went on the wiki, which has a good guide to replacing them with a Passat set-up, but my problems seemed a bit different, as they may not be totally broken, just disconnected. I've tried to remove the dials unit to have a look, but I can't get it out of the dashboard, without it seems, removing a large piece of the dash, even though part of the dash is snapped (yellow arrow). I've undone all the screws I can see (circled in red), and the lower section of the dash is coming away fine, but the top section (ringed in blue) doesn't want to budge. It all seems pretty brittle, and I don't want to force it and snap anything.




All of the cables which connect the wheels to the various bits are attached (above photo, circled in blue), and seem to be fine (this is one of the issues raised on the wiki), so I think it's just the dials that are broken, but as I say, I can't get the damn things out to have a look (without the aforementioned chainsaw or blowtorch).




For dial 3, (blower power), is it anything to do with the brass fitting round the dial (shown in blue above)? It seems to be fine, but I'm not sure.


Can anyone help before I get medieval on the whole thing and do some damage? :mad2: :bad-words:

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the dials, you have to tilt the whole asembly back and up, tilt the rear of it (where the cogs are) up into the dash and then get the top of the dials out and then jiggle it till your fingers are saw!

The fan not working on any numbers but 4 will be the thermo resister in the fan itself in passenger footwell, there is a guide how to do it, i did it myself.

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what a **** job, done mine twice so feel you pain, to get the centre consol out completly. theres a screw behind the left vent that holds it in place, but you cant see it as it's screwed in vertically. just prise out the air vent carefully from the centre consol.


if you break anything while doing this?? let me no ASAP as i have a centre consol, and working heater controls for sale.



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Cheers gents :)


Neil, I've searched for your guide but can't find it. Could you post a link?


Its in the Wiki mate.



Also, in the second picture, it is possible to get those cables off the heater box, just be patient and don't use too much force. I seem to recall I used a flat headed screwdriver to help prise it off.

Its getting them back on that's the bugger.

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Right, managed to get at the thing. The cables that pull the flaps are all connected and all seem to work fine. One problem is that dial 1 (switches between head, head/feet, windscreen) is not connected to the cog behind it. You can push the two cogs together, and they work for half a turn or so, but then the rear cog gets pushed apart. There doesn't seem to be anything to hold it in place. Is there supposed to be a clip or something?

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You need new cables mate.


They connect to the flap behind the centre console that directs the airflow. The reason why the cogs break apart and skip teeth is because there is a break in the cable further down. This means they are too stiff for the plastic cogs to move the cable.


Sod of a job but worth it in the long run.

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You need new cables mate.


They connect to the flap behind the centre console that directs the airflow. The reason why the cogs break apart and skip teeth is because there is a break in the cable further down. This means they are too stiff for the plastic cogs to move the cable.


Sod of a job but worth it in the long run.



unless your me and you break the pivot/arm on the heater box behind the dash, now i have to change the whole thing!

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Thanks for the replies. So, just so I know what I'm doing...




In the above photo, I need to prize off and replace the cable/cables that attach to the little silver arm thingys that are joined to the cogs. By doing this, the cog will then sit properly and won't keep slipping. Is this right? Or do I need a new cog?


A few other questions:


1. Do I need to take large parts of the dash to bits to get at it?


2. Where can I get these cables from (anyone have the part number?)


3. Is it likely that BOTH cables will have snapped, or just one? Is there a way of telling?


4. Do I need any special tools for this (like something to undo the vertical screw behind the left fan that Karl pointed out - it's a mo fo!)


Cheers for all the help so far :)

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take both the cables off, and push and pull them, and see if you can eliminate which one it is that buggered, you might uncover another solution, or if its like my corrado, create more problems!

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unless your me and you break the pivot/arm on the heater box behind the dash, now i have to change the whole thing!


do you mean the metal bit the cables attach to? i have a spare of each after i did my box.

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Unclipped the two cables as suggested. The top one seems fine. You can push it in and pull it out nicely ( :norty: ) and I can hear the flaps by the windscreen opening and closing (no jokes about flaps please...). The bottom one (does this open the flaps in the footwell?) seems pretty jammed in comparison, so presumably that's the one that's popping the cog out. Anyone know the part number on this? Presumably this is something I have to get from VW?


Will this involve taking my dashboard to bits, or is there a cheeky way of getting access to the problem. A few people seem to have had this problem, so any tips would be appreciated. Is it worth lubing these cables as well to keep them sliding?

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you can change the cables by removing both footwell shelves, two are accessable from passenger side and other via drivers, altho i broke the arm up behind the dash in drivers footweel, had to lay upside down with my feet either side of drivers headrest, blood to the head is annoying, and ull scrape your fingers to pieces! but its do'able.

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On the first dial, it might not be the dial controls broken. Mine was the same and it turned out to be the flap in the heater box that was broken. This is a dash out job to sort.


The 3rd dial, it might just be that someone has put the wrong knob back on. They are different and if the wrong one is put back it pushes on the copper and means it only works on 4. Try all 3 knobs on the 3rd dial to see.

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Actually you'll find it easier to get a desk fan from the office and buy a coal fire for heat and stick them both in the passenger footwell :D

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Sorry to resurect this everyone but ive just been searching cos im going to mess about with my control unit tomorrow, One other problem i have is that the fan speed switch (as well as only working on no 2 settings as staffs ) doesnt stop in the right places it wil spin anticlockwise past 0 and goes up to 3 then stops, wont let u select 4, Anyone any ideas what may be up ill no more tomorrow when i mess about i suppose, Just thought id ask guys cheers. (good thread btw the pics look helpfull)

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I'm also having dramas with my heater controls, its f'kin' e-m-o-t-i-o-n-a-l. My 'issue' is that the cog which controls where the air blows (face/face+feet/feet/windscreen) is stuck and won't turn onto the face, it'll work on the others.


Took me a while, but I managed to take apart most of the centre dash and heater controls, but nothing appears to be broken, it just won't turn. Am I wasting my time taking this to VW to fix?


Whats the Passat heater controls modification? The link doesn't work anymore. :cuckoo:

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What ever you do, DO NOT force it, i did this once and broke the cog. The issue isnt the controls themselves but the cables. I changed this and it now works ok. Still available from the dealers as far as im aware.


Dont take it to VW, save yourself the cash and do it yourself. But I will warn you, you'll have to lay down in the footwell to unhook the cable from behind the bottom of the dash and i found it a little tricky and certainly FRUSTRATING!!! :lol: :( Its not hard though.

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I'll see if i can get the part numbers for you. No they arent all the same the one for the heat adjuster, the sleeve is blue in colour. The 2 for the flaps are different lengths and have black sleeves

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Cool, thanks dude. There is no way I'd be able to explain - in German - this part without the aid of a part number!


I need the bowden cable that connects to the air directional cog.

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Do you want the number for all the bowden cables or just the one? if i remember rightly vagcom doesnt give you the clearest picture. I'll take a look for you.

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