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Mystic Blue Storm STOLEN!!

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My house was broken into, they took my wallet (and worse) car keys and drove off in my corrado.


Its reg N990XAU, mystic blue storm. Stolen in the early hours of Thursday morning from Lincoln. The police are "looking" for it but not heard anything yet. Just letting you know, maybe keep your eyes open incase you spot it in a car park or something. And also to warn you to sleep with your car keys under your pillow because it is apparently common at the moment for these "Hanoy Burglars" to break into a house just to take the car keys. Be warned!


Will let you know if there is any news.



Unhappy and carless :pale:

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Feckers!! Hope they find it. Not sure if I could live with a car once I know it's been violated like that though :(

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I've had this happen to me but fortunately/unfortunately (depends how you look at it) I woke up while they were in my bedroom going through my jeans to find my keys! bastards.


Sorry to hear they got away with it mate, i'll make this global for a few days to get as much attention as possible, maybe someone will see it around somewhere, fingers crossed!

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:censored: I really hope you get it back.


Walesy, what did you do when you woke up, with them going through your jeans??? I asume you were not wearing them at the time :camp:

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No I wasn't wearing them, they were on the floor at the foot of the bed :lol:


It was all a bit of a blur tbh, having been drinking etc for most of the night, but basically I ended up chasing them up the road in my boxer shorts :lol:


I can laugh at it now, but it really freaked me out at the time and I still have to make sure i've locked all doors/windows twice before I go to bed 5 years on! Also, I say the opposite to steweybenson in that I now leave my keys downstairs, i'd rather that my cars went than having people come into my bedroom while i'm asleep again.


What I find surprising, is that they'd go to those lengths to get their hands on a 14 year old car! When it happened to me Corrados were still fetching good money so it was sorta understandable but nowadays you wouldn't think it would be worth the risk for them :shrug:


Anyway, you have my sympathy stewybenson, it's really not a nice feeling, hopefully they'll catch the feckers and lock them up with bubba!

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i'd rather that my cars went than having people come into my bedroom while i'm asleep again


If that's the case, I'd avoid any camping trips with Toad!


Must be pretty weird though finding someone creeping round your house. I know I shouldn't advertise this but my house is rarely locked at night - guess it's just not something that gets ingrained living here. I do consciously try and lock up when I remember though - I'd hate for one of the cars to go missing before I learn the hard way!

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Sorry to hear.

What I don't like is that legally your on thin ground if you do anything to someone who comes in your house univited.Unlike america.


I'm not a violent person but in that situation..



Hope you hear something soon about your car bud.

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Sorry to hear.

What I don't like is that legally your on thin ground if you do anything to someone who comes in your house univited.Unlike america.


mate of mine is a copper, he says if the 'jumped' through a window to 'escape' the owner wouldn't be prosecuted. damn double glazing.


feel for you tho, i wouldn't like for that to happen to anyone i know, nor share a forum with

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Jesus... good luck mate and I hope your car gets back to you unmolested! :(

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That sucks. I'll be sure to keep an eye out. Not seen another mystic in Lincoln for ages. As said above, its amazing the effort they'd go to get an old car.

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Is it ok if i put this on a couple of local websites? hopefully might help you get her back?

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That is well out of order..Scum like that need a :censored: good kicking..I will also post this on another forum I use..The moe who know the better..


Get a couple of dogs mate..If anyone comes with in 10 feet of our house they go off at one..Ok it can be a pain but when when you are in bed its kind of handy..

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Guest cantlivewithoutg60



That's a real sh@t thing to happen, these kind of people don't care about anything, they are really not that smart. I will keep an eye out for you bud, i am quite a way from you, but you never know. Fingers crossed you get the old beast back. :(

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Sorry to hear this as happened to you. I know how you feel the same thing happened to me last September when i had my Mazda 6 and my gfs company car both stolen. Both cars were found eventually the Mazda was a right off total front end damage whilst my gfs car was found with all the panels damaged and a large HD tv in the back! We got a lucky break though because when the Mazda crashed the air bag went off and the thieving scroats DNA was splattered all over it HA HA. He only got 1 year for breaking into my house and robbing 2 cars. At least he was caught though. I hope you get yours back in one piece and my story hasn filled you with dread.

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That's terrible mate, really sorry to hear it.......


I know i'm a bit of a distance away but i'll be keeping my eyes peeled

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Sorry to hear this bud, hope you get the car back an they catch the feckers!!!!!!


This is why im glad i had a hidden button fitted when i had my alarm/immob installed. So even if they get the keys they cant start the car without pressing this button. Me and the bloke that fitted it are the only 2 who know where it is.


Good luck getting it back mate.

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