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VRT Help..

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Hi i am just starting to thing of comming back to the Corrado, i had a very nice g60 a few years ago and maybe want another. After having some fair size HP cars if i get a VR6 i would want to go down the Turbo or charger way and charge cooler way slip diff,awd etc, the question is could someone please imput some good web site that do the turbo conversion and any other bits that might help going this way. i will be wanting upwards of 350hp at the wheels,. In advance thanks for helping. 8)

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I have james's number just putting feelers out for whats out and about, he has done well with it and is a credit to him, that is one option, would look at new turbo bin the cheep one or blow it up then buy one just worried on a few things tbh with you and james manifold holding up, running correct, c2 softwear (standalone) fueling, temps rolling road printout might help better and because he is such a dab hand with most thing he could help on the diff awd option you never know...i not saying anyhting is wrong i just am not that up on vrt's and conversions and want to undertand them and what kits options are out..(and red is the slow colour you know :norty: )lol

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if i had the cash i would have bought that car weeks ago, and the c2 software is just awesome.

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if i had the cash i would have bought that car weeks ago, and the c2 software is just awesome.

Thanks as said i am not asking if james's is any good or not that is wrong to do, so please james if y read think that, i just dont understand what he has or has not done, does it fuel right run right and i think a rr might show this or not, i may be wrong. also what needs doing and lets say i bought it would look at what else i need to do and all that. or if i bought one to do-up myself who and where does it as per the thread of asking about sites....etc...

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give The Phirm a shout then mate, they have done plenty of very good vrt conversions.

Looking good thanks for the help...dont seem to be many companies out and about by the look of it or plaaces to get the kits from etc..

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If there is one thing I've learnt from my VRT research it is that not a lot of it will be straight forward. No one really does a RHD kit for one so a level of modification to any kit would be needed, then you've got to find a garage that's done one already and knows what is needed and even then every install seems to be a fair amount of trial and error on fitting etc.


Or you do it yourself but loads of people on here will tell you how tricky that can be.


Either way if you want 350bhp, charge cooler, LSD etc etc the works basically then I'd factor in a minimum of £3-5k just on parts depending on quality. £2k for ok car. Then god knows how much in labour. Wouldn't even like to guess how much a garage would charge to convert to AWD.


Good luck with it mate, I'm starting a 24VT conversion in about 8 weeks time. I'm doing most of it myself because I'm mad, and the rest will be sorted by these guys http://www.dgautotech.com/dgauto/ who are a couple of guys off this forum. Both their cars are awesome.

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If there is one thing I've learnt from my VRT research it is that not a lot of it will be straight forward. No one really does a RHD kit for one so a level of modification to any kit would be needed, then you've got to find a garage that's done one already and knows what is needed and even then every install seems to be a fair amount of trial and error on fitting etc.


Or you do it yourself but loads of people on here will tell you how tricky that can be.


Either way if you want 350bhp, charge cooler, LSD etc etc the works basically then I'd factor in a minimum of £3-5k just on parts depending on quality. £2k for ok car. Then god knows how much in labour. Wouldn't even like to guess how much a garage would charge to convert to AWD.


Good luck with it mate, I'm starting a 24VT conversion in about 8 weeks time. I'm doing most of it myself because I'm mad, and the rest will be sorted by these guys http://www.dgautotech.com/dgauto/ who are a couple of guys off this forum. Both their cars are awesome.


Quote yes i think you are mad but you only live once eh! when it comes to money prices etc, i am not fussed i have a good job. Its the fact of getting the best in somecases and finding like you said a garge that understands what its about , i have been tempted over the last week to get a Astra vxr and having a play with that with slip diff or ripping it apart for awd and upping the engine through regal or someone, but not sure the problem is i love my corrados they have a small place in my heart, but with working can i dedicate enough time to the old buggers, and the vxr is a real stonker of a price 08 plate one owner who i know 10k on the clock and has said i can have it for 10k which it a bloody good price.

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It doesnt matter how much money you throw at an Astra, it will still be ONLY an Astra !!

Once you start modifying any car, its never finished, theres always something to do,or you start asking yourself

questions,if i had the money, what will i do next !

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Once you start modifying any car, its never finished, theres always something to do,or you start asking yourself

questions,if i had the money, what will i do next !


Could'nt have put it better myself :lol:

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