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How is the 'new' CCGB going to differ from the old?

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I have got some 'grief' for posting my bad experiences whilst in the CCGB, so here is a new thread for a balanced debate on the benefits/negatives of CCGB membership.


Any comments?

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Yeah.. I was really pleased to see John get nominated for the replacement Chairman position.


I think any intelligent suggestions or ideas people have for the club that are feasable and 'doable', John will be more than happy to listen to what you have to suggest.


I'm totally pro-CCGB by the way :)

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John Munyard's a great guy - forum username corozin


CCGB has had & will continue to get my full support.. :thumbleft:


Leonard - you could very easily sort out all of your CCGB "issues" by contacting John via PM or email. As you have so far chosen not to do this, I can only assume that your sole intention is just to give the club a bad name.

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I've been a member for just over a year (applied early and got 13 months memberhip :D ) and I'm well chuffed. Membership has paid for it'self at least 6 times over. My only gripe is that I didn't buy a unfolded copy of the Storm poster :(

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John Munyard's a great guy - forum username corozin


CCGB has had & will continue to get my full support.. :thumbleft:


Leonard - you could very easily sort out all of your CCGB "issues" by contacting John via PM or email. As you have so far chosen not to do this, I can only assume that your sole intention is just to give the club a bad name.


Your getting completley the wrong idea about my intentions all I am trying to encourage is a bit of healthy debate on the CCGB. Surely people must have some ideas on what they want to see from the club and surely John would want to put people like myselves minds at rest by putting out a statement on this forum or on their website on how the CCGB is going to be taken fwd:? I would have thought this would have been the first thing to do given the clubs chequered past. Until i see something like this or see some mail on my doorstep from the CCGB detailing the same then I won't be re-newing my membership.

I mentioned that i am so happy with the MLR (Mitsubishi Lancer Forum) which I am a member of in a previous thread not to rub peoples noses in it but to make a valid point that there are successful car clubs out there that perhaps the CCGB could learn valuable lessons from.

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I was about to join at the VWNW this year when we had a stand until i approached the CCGB stand and asked for a form-didn't have a word said to me just go a "look" and a form.


not very friendly was my impression.

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Hi everyone,

Just so this doesn’t descend into a situation where no-body wins:


If you have any problems, thanks or suggestions for improvement regarding the Corrado Club, please ensure that (in the first instance) these are communicated to the Club directly either to me (mailto:[email protected]) or alternatively to the appropriate member of the committee if it’s regarding a specific issue like membership, events or merchandising.


It’s important that you do it this way, because although we do have email, we simply do not have the time/resources to scour all the messageboards on all the forums looking for CCGB specific threads. If you can imagine undertaking that task from our perspective the enormity of doing it that way quickly becomes apparent so your help on this point is appreciated.


For the record Leonard I don’t have specific knowledge of your contact with the Club but if there is something I can still help you with (or if you just want to let me know the details of what it was) then can you drop me a line direct and I’ll see if what I can do to help you.


I am grateful that people have views which they want to debate on the forum, regarding future events, ideas for services, suggestions for improvements etc. That is one of the key ways the Club will move forward. After all, it’s your Club as much as it is mine and we should always be looking for ways to improve things.


At the same time though it’s important that you guys make sure that we are aware otherwise something important might get missed and I don’t want that to happen.


Thanks everyone,


CCGB Chairman

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I've been a member for just over a year (applied early and got 13 months memberhip :D ) and I'm well chuffed. Membership has paid for it'self at least 6 times over. My only gripe is that I didn't buy a unfolded copy of the Storm poster :(


These are still available :p

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Been a member for 3yrs now and every year it saves me a fortune and every meet I have been do has been a laugh with like minded people 8) :D

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Been a member for 3yrs now and every year it saves me a fortune and every meet I have been do has been a laugh with like minded people 8) :D


How does it save you a fortune :?:

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How does it save you a fortune :?:


I get a discount on my insurance and I get at least 10% off anything I buy from advantage Volkswagon (dealer). So in my 3+ years of club membership i've saved a few bucks. Plus I've met some really sound people through the club which in my eyes makes the £15 membership a bargin.


Sandy G60


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How does it save you a fortune :?:


I get a discount on my insurance and I get at least 10% off anything I buy from advantage Volkswagon (dealer). So in my 3+ years of club membership i've saved a few bucks. Plus I've met some really sound people through the club which in my eyes makes the £15 membership a bargin.


Sandy G60



You can definately get cheaper insurance from other sources than Chris Knot and i managed to negotiate a 10-15% discount from my local dealer simply by asking for it. But I can't argue about the meeting great people part.

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But I had a cheap quote from greenlight then I mentioned I was in the VWCCGB then I got another 5% of my insurance. I also get a 10% discount from Star Performance which has saved me £££'s due to the amount I've spent there.


Sandy G60


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Well I already said that my CCGB membership prompted my local dealership to knock money off purchases I made with them. Their first discount for me was £20 of an OE backbox for my Corrado, so I already made my CCGB membership back in the first month of renewing.

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Taking a real cynics view then leonard, what's to stop you joining, utilising the discounts etc. but then not have anything else to do with anything or anyone CCGB related?

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you seem to just keep knocking peoples positive comments about the club straight back at them.

How does it save you a fortune

You can definately get cheaper insurance from other sources than Chris Knot

do you think the people making these posts are lying?

Also i thought you wanted a healthy debate.

It is hardly healthy if all you are going to do is theough peoples positive comments back at them!

By the way you seem to be in the minority here mate!



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Because I did join and didn't experience any savings :(


As I said before I already get 10-15% from my local VW garage, although my m8 has started working for another vw garages service department so probably even less now! Plus my insurance is £800 a year full comp on a modified policy with two other people on it (im 29) which was significantly cheaper than any CCGB affiliated insurance schemes.

My main gripe is simply that I joined at the Donny show in 2001 and then didn't hear from the CCGB ever again! After I stopped going to my local meet I went twice (wasn't impressed) the only contact i had with CCGB was the website which then one day got taken off line with no explanation of any form :shock: :?

I feel if your not in the 'inner circle' of the CCGB then the communication that you get back from them is very poor.

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From reading your posts on this forum - it appears to me that your sole reason for joining the CCGB was to "save" money elsewhere (discounts etc). What makes a good club are members who are willing to put in some effort e.g. assisting/attending events, etc. Not people who join just to take what they can from it !!


You state that you joined in 2001 & then complain about the website "getting taken off line" - this didn't happen until approx April/May this year (2003). Long after your 12 month membership would have expired !! How can you complain about a website going off-line when you weren't even a club member at the time ??


FYI - I save absoloutely no money whatsoever by being a club member - I get my parts at VW dealer cost (because I used to work there). I joined because I wanted to meet other Corrado owners, swap stories & not because I wanted to save £5 on my following year's insurance.

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From reading your posts on this forum - it appears to me that your sole reason for joining the CCGB was to "save" money elsewhere (discounts etc). What makes a good club are members who are willing to put in some effort e.g. assisting/attending events, etc. Not people who join just to take what they can from it !!


I did join for exactly those reasons I would hardly have gone to the Donny meet if saving money was my only goal. Its a bit hard to go to any meets/events if you are not told about them.

You state that you joined in 2001 & then complain about the website "getting taken off line" - this didn't happen until approx April/May this year (2003). Long after your 12 month membership would have expired !! How can you complain about a website going off-line when you weren't even a club member at the time ??


I am just making a point about the poor communication, you would have thought members and previous members alike would have been contacted and told what was happening. Even if I had wanted to rejoin I couldn't have as for all I knew the CCGB had gone belly up.


FYI - I save absoloutely no money whatsoever by being a club member - I get my parts at VW dealer cost (because I used to work there). I joined because I wanted to meet other Corrado owners, swap stories & not because I wanted to save £5 on my following year's insurance.


I too enjoy meeting fellow Corrado owners I must have been unfortunate with my local meet/had a personality clash, as 90% of the members I did meet seemed more interested on their Sunday lunches than discussing Corrados and those new members like myself who I met did not return.[/color]


If your happy with the CCGB as it is then thats fine good luck to you, I just think it could and should be offering a lot more.

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you seem to just keep knocking peoples positive comments about the club straight back at them.

How does it save you a fortune

You can definately get cheaper insurance from other sources than Chris Knot

do you think the people making these posts are lying?

Also i thought you wanted a healthy debate.

It is hardly healthy if all you are going to do is theough peoples positive comments back at them!

By the way you seem to be in the minority here mate!




Hey I really am not I am just pointing out that there are better deals out there to be had. And perhaps the CCGB's purchasing power could be better utilised.

I'm not blind I realise there are a lot of people for whom the CCGB in its current state works really well for them (a lot of which are 'old school').

What you are not hearing from (and are unlikely to hear from) is the 'minority' who have tried the CCGB found it lacking and not gone back to it. I think the CCGB should be trying to attract these ex members and new members back into the fold, but I cant see it happening in its current or past format. More members, more money, more representation, more fun :)

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