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fuel injectors removal

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How do I remove the injectors from the lower manifold, for powdercoatings? :)




its a 9a valver

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how about the bits the injectors fit in? will they melt when cooked in oven, they arent metal are they?

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9a should have a securing clip on each injector, remove these first and then pull the injector, or prise using the hex of the union for leverage on a warm engine and they should pop out. The inserts can be removed with a large allen socket, something big like 13mm cant remember exactly.

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There's a few parts to the lower manifold which hold the injectors in place. Firstly there are little metal clips sitting on the injector line above each injector - just prise these off and buy new ones to replace them. Inside the lower part of the manifold, there are metal crowns which the injectors plug into. Once the injectors have been pulled, and the lower part of the manifold removed, these can be unscrewed with an appropriate sized insert. Attached to the crowns, there are little plastic tubes - buy new ones of these from VW as they go really brittle and in many cases can be cracked and damaged.


Pulling them is a right game, as is refitting them - a good tip I found for putting them back in was to insert the injector into the hole and then lever them in! There are lots of places all round the inlet to give you leverage.

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cheers chaps. the manifold is off the car anyway, how will I be able to warm it up? I see how to pull the injectors out but I wondering about the plastic bits, I imagine they will just brake

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hair dryer or heat gun


you shouldn't need to heat to get the other stuff off, the plastic sleeves just push out backwards, the inserts can be unscrewed with a large alan key/ hex driver


and because i'm a silky salesmen - i have a clean/ complete set of the inserts and sleeves for sale if you need :D

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If it's a KR they just pull out, there not secured with anything else.


Not disputing this at all - but what the hell stops them getting blown out then? How tight a fit are they?

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If it's a KR they just pull out, there not secured with anything else.


Not disputing this at all - but what the hell stops them getting blown out then? How tight a fit are they?


if anything they get sucked in :lol:

unless you really have a problem, your inlet valves should be shut when the piston comes up, so nothing's going to be pushing those injectors out, often what happens when the seals get old and hard is they leak air in and make the engine run lean/cause idle problems

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are they used?


yep used but clean, can get a piccy if you need


yes please

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just to jump in on this, how often is it worth replacing the inserts, o-rings, etc? I don't particullarly know the history of the engine in mine

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If the deal with aide falls through I've got a set of 4 brand new metal crowns / inserts which screw into the inlet - bought them but didn't use them as the ones already in mine were clean enough! Lemme know if you're interested!

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and they are removed how? :grin:


the sleeve bits just pull off the top of the screw insert things, or push backwards out the manifold if that's what you mean?

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these crowns, will they melt in the oven when getting baked after the powdercoat? cheers

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am getting a bit confused - the brass inserts can be unscrewed from the manifold, the plastic sleeves clip onto the top of the brass inserts, or if disconnected they can be pushed backwards out the manifold?!

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its alright Ive removed the inserts and the brass crowns now so the oven shouldnt be a problem now :lol:

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found out its £30 an injector :lol: :bad-words: so is there a way to test the spray etc on my old ones, maybe clean them up a bit? Jim I'll still have those crowns though 8)

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