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Possible head gasket gone - please help

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HI. Sorry if i ramble on but i want to try and give you guys as much detail as possible.


Bought a Corrado VR6 yesterday. When i picked her up, there was a abit of white smoke/steam from the exhaust on start up but i assumed this was down to condensation. Drove around birmingham and it seemed fine, although the inside did seem to steam up quickly. Then on the motorway, doing circa 75-80mph noticed alot of white smoke/steam coming from the exhaust (enough that other drivers started changing lanes to get out of my path). Quickly checked water temp, oil temp, no warning lights were flashing on the dash. So pulled over onto the hard shoulder and switched off. Noticed that there was alot of steam coming from the engine. Opened up and there was water/coolant everywhere. The coolant bottle was completely empty. Called the RAC out. He filled it up (needed 6 litres of water before there was water sitting in the coolant bottle) and then started the engine. Noticed where the water was leaking from, a hose that was going into the block (its a 3 way pipe, one end goes to the heater matrix, ill try and get a pic up later this morning). So took that off and there was a spilt in the hose about 2cm long. So did a temp job on that (sealant tape) fitted back to car and started her up. Still white smoke coming from the exhaust.

The RAC guy left the cap off the coolant bottle and was checking the top hose and bottom hose for temps. Would rev the engine (white smoke from exhaust) and after a while (once up to temp) the water in the coolant tank came gushing out (cap was off). Also he said that the top hose was hot but the bottom hose wasn't (it was getting warmer but no where near as hot as the top hose). So he put it down to the head gasket. While doing this the water temp had gone up to 90.


Got him to tow me back to brum and now im not sure what my next move should be? Does this sound like head gasket? Theres no mayo/gunk on the oil cap. Also should point out that the oil is over filled (on the dipstick oil is about 1.5-2cm above the max point but again no mayo just normal oil) and the heater matrix was replaced by previous owner.

Any help really appreciated.



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drop the oil and get it to the right level first off. you dont want to be blowing seals as well as the water issue.


cant help on the water issue as not got a 6. but steam in the cabin normally means the heater matrix has gone. check the carpet in passenger footwell upto the bulkhead and under the centreconsole at the back.

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It does sound like it might be the HG, you may have blown the gasket between a cylinder and the coolant paths in the/head/block. This would have the effect of pressuring the cooling system, which could explain the split hose and water gushing from the bottle. Also white smoke in the exhaust gases can be indicative of water in the combustion process. You need to do a compression test really.

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Am i right in thinking that most mechanics/garages will be able to do this compression test for me? Or is it something i can do myself?


Also i assume i shouldn't drive the car as it is?

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Am i right in thinking that most mechanics/garages will be able to do this compression test for me? Or is it something i can do myself?


Also i assume i shouldn't drive the car as it is?



The kit is about £20, and a mechanic will probably charge you something similar (unless you know where you can get a freeby!), so its up to you. I would go with the peace of mind of using a mechanic.


If you drive the car and it uses all its coolant, the overheating could warp the head, making the repairs more expensive. It could also damage other gaskets etc. When my Mk2 had blown its gasket, it would use all its water in about 45 mins, so as long as the journey was very short, I would risk it, but its up to you. :norty:

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not too sure on this but iv done a fair share of mechanics (colege, garages etc..)

and i know what RAC men can be like (not all my step father is a damn good one)

but surely one hose on the rad will be cooler than the other as the idea in the radiator is to cool the water..


and the water system is meant to be pressurised as water boils at 100 degrees but when in a pressurised and sealed system it can go higher without turning to steam,

so by leaving the cap off then running the engine to temp and letting it flow out he isnt proving much as it happened due to the cap being off!

like if you run any car up to temp then take the cap off it will blow steam out probably scold you and then the water will flow out.


the steam may have been the water escaping from the split pipe onto the exhaust and if the car has been sitting after perhaps being worked on condensation in the exhaust,

i would :-

fix split pipe

drain oil to correct level

fill coolant to correct level

get compression test done to each cylinder and also get a coolant pressure test as this will check all aspects of head gasket and also eliminate any other leaks..

a garage would charge around £30-£40 for the test but some may be happy to do it as a freebee..

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Luckily my mechanic is literally 2 mins up the road so not driving the car for long.


He has had a look and said first point of call is to get a new pipe to repair damaged one. Hopefully this should arrive tomorrow and will take it from there.

Its the white smoke coming from the exhaust that is really worrying me. Ive taken a small video clip, just trying to figure out how to load in on here.


Will keep you guys posted.



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my point exactly, they told my mate his starter had gone, was a bad connection on battery.

Your mechanic will go through the list i stated. I wouldnt worry about the steam until compresion test is done. I took my engine out before to clean up the bay and when i loosened pipes water went in the exhaust and it smoked for ages well until i took it for a long drive!

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Right just a quick update. Replaced the pipe that had a hole. THen drove it around and car seemed to stop smoking. But once car was cooled down and i started it again started smoking. Kept an eye on the coolant and it was loosing water hence the head gasket issue.


Had it towed to Midlands VW where it is having the new head gasket fitted, head skimmed, new thermostat, chain guides, needs a new water pump and i think piston seals. So hopefully by the weekend i will have her back and actually start to enjoy the VR :clap:

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Blimey with that amount of work getting done I reckon it will cost more than what you bought the car for. :pale: Still if it fixes all your problems and the car runs mint afterwards then could be considered money well spent.

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Blimey with that amount of work getting done I reckon it will cost more than what you bought the car for. :pale: Still if it fixes all your problems and the car runs mint afterwards then could be considered money well spent.

exactly what i was thinking.... hopefully it will sort it and another rado will be saved from being scrapped, just because it's not economical to fix.

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Blimey with that amount of work getting done I reckon it will cost more than what you bought the car for. :pale: Still if it fixes all your problems and the car runs mint afterwards then could be considered money well spent.


New head gasket and skimmed head is £400. Plus all the other bits and bobs looking at a bill for £600. Like you say, hopefully the car will be running perfect (finger crossed).

Not having the lower chain done as they look ok otherwise it would have cost near enough £1000 :(


Been wanting a corrado for years and finally took the plunge so definitely wont be scrapping her :nono:

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where in birmingham r ya?


I work in London during the week but weekends am normally back in birmingham. Live in Sparkhill, opposite the park.


I take it your from birmingham too?

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Ok. So i got the VR back 2 weeks ago. Seemed to be ok. Was still a little smokey on start up but thought it may be down to condensation. Drove her back to London and it was fine. Don't really get a chance to use her during the week but took her for a drive last weekend. Again saw abit of smoke every now and then but checked coolant and no issues.


Drove her back to brum today thought she smoking abit too much for my liking. Checked the oil and there was literally a tiny bit on the bottom of the dipstick.

Basically in the space of 300 miles over 2 weeks she has used up 2.5 litres of oil. Surely that can't be right :confused4:


I had the valve seals replaced when they did the head so could it be that these were damaged/not fitted correctly? Ill be talking to the garage the work was done at on Monday morning as it cost over £1000 for the work, but just wanted your get your thoughts on this. The smoke is definitely from the oil (slightly blueish in colour and distinctive smell).

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Bleak mate, were do ya start lookin for internal oil leaks?? It's a nightmare, have you had your plugs out to see if any indication as to which cylinder you could be loosing oil into, it's possible that having too much oil in the begining has blown a ring, i thought ied blown the seals on my 2nd cylinder on my valver the otherweek, took the inlet manifold off to find oil in the inlet ports, looks like pickin up an engine of someone on this forum could be a nice cheap option,

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Haven't checked the plugs yet. Im assuming its the valve seals as before the head gasket went didn't have an issue with losing oil.

Just annoyed as im really liking the car but not being able to enjoy her :(

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You said you bought the car recently, perhaps the previous owner knew there was oil leaking and maybe the reason why he / she over filled the oil for your journey home??


Just a thought....

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