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1.8 16v head failure??? HELP!!!

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getting loads of white smoke out the exhaust, it overheats within 6 miles of my house driving like a granny, and i seem to have to top up the coolant every journey.


head failure for definate????


garage quoted £500 - it only cost me £900 and there are other issues once that has been fixed so am contemplating calling it a day :(


any advice?





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Or just get the head gasket done? Cheaper than guffing around with engine swaps.


You'll have to spend £500, but you'll have a good working car again, you'll not be able to sell the car for a great deal at the moment, and you'll know that the car is good to go once it's been fixed, if you buy something else then you might have the same issue in another few months...

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Where are you Oli? Maybe a local member will be willing to do the headgasket with you for a few beer tokens?



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i've got a couple of mates willing to help just for the hell of it so i am going to try it. don't fancy the engine swap if i'm honest. VR would be great but is too much hassle and i need a car for work so it can't be off the road.


it'll be changed by this time next week :)

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was quoted £200 for parts for £3-400 on labour. something about having to change the valve seals as well.


i'm getting parts for £200, if i need a skim then that's another £50ish. a days worth of work with mates and it's done

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Valve seals dont need done unless you were blowing oil before. The guy maybe advised that while the head was off to do them but its not necessary. £250 is more realistic.

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well my mates got me half way today!


head off and is true and straight although no gasket failure which is puzzling. found that the water pump pulley was naffed so i have a replacement on the way. that was what must've caused the over-heating.


water pump is replaced and pulley will be shortly, then it's just a case of bolting it all back together and seeing what i can get my mates to fix next!!!

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wasn't the head but have replaced it anyway with a mates that has had a lot of work done on it already.


it's all back together but is losing water from the waterpump. happy days

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