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New Corrado Club of GB Website

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An interesting one Steve, but I personally like the idea of a members only forum as not every CCGB member uses this forum and i know that from phone calls and conversations at shows (etc) with some club members.


It may come as a suprise to a few regulars on here but it's been mentioned to me quite a lot that the corrado forum can seem a little intimidating to anyone who doesn't use it that often and can actually put people off posting for fear of a moderator jumping down their neck or another cf member coming out with some clever smug comment, and to me thats a real shame! everone should be allowed to use forums without fear of being embarrased for what they post.


However if the majority of the committee want to make it public then i will accept that!


Not every post is duplicated on the CCGB forum either although i agree a lot is, but I get the impression that most folk would like to use the CCGB forum because it is a members only place and they would have much more confidence to post comments and articles without having to worry about someones smutty repllies :grin:



Thats most certainly not to say that this forum isn't a nice place to be posting on, I have learned so much from on here you wouldn't believe it, there are some really good people on here too. I always look forward to using it and i always will do (i hope) :lol:


I have to say I find some of that a tad hypocritical, but i'm certainly not going to drag yet another CCGB related thread down so I think we should all try and rise above any past bitterness and look to the future rather than continue to bring up the past :)


I too think that it's a good idea that the CCGB have a forum for those members that don't like the CF - there has always been a few people in the CCGB that don't like the CF since it started 5 years ago, they'll never change their opinions on that so it'd be a good call for the CCGB to have a forum to cater for those members, tbh the more the club can provide for it's members the better really.


I think your comments regarding people being intimidated by posting on here, for fear of someone replying with a 'smutty' or 'smug' post is a bit outdated and uncalled for personally. That may have been the case a couple of years back but over the past few years the forum has gained a reputation for being the most useful and helpful resource for Corrado owners available, the moderators and members of this place have put countless hours into it which has helped hundreds if not thousands of Corrados stay on the road and that will continue, whether a minority slate it or not - we realised a long time ago that it's impossible to please all the people all of the time and I can pretty much guarantee you that even those that bitch about the way it's run use it as their first port of call when their car brakes down or they need a spare part etc etc


Moderating a site with over 9000 members,and with over half a million posts and rising isn't as simple as it may seem. If there were only a couple of hundred members there would be far less need for moderation/rules, but to try and maintain a forum that's open to the public and free to use there needs to be guidelines and these guidelines need to be moderated, if some people feel that Moderators are 'jumping down peoples throats' then the best thing for them is probably going to be to use the CCGB forum.


Anyway what my point is, is that as this thread on the CF is for you to plug the CCGB and gather new members, I personally feel that it's best that any grievances are left out of it otherwise it'll end up as another locked 10 page thread of moaning/bitching which achieves nothing, the CCGB needs to move forward from that in my opinion. Where you take the club and the CCGB forum from here should really be discussed on the new CCGB site - after all, that should be what it's there for! :)


Good luck with it, and I mean that genuinely 8)

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Not being in the slightest hypocritical mate, and certainly not talking about what went on years ago but I do get asked questions from many new members to which i cant always answer and my response is why dont you take a look at the CF, and honestly a lot say oh i look but i daren't ask anything.


This I will say is nearly always from new CCGB members who are not sure who or where to ask not long standing club members that know very well where to ask, and i whole heartedly agree that the cf is and probably always will be by far the best place to look for info all Corrado.


Just try to imagine though looking at the CF for the first time, what would you think? i know i would say WOW! where the hell do i start! and thats the kind of thing i'm talking of not nessesarilly getting agro from a mod or another cf member if you know what i mean. :?


This I will say is nearly always from new CCGB members who are not sure where to look for answers to questions not long standing club members that know very well where to ask, and i whole heartedly agree that the cf is and probably always will be by far the best place to look for info all Corrado.



There is so very much information on here at first glance its staggering and that alone can make people shy. Take toad for example :lol: he was pretty quiet to start with and now he's a forum Legend Lol!


I merely suggested the club keep a members only forum as i was answering a question form not only a very well respected long standing CCGB member but also a CF Moderator.


I have the most respect for anyone involved in moderating/creating a website as i know its a thankless task, I know i certainly appreciate what goes into doing a site or looking after it.


I will say thanks for your possitive comments too and maybe we can twist your arm to join :grin:


Take it easy and enjoy your weekend!


Regards, Kip :wave:

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What I meant, regarding the hypocritical comment, is that it also may come to a surprise to long standing CCGB members but i've been at shows where the CCGB have looked down their nose at me and appeared 'aloof' , I have also heard many other similar comments from people who own Corrados as well as people who own other VW's regarding CCGB stands at shows so unfortunately when you're looking in from the outside things can seem intimidating or 'cliquey' - However, from what i've seen and heard, the CCGB tries to be more approachable now which is one of many other improvements that seem to have been made and were so badly needed, so what's in the past should be left in the past as far as i'm concerned :)


I joined this forum when there were already thousands of members and posts, having owned my Corrado for a couple of years i'd never used another forum and I also have dyslexia so had no idea where to start! So I can completely understand how it is for others when they join, unfortunately the only way to get past that is to get stuck in - much the same as it is with the CCGB I can only assume.


I don't feel that the comments made in your post are fair or well placed, so felt the need to reply. This thread is here on the CF to allow you to drum up new business after all, so i'm sure you'll understand that making remarks like 'smutty' 'smug' and 'jumping down their throats' with regards to this forum and us as Moderators isn't well received. I don't feel that comments like that are the way to move things forward and can only cause bad feeling between the two resources as has happened in the past, I'm sure you don't expect us to take such criticism without giving a response.


As for Steve being 'well respected' and Toad being a 'legend' - well, that's debatable :lol: :tongue:


Anyway, back on topic :)

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As for Steve being 'well respected' and Toad being a 'legend' - well, that's debatable :lol: :tongue:


Anyway, back on topic :)


Agreed it most certainly is debatable :lol: Funny how both their names seem to crop up at the same time though :gag: :grin:

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Just renewed my membership after 6years of not being a member :)

although GSF still gave me the CCGB discount for parts :lol:


Thanks! and Nice Move :lol:

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Just got my membership pack through the post, :thumbleft:

The sprinter looks very well put together, and the sticker will be going in the back of the car later, I should have joined ages ago to be honest.

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i've been trying to register but i have 2 problems...


1. when i select pay via paypal and fill out registration it says my email is already registered.

2. when i try to log in using what it says i'm registered as i get this message "Your account has not yet been approved!"


I sent an email to the contact address a couple of weeks back but no reply.


my username is "ebby".


please could someone sort this for me, all i want to do is give you £10 and use the site :)



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Do you mind if I ask what the 'welcome pack' consists of?



Not at all, Here is what comes with every membership pack although this example is minus the welcome letter as i dont have one to take a picture of.

And many other benefits besides, some of which have been mentioned before! :grin:DSC00607.JPG[/attachment:i6yp2tga]2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfDSC00611.JPG[/attachment:i6yp2tga]



when do we get this?

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Correct, plus Vicki, the membership secretary currently has another major problem to solve: During recent heavy rainfall, her house got flooded, so badly, that they are actually moving out to rented accommodation until their own house is restored again. This will have an impact on members receiving stuff, so bear with us, whilst we try our best to get packs out to people as we can.



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Blimey! That's pretty rubbish to put it mildly. I'm not surprised members packs are the last thing on her mind.


As above I'm not in a any rush :-)



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Hi Guy's,


As Tempest says Vicki is having a bit of a tough time at the moment but she has assured me that it will only put things back for a week or so maximum! :notworthy:


Also ebby and anyone else awaiting activation, if you are having trouble getting acces to the members section or indeed unable to actually pay PM (crazydave) on here for a quick word as he is the chap with the required button :D


He's in Germany for another day or so though so hang in there a day or 3!


Glad you like the welcome pack too! and please feel free to send anything you may like to include in the magazine to the Sprinter Editor (Jim) on here too.


Catch you soon.


Kip. :grin:

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That membership folder looks quite handy, is it available for existing members too?


Yeah we did wonder about them! :lol: maybe something to ask the Committee at the next AGM Dave :norty:

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Hi Kip,


still awaiting my forum confirmation from months and months ago :pale: eager to catch up with any previous owners of the plum!


Thanks for all the help,


Jon :salute:


edit: Just re-registered, hope that helps :clap:

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