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24V C with aircon - anyone ??

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The 4Motion engine I had fitted to my VR originally came with aircon - but in the conversion the aircon pump wasnt fitted, as I had no need for it.


Now ( with all this talk of Global Warming !! ) I am interested in getting aircon /climate control fitted.


First question - do any of you who also have 4M engines in their Corrado have the aircon pump fitted ?


Is there room for it ? It rings a bell that there may have to be some modification to the front cross-member - can anyone confirm this ??


Thanks in advance for anyone who can throw any usefull info my way.


BTW, I was only joking about the Global Warming - it's damn freezing here right now :lol:

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I'm not certain but I assume that the 4motion bracket and the FWD bracket are the same, in which case the AC compressor will interfere with the front cross member. Most of the solutions I have seen involve cutting out a section of the cross member and then reinforcing it with thicker plates on the bottom. The most innovative solution I have seen and probably the one that I will try and copy for my conversion is to use spacers to lower the cross member. I found this on a thread about converting a mk3 to a 24v engine. The mk3 cross member design is slightly different but I think the basic idea would still work. Here's a link to that thread: http://www.vask.org.nz/index.php/topic,5877.165.html



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IIRC because the block of both the 12v and 24v are the same, the alternator bracketry (and thus air-con) is interchangeable. Depending on how your 4MO lump was fitted and which bracketry was used, it should be possible to fit an air-con pump, without modification, as they did with the Diavia kit. Apparently there are only about 3 or 4 different fitments for air-con pumps since time began, so it's just a matter of finding the right pump from a donor car.

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I'm not sure that the 12v brackets would fit on the 24v block. The top of the 12v alternator and ac compressor bracket interferes with the intake manifold of the 24v engine. I also seem to remember that some of the mounting bosses on the 24 block and brackets are shifted relative to where they are on the equivalent 12v component. Progress on my swap has been glacial so my memory of the details from when I tried this could be incorrect. If someone has actually made it work I would appreciate seeing the details.



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Pretty sure they do, but that's based on research I'd made to fit a 24v into a mk3 golf VR. I may of course be totally wrong as I've never actually offered the 12v bracket up to a 24v block. If someone could confirm, I'd also like to know for sure.

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