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Unbelievable R32 Prices! :shock:

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OH-MY-GOD.......alot of people are gonna get an amazing bargin there, some positives from the credit crunch then :lol:

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I don't need reminding of this thread on R32oc, saw it last week and that was enough, how do you think it makes you feel as an R32 owner :brickwall:


Had the attched file from a mate of mine, more details including spec on deals if anyone's brave enough to invest???

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.......uhhhmmm struggling to think of anything to say that could make you feel better :shrug:


.....at least you have an R32 :salute: !!!

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.....at least you have an R32 :salute: !!!

That's the way I look at it, no point crying over the drop in prices once you've bought one :lol:

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Being a car salesman myself this doesn't surprise me at all. The sh!t hasn't even begun to hit the fan yet. But those of you hoping for a V6 4x4 rocco can keep dreaming i fear....

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They are that cheap - they stopped building them over 5 months ago now but there are not 700+, I get the reports that show how many of each model are in the country, as of two weeks ago there were less than 70

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With £400 road tax to come next year and with the MkV version looking more like a FIat Punto on steroids I think they'll still struggle to even move those 70 cars - even at those prices. Bizarrely lowering the price may only bring the car within the reach of people less likely to be able to part with the increased taxes.

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They'll go alrite but this was only meant to be a 2 day offer originally but i'm sure the deals are still there...


They are cheaper that the GTI at list and very tempting but I do feel sorry for existing R32 owners - VW have very strange idea's on how to treat existing customers and I have a feeling they will have annoyed most of the people that have already bought there premium badged car along with completely devaluing the R range!


A friend of mine enquired about the Scirocco last month to see if there were any deals to be had and was told they are not offering any discounts whatsoever! - I told him to wait till the new models are out next year along with the MK6

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i still think any car over £10k is a rip off :lol:


Ditto that emotion ! :clap:


There's far too much valuation by market perception these days - instead of what the design/metal is actually worth [ie actual cost + a reasonable mark-up] :brickwall: And the difference between the two = Sheer Greed! :nono:


Call me old-fashioned if you wish - I don't care! :lol:

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Not that bad if you think that a new Corrado VR was about the same price over 10yrs ago.


Very true!

Body shape doesn't compare though!

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I don't think the MK5 R32 has ever really hit the mark in the way that the MK4 did. Whereas the MK4 was slightly raw with some clear rough edges the MK5 seemed to have been almost too well rounded.


I would still much prefer a MK4 R32 to a MK5

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I've not tried a MK4 R32 but I have always hated the lifeless handling of the MK4 GTIs, I have to say I haven't taken a MK5 R32 out for a drive yet either but I did find the handling on the MK5 GTI was much more fun / responsive than the MK4 GTI, can anyone let me know if the handling is that much better on the MK4 R32 from the MK4 GTI?

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The handling on the MK4 R32 is significantly better than the MK4 GTi, still a little soft and woolly for my tastes though. the MK5 R32 is not as big an advance on the MK4 R32 as the MK5 GTi is on the MK4 GTi

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