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My mate works at a VW maindealer and in the last 2 weeks they have scrapt 2 corrado`s one was a blue storm and the other is a VR6 with recaro interior, i bet lots of corrado`s will get scrapt when they are offering £2,000 for them in p/x. Just seems a shame to scrap good cars ............... :( :(

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the fact our future taxes are getting spent on a ridiculous attempt to stimulate the economy annoys me, realising rados are getting scrapped because of it really :bad-words:

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Do they actually get scrapped or just traded on :(

My local "Scrap Metal Processor" now has a big pile of cars that are not accident write offs or rust buckets but scrappage scheme trade ins from the garages. They will all go in the shredder as is. Best ones I saw in the pile were a pair of nice looking Golfs, a MK2 GTi 5 door and a MK3 GTi 3 door.

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What a f------ waste they should be put on a web site for recycling i hate this government more and more each day :censored: :censored: :censored:

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This scrappage thing is really winding me up, since when was throwing away perfectly good cars and replacing them with bigger and heavier alternatives any good for anyone!


Buying a brand new car is a waste of money, everyones always known that. So now the plan is to get Joe Bloggs to hand in his completely acceptable car and wax a load of money on a new one! Given that you'd lose more then you got from scrapping your car, in depreciation as soon as you left the forecourt it seems like the only winners are the car firms :brickwall:

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Ive got to admitt i think the whole thing is dreadfull..


We get this whole lets recycle, be green bollocks thrown down our throats but then with cars it doesnt apply..


The energy required for tooling and materials to make a new car surely arent as envirofriendly as using a perfectly good car..

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It's all in the aim of saving jobs, saving the car firms, and getting banks loaning money to joe public again. All a bit of a pointless excercise really, as there are only so many people who will take this offer up, when the target market runs dry, we're back to square 1 again except the taxpayers owe more money to the banks who helped us into this fine mess in the first place.....However, it does get the ball rolling again, and it may have helped.


I think if I was doing it though, I'd gut the car first!

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a blue storm, recaro interior NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!


sadly not everyone loves corrados as we all do to some they are just 4 wheels and a couple of seats that

get them from a to b

i say seek them down and put them in the recycler damm corrado haters :mad2: :mad2: :censored:

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Was Princess Diana driving one of them? :)


I had an older couple with a Green Storm come in a few weeks back who were looking at changing for a new A3. Even someone of that age (60+) knew the car was unique and said he'd rather sell it for £2000 cash than scrap it. I just can't believe someone would be stupid enough to scrap a car like that, most people who own a Storm own them for a reason.

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Its all mental.


Especially when you get some tube from either the government or the car industry banging on about how new cars are greener, which is rubbish as it takes more resources to make a new car than to keep using an old one.


Real shame is all the spares that are being destroyed.

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My MG is 5 years older than me, if it had been subject to the scrappage shambles it would have been scrapped when I was 5, not restored for me to enjoy.

The mindless destruction of history and culture is socially unacceptable so why is it encouraged with cars? :bad-words:

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There's a scrapyard down here that allows you to enter and strip things off cars as required. Unfortunately a Corrado has been there a while now, with 'SCRAPPAGE' scrawled down the sides in liquid chalk. It's a real shame as enthusiasts like Corrado owners really aren't getting the best deal with this stupid scheme, now the C count is dwindling even more.

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I blame the numpties who take the corrados down there in the first place, knowing they will be scrapped. What happens when the nightmare of having run out of spares occurs? :confused4: :shock:

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A real shocker to read this thread it saddens me to the bone that someone can scrap a C in storm guise with no hint of reflection or even giving the chance of someone else the chance to look after it and cherrish it. RIP

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"And you can get £2000 for your old car if you trade it for a new one."


Now does the dealer put his hand in his pocket and dish out £2000 of his own money?


Oh the Government pays the £2000. That's ok then. But where did they get the £2000 from to give to the dealer/car maker? Need I ask?


Now that's what pisses me off. I get screwed by the Tax Man only to find my tax money being used for some dumb ass scheme that I don't agree with. And would never have agreed with if I'd been asked. But I wasn't asked. It was decided for me. That really gets my back up. Another waste of money scheme. No wonder this country is in debt.


And all for George and Mildred to buy a bloody i20 that will be worthless in 5 years time. And when my kids are 18 and want their first car? No classic cars with soul left kids, have an i20 instead!

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"And you can get £2000 for your old car if you trade it for a new one."


Now does the dealer put his hand in his pocket and dish out £2000 of his own money?


Oh the Government pays the £2000. That's ok then. But where did they get the £2000 from to give to the dealer/car maker? Need I ask?


Now that's what pisses me off. I get screwed by the Tax Man only to find my tax money being used for some dumb ass scheme that I don't agree with. And would never have agreed with if I'd been asked. But I wasn't asked. It was decided for me. That really gets my back up. Another waste of money scheme. No wonder this country is in debt.


And all for George and Mildred to buy a bloody i20 that will be worthless in 5 years time. And when my kids are 18 and want their first car? No classic cars with soul left kids, have an i20 instead!


I shouldnt laugh, but in effect you'll be paying for it yourself. As Shaun says the money comes from the government, the money will come from the tax payer. So effectively you're paying the 2000 yourself.




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shaun put it a lot better than i did :D


anyone who wants evidence why this scheme won't stimulate didly squat only has to look at Germany, their own scheme ended last month.... new car sales back to frig all


in the interests of re-election gordo the moron is applying sticking plasters to gaping wounds, the sooner we take the pain and pay the debt the sooner we'll be clear of this mess :brickwall:

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My mate works at a VW maindealer and in the last 2 weeks they have scrapt 2 corrado`s one was a blue storm and the other is a VR6 with recaro interior, i bet lots of corrado`s will get scrapt when they are offering £2,000 for them in p/x. Just seems a shame to scrap good cars ............... :( :(


do you know where the 'scrap' cars go from the dealership your m8 works in or can he find out?


if they go to local scrap yards they might be worth locating :)

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I was (reluctantly) thinking of scrapping my daily in February (just before the scheme ends) so that my girlfriend could get a new car.. plan was to chop in my old Merc (was free anyway so no loss!) and sell her 3 year old Ka and get a Fiat 500.


Problem is car dealers are unsurprisingly being complete and utter greedy w*nkers. I appreciate they're businesses and need to make money and all that but I've been steadily watching Fiat hike up the price on an entry level 500 over the last year. Basic OTR price of a poverty spec 500 when it launched was £7,500. It when crept into the £8,000 mark and when I last checked a few weeks back it was at £8,700!


It is a total mugs game. Scrappage has to be on an 'eco' car. Consequently eco cars are selling well. Therefore dealers won't budge on the prices of cars like the 500 cause they're selling so well. And they've put the price up into the bargain. And get government money. I hope they enjoy it whilst it lasts.. when the scrappage scheme pot runs out in February and all possible buyers of small cars have come and had their deals, car makers everywhere are going to be in a world of hurt.


I think if I wait till around Christmas 2010 they'll be so desperate to shift cars they'll be practically giving them away.

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It's not a case of greed Jim; the Pound Sterling is on the floor so anything that currently comes into the UK (especially from Euro currency) is about 15% more than it was two years ago.

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