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horn live all the time

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problem started with low noise from horn now its live all the time with or without igi on that was a week ago now added to that brake warning light on with ignition on put hazards on it flashes with the indicators

turning left blows fuse on indicators turn right ok put lights on dash flashes with hazards oooer

put new indicator slalk and wiper stalk on

changed every bulb on car it has a toad 606 alarm which works ok except stopped flashing indicators when arming or dissarming

any help gratefully received

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Well Keith thats a right old catalogue there so can only hope you get it sorted soon :shrug:

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I know this isn't very specific to your problem but that sounds very much to me like an earth fault, somewhere in the steering column, or possibly a broken ignition switch altogether. It could also be a fault with the instrument panel (clocks), but I can't see that affecting the horn.


My attention would be focused on the ignition switch and all earths in that area, although I don't have any experience of this problem personally, hope its of some help!

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I know this isn't very specific to your problem but that sounds very much to me like an earth fault, somewhere in the steering column, or possibly a broken ignition switch altogether. It could also be a fault with the instrument panel (clocks), but I can't see that affecting the horn.


My attention would be focused on the ignition switch and all earths in that area, although I don't have any experience of this problem personally, hope its of some help!

cheers for that

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changed ignition switch

changed clocks

still the same put it all back now the headlights flash with the hazards on all the other syptoms as well

running out of ideas helppppppppppp

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have you tried the headlight switch ? unplug it and see if it makes any difference, when mine went wrong,it burnt out the horn wires,i ended up rewiring the horn in the end ! Hope this helps

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have you tried disconnecting the horn ?

the horn push should only be the earth,disconnect it from the fusebox,take out the fuse,and relay,

any change ?

what you have got to do is isolate as many circuits as you can,one at a time,to try and find out whats causing it !

as the man before me says probally a dodgy earth, or a power wire earthing onto another cable(s) or a melted plug somewhere,

sorry i cant be more specific

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cheers matey

ive tried disconecting as much as i can with no change

looks like fuse box or the alarm dunno the alarm keeps changing when i set it

any way thanks once again

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I had a very similar problem on an old mk2, I ended up removing the whole imobisiser from the car. It didn't make any difference, ended up being an after market relayed headlight kit that had water in 1 relay causing a short, but you could have water in the back of your fusebox.

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found problem air filter box had chafed 4 cables in loom 1 being a live another earth feeding back to the fuse box causing the earths to have a live feed i wouldnt have even looked as the problem was the fuse blowing the other side

bob the guy at rms diagnostic 07727065968 was brilliant anyone in east kent he,s your man for electics the time and bother he put in plus the price was fantastic

thank you all for your input

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