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Leonard's Corrado VR6 - 515bhp 5.9L's twin scroll turbo ;)

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I love your wheels but are so glad I don't have to wash the buggers!

Keep the faith bud, your car looks sick and the upgrades will make a noticeable difference when you drive it...and the motivation will come flooding back!

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I love your wheels but are so glad I don't have to wash the buggers!

Keep the faith bud, your car looks sick and the upgrades will make a noticeable difference when you drive it...and the motivation will come flooding back!


Spot on! It will feel much better and what with the summer just about here you'll be able to get maximum value from the investment.


Unlikely deathbed conversation, c 2060 AD " I wish I'd paid off my Barclaycard rather than enjoying my Corrado when petrol was still readily available" :lol:

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Unlikely deathbed conversation, c 2060 AD " I wish I'd paid off my Barclaycard rather than enjoying my Corrado when petrol was still readily available" :lol:


LOL my girlfriend did say to me "well its not the end of the world is it, you won't look back on this and regret not fitting them will you?"


To which I did say "Yes I BLOODY WOULD! Only taken me 8 years to find and refurbish the parts!"




So yes you are probably both right. Just under a bit of pressure to be 'sensible' :bonk:

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I love your wheels but are so glad I don't have to wash the buggers!


Dont know how people with polished RS's cope! :cuckoo:

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if you're going to spend 2k getting 30bhp, you may want to take a look at the for sale section - a little more will net you a hefty increase over 30bhp!


and i sympathise with losing motivation with corrados; that's unfortunately why mine will shortly be no more...




edit - take a look once the thread has been approved...

(more fire mods! :) )

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if you're going to spend 2k getting 30bhp, you may want to take a look at the for sale section - a little more will net you a hefty increase over 30bhp!


and i sympathise with losing motivation with corrados; that's unfortunately why mine will shortly be no more...




edit - take a look once the thread has been approved...

(more fire mods! :) )


Nooo I never thought you would do it mate! :(


Thankyou for the engine offer but I really like the 12V and think 230bhp is easily enough for the little old C :grin: Just admittedly dont like spending all the money to get it somewhere close LOL


Good luck with whatever you get/do in the future mate. Hope things feel better for you after you have sold everything. Its sacrilege to say it on a car forum but they are only cars at the end of the day. plenty of other (less expensive) things out there in life to make you happy.



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Matt - quit this nonsense talk! pfff... :D


Why dont you want to buy a nice VW VSR :norty: :lol:

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stop kidding yourself!


Yeah I know... :( Guess its worth 600 pounds on the fitting and remap just to see if its as nice as I thought it would be :luvlove:

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D-Day today. After finding a couple of broken wires in my door jam after searching for months for my central locking problem and now electric window problem. I have finally decided to call in the professionals (cue theme tune).


If I have 100% working windows and central locking by the end of today i am going to be the happiest I have been with my car for a long time :lol:


Then just got car tax, MOT, insurance, service and trip to Stealth to have my cams and VSR fitted to pay for this month :pale:

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Hope he finds and fixes the problem mate..such a good feeling when a long term problem that annoys the sh*t out of you is solved! fingers crossed!

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Hope he finds and fixes the problem mate..such a good feeling when a long term problem that annoys the sh*t out of you is solved! fingers crossed!


Cheers mate that is so VERY true! He is just here now so as you say fingers crossed, do a lot of finger crossing when you own a Corrado dont you :grin:

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Hope he finds and fixes the problem mate..such a good feeling when a long term problem that annoys the sh*t out of you is solved! fingers crossed!


Cheers mate that is so VERY true! He is just here now so as you say fingers crossed, do a lot of finger crossing when you own a Corrado dont you :grin:


haha..yes, but it is that fact that makes solving a problem with a C so much more rewarding..im constantly telling the mrs about something i have fixed and how happy i am about it, most of the time they are TINY things, she must thing im losing the plot!

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haha..yes, but it is that fact that makes solving a problem with a C so much more rewarding..im constantly telling the mrs about something i have fixed and how happy i am about it, most of the time they are TINY things, she must thing im losing the plot!


LOL Yeah i must admit it makes me feel like a real mechanic/man sometimes :grin: Always telling my girlfriend how I have just saved £400 fixing the car. When it has actually taken me 10 working hours and £150 in parts :lol:

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That's a good strategy mate..... just tell the missus what you've saved on the Corrado, not what you've spent on it :lol:

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That's a good strategy mate..... just tell the missus what you've saved on the Corrado, not what you've spent on it :lol:


Works like a treat she keeps telling me well done :grin:


Just as I thought it was all good, Im still getting the dead short to my Elec window fuse and he has fixed all of the wires :( I think the £45 I was gonna hand over is going to go up a 'little' :pale:

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Well we are into hour 2 already now but the fault has been isolated at least :grin:


There is a dead short in the central locking wire that feeds from the drivers door through the dash to the passenger door. Basically it would be a dash out job to locate it so I have asked him to nulify the shorted wire and just feed a new one through. Hopefully in another hour I will have 100% working central locking and windows! :clap:



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All done and only £90 lighter, should have rung him 2 years ago :lol:


So if you are in the Derbyshire/Yorkshire area give M.B Auto Electrics a call on tel 01246 209223, mobile 07971 566778


Plus he drives VW's for work and personal, bonus :grin:


Matt :salute:

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SWEET! good job that man..bet your well chuffed! small things hey!


Cheers mate just a bit yes. Just thinking about the delocked handle mod rather than buying a new door handle and messing around swapping the barrels. Every cloud and all that :grin:

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tumbling the barrels is very easy, but at the same time i reckon thats the best way to mod cars...when something has broken fix it with something better. that way your not replacing anything like for like and is much easier on the conscience - as your not 'wasting' money on something that already works perfectly..could always colour code them too!

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Off to Stealth tomorrow to finally (after 4 years) have my VSR fitted and my 263 cams from last years group buy.


6 months since I booked it in and it has come around stupidly fast.


Don't think it has sunk in yet, surely it should feel like Xmas :lol: . Guess Im mildly concerned that Vince will find something horribly wrong with my car :pale: LOL


Fingers crossed anyway, will post some graphs up to compare to others who have done similar mods tomorrow evening. :salute:

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Good luck Matt, it should all go smoothly :) it will be interesting to see your results

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Good luck Matt, it should all go smoothly :) it will be interesting to see your results


Cheers mate.


Really hope I can get somewhere near 215bhp and 210lb ft. Would make it all seem reasonably worth while cost wise.. £2k for 25 bhp and 25 lb ft torque, must be mental :nuts: :lol: . But drivability should be vastly improved and bring it into the 21st century a little.


But I am being very pessimistic about the whole thing tbh :grin:

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