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whats this loose bit near my battery?

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Just noticed a loose bit near my battery when I popped the bonnet.


It's cylindrical shaped and has some cables attached to it. Will take a picture later if necessary, but from what I recall its about 6-8 inches long and 2-3 inches in diameter, and is hanging loose between the battery and the front headlight.


Anyone know what it is?

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if it has yellow wires coming from it i think its something to do with the dipped headlights when you take your key out the ignition. i disconnected mine, as far as i know its a stupid thing that rather than letting your sidelights come on when the key is out it keeps your dipped on at low light which flattens the battery quicker.


at least thats what i think it is lol

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I thought it was a sausage at first. But I think swiftkid is right, I unplugged mine when i fitted an uprated loom.

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*laughs at how you blokes exaggerate* :D


Dim-dip resistor 6-8 inches long and 2-3 diameter? More like centimeters :tongue:




well its easy to get confused between inches and centimeters :norty:

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*laughs at how you blokes exaggerate* :D


Dim-dip resistor 6-8 inches long and 2-3 diameter? More like centimeters :tongue:




hahahaha.....after going back out to "accurately" measure, I can confirm its 9 inches long and 5 inches thick :norty:

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did anyone cut this off,mines still connected but side lights go to dipped when the cars started

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