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Another one bites the dust...

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jon you beat me to it...


sounds awfull but any pics of the said car post crash, its always interesting to see how the corrado holds up in substantial accidents..


my folks are always going on at me about how the corrado doesnt have any airbags and its not safe in accident blah blah blah. im pretty confident that unless i drove it into a concrete wall at over 100mph it would hold up pretty well, fairly solidly built lumps of metal if you ask me

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said it on ED and i'll say it here...the kid is a tw@t for driving with no license or insurance and writing a car off he had for less than a week.

i find it hard to be symapthetic for him even though he is in hospital, though I hope he recovers and gets to read this and realises what a d1ck he is.

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Idiot, he is lucky he didnt injure or kill someone else doing that.

People like that is the reason its expensive to insure cars for the rest of us.

Hope he pulls through but he deserves a kicking haha

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said it on and i'll say it here...the kid is a tw@t for driving with no license or insurance and writing a car off he had for less than a week.

i find it hard to be symapthetic for him even though he is in hospital, though I hope he recovers and gets to read this and realises what a d1ck he is.


couldnt agree more with you, and anyway stop flicking through edition 38 and find me a badge! :grin: lol

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I'm always sympathetic when something like this happens - he doesn't deserve to be fighting for his life in a hospital bed. I can understand what it's like, wanting to own a car you really want but you don't have the means to do it..


But there is no excuse for no license and no insurance. As others have said, what if he'd hit someone else? Killed someone else? Killed a family? How did he crash a FWD on what looks like a straight bit of road in mild conditions FFS? He should NOT have been on the road - period.


But either way I hope he recovers. I'm sure he'll never drive like that again if he does.

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rite are u guys ready for the story. he was coming back from emley mast area into hudds which is a fast section of road if you get a run up. there was about 3/4 cars in a convoy driving @ reasonable speed for the road, then he decided to overtake in a dip on the wrong side of road. as there was a bollard in way when he got to the top of dip there was a car coming and he was doing about 90, so he slammed on lost control and went into field it must have flipped cause the roof was flattened



says it all (edited for punctuation).

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I'm absolutely not defending him but.. are you saying you never EVER did anything as stupid in your youth on the road? I'm generally regarded as an old man in terms of how I drive and behave by my mates but I remeber doing some totally ridiculous stuff in cars back when I was 18/19...

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Honestly I can only think of one incident, which was drink driving with a car full of people cos I couldn't be bothered to walk the 1 mile home. And have never done it since. I was always a restrained driver, believe it or not, unlike my opinions! lol

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I have to agree, i've got absolutely no sympathy for people who do stuff like this and have to pay the consequences.

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I'm always sympathetic when something like this happens - he doesn't deserve to be fighting for his life in a hospital bed. I can understand what it's like, wanting to own a car you really want but you don't have the means to do it..


But there is no excuse for no license and no insurance. As others have said, what if he'd hit someone else? Killed someone else? Killed a family? How did he crash a FWD on what looks like a straight bit of road in mild conditions FFS? He should NOT have been on the road - period.


But either way I hope he recovers. I'm sure he'll never drive like that again if he does.


Actually I have no sympathy at all, this person is allegedly and adult and is certainly capable of deciding what is right or wrong, even if you remove any external pressures that friends may have been applying, then he still knew what he was doing was wrong. To be honest it makes a change that the turd has put himself in hospital; all too often its the family coming the other way that end up worse off.


Hopefully he will have learned a lesson and I agree with your comment that we all no doubt drove in a poor way when we were younger, but I did it after I passed my test in an insured car.

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I wish the lad a speedy recovery and I hope that he has learned his lesson. I know many teenage drivers are responsible, but many are complete clowns at the wheel. The insurance companies know this, hence high premiums for inexperienced drivers.

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I'm always sympathetic when something like this happens - he doesn't deserve to be fighting for his life in a hospital bed.

He most certainly does; he deserves a bit of a beating when he recovers too - assuming reports of his lack of licence and insurance are accurate. The people I feel sorry for are the farmer who's got one less fence, and the coppers who had to clean up the mess in the middle of the night.


I'm generally regarded as an old man in terms of how I drive and behave by my mates but I remeber doing some totally ridiculous stuff in cars back when I was 18/19...

We all have, I'm sure. The point is we were licenced, taxed and insured at the time.

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I'm always sympathetic when something like this happens - he doesn't deserve to be fighting for his life in a hospital bed.

He most certainly does; he deserves a bit of a beating when he recovers too - assuming reports of his lack of licence and insurance are accurate. The people I feel sorry for are the farmer who's got one less fence, and the coppers who had to clean up the mess in the middle of the night..


Hopefully I will be going on call with work over the coming months as I need the extra cash, I'll be attending fallen down trees, flooding, dangerous potholes and accidents overnight and at weekends for example. I'm under no illusion about what I'll get to see/put up with having spoken to some of the other engineers, people literally smearing themselves down the road, finding bits of body, or limbs in hedges. On one occasion a collegue was called out to a fatal accident which turned out to be one of his son's friends. The guy had pretty much minced himself.


Cars are dangerous, and there are some pillocks who do themselves and others a lot of damage through stupidity, and carelessness. Some innocent people will get hurt and killed in accidents that are not their fault whatsoever. No matter what, whilst there are cars, there will be accidents...


End of the day, we're not all supposed to live forever. Is it more of a tragedy that an 18 year old kills himself in a car he can't control, or a 23 year old is runover and killed, or a 27 year old catches cancer? People die every day. Meh. Maybe I'm cold inside, but this stuff happens all around us.

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Can't see the MAN LOVE in that Pic! :D


:lol: :lol: :lol:


I like that. A LOT!

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Can't see the MAN LOVE in that Pic! :D


:lol: :lol: :lol:


I like that. A LOT!



:scratch: :scratch: :scratch: EH?

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