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Police Camera Action

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Just been a rado on doin a nice emergency stop with a few meters of skidding involved..dark coloured, but i'm colour blind so can't be exact...anyone off ere?

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It was well funny :lol: :lol: :lol: at least it was been driven how they were meant to be.


Purply colour

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just watched that but missed the rado :(


i did that not long ago, saw a speed camera and slammed brakes on :lol: hope it wasn't me,

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i thought G60 but dont know if they came with early grill? which i`m pretty sure it had

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The girlfriend said that was me..... but I retorted with it couldn't have been because I have ABS :D


She also said the Boy Racer in the Subaru was me aswell, cheeky cow! :D

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Spotted it, definitely an early grille so G60 or Valver, had a few rewinds of it on the old Sky+


How sad... :D

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