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Jim Bowen

Bit weird, Wheel wobble + vid

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I'd check that the garage have re cambered that side. There will have had the bottom ball joint off the wishbone that mounts to it with three bolts in slotted holes, so the camber could be out, although not by a lot.


(You may have a knackered steering rack to be fair, they are known to be quite bad for sloppiness)

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i had the same problems before the wishbone was discovered to be loose, and before that i'd taken it to a garage to have camber etc all done, tried loads of different tyres too.


it does feel like its on tip toes so to speak, seems very easy to loose grip on the front when turning.


i really think i should get someone else to drive it and get their opinons, if it handled and drove how i wanted then i could live with all the other minor issues it has

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(You may have a knackered steering rack to be fair, they are known to be quite bad for sloppiness)


thats all i can see it being as i've done most of the other stuff. The only areas i don't know much about on my car are:


-steering rack or column

-rear axle bushes

-subframe and where its mounted

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Who fitted the coilovers? Did you have the suspension aligned when it was fitted and you had the ride height set where you wanted it. That sounds exactly like my car did between having the coilovers fitted and the alignment done.



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i've not got coilovers just a -40mm weitec kit, althought the front is twice as low as the rear, maybe that causes issues???


am tempted to get some coilovers now as a last resort, but they expensive and if they don't help am really thinking to get rid of car :(

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i've not got coilovers just a -40mm weitec kit, althought the front is twice as low as the rear, maybe that causes issues???


am tempted to get some coilovers now as a last resort, but they expensive and if they don't help am really thinking to get rid of car :(


I would not get coilovers myself ever again after replacing FK Konigsports with a Sachs fixed kit. Your car should not be that unbalanced front to rear though. Who fitted the kit? Did they 4 wheel align the kit? You could spend £800 on a coilover kit but if they are not fitted correctly with new top mounts, bearings etc and the geometry set up correctly it will still handle like a box of bolts. Before you spend any more, check the mounts and bearings and get the geometry set.

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me and a friend fitted it, then it went to a garage to have the tracking and camber done also new tyres at same time.


at the time i fitted (after reading on here)


-wishbones & bushes

-track rods + track rod ends

-top mounts

-ball joints

-suspension, springs and shocks

-Rear anti roll bar (took off after a week and sold though)


would engine mounts or gearbox mounts cause wallowy handling?


when i put my foot down the front wheels kinda scramble around left and right like they just about to spin up/lose traction

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still sounds like your alignment is out, if its scrabbling side to side like you say it sounds like the wheels are pointing in different directions, this would also cause the dead spot in the steering you mentioned and the tendency to lurch when you steer more.

I have driven a few cars that felt like that after being taken to dodgy quick fit type garages, but where fine after a proper 4 wheel alignment, at the very least a garage should be able to identify whats causing the poor handling even if they cant correct it.

The corrado certainly shouldnt feel as you describe, there is a reason it's handling was so highly praised by the press, even extremely low ones should feel planted and stable so something has to be wrong.

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ooo "dead spot" thats a great way to describe it, thats how it feels to me :D


i think a trip to stealth is needed then, the garage i use isn't really a specialist imo

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You dont need to go to stealth to get a proper 4 wheel alignment, any good accident repair body ship should be able to do it... The thing with the quick fit type garages is that they dont check that the central line of the front wheels lines up wit hthe thrust line from the rears.... Go get it checked properly... I would be surprised if it didnt fix all the problems your describing.

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You dont need to go to stealth to get a proper 4 wheel alignment, any good accident repair body ship should be able to do it... The thing with the quick fit type garages is that they dont check that the central line of the front wheels lines up wit hthe thrust line from the rears.... Go get it checked properly... I would be surprised if it didnt fix all the problems your describing.



i think i need to find a new garage for this then, the one near me is just handy and they are good to me when i'm stuck or in trouble, decent labour rates too. But i think with them being a local garage they are overrun with jobs for everyone in the village :lol:

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Just saw your in essex... depending where you are, ELITE tyres did a very very good job of aligning my car last time i bought tyres from htem and not too expensive. They are in Rainham....






thanks for that, just what i need :)


can anyone also explain all these terms to me, as i always not sure if when i'm talking to garage we are all on about the same thing or calling the same thing different names.


-4 wheel alignment




is there anymore?? do i need all three?

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just looking at that elite site and it looks very good :D the symptons page seems to sum up my car!!!


thinking i'll get new tyres and get all that done, half thinking of changing suspension too, car is looking higher at the back than the front and its by an inch or so.....might drop the back 60mm and leave the front

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4 wheel alignment just means they "measure" the rear alignment aswell as the front, and they attempt to line up the fronts to the thrust angle of the rears. It's mostly pointless, because 99% of cars can't have their rear alignment adjusted at all, and if the thrust angle didn't line up that probably means your chassis is bent.


tracking is "toe" angle - i.e. do both wheels point in the same direction?!


camber is the not-quite-vertical-ness of the wheels. They always tilt in slightly at the top to give better grip while cornering.

Note that if you alter camber it will alter the tracking at the same time .. always do camber first!

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there is a degree of adjustment on the rear axle, the mounts that bolt to the floorpan can be adjusted slightly. a mate of mine with a mk4 passat found he was getting bad rubbing on one side but not the other when he lowered it, turns out the axle was about 7mm off to one side when he measured it all up. sorted by adjusting the axle mounts, said it was a pig of a job though and uber fiddly.

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