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Biggerbigben - Golf sold.. another new project!

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Was a bit bored the other night so I decided to do a little photo 'chopping' ;-) of the C from No Rice last month. What does people think of the look? I did slam it as well, but it would be rude not too :lol: 8)



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The chop looks mean. Never change the front grille, it looks way better than any other type on your car.


The interior is looking brilliant, such a good choice. After sitting in the tvr interior I know it's going to be another great job you're doing. :salute:

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Dare i say as there is no update recently there is more to your dash than your letting on ben?


Where are the updates chap?

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  junkie said:
Dare i say as there is no update recently there is more to your dash than your letting on ben?


Where are the updates chap?


Hey bud..


I've been really busy at work so I haven't really had any time to spend on the car. No more has happened to the dash since E38.. I need to get going again.


However I might have some updates on something different next week ;-) Watch this space.. 8)

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Same old story Ben mate, busy at work, not had time to do ought, but your all gonna wet yourselves when you see what i have done now :lol: stop been so modest with the whole i can do build rome in a day :lol:


Like i said there is more to it :)

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  junkie said:
Same old story Ben mate, busy at work, not had time to do ought, but your all gonna wet yourselves when you see what i have done now :lol: stop been so modest with the whole i can do build rome in a day :lol:


Like i said there is more to it :)



hahahaha.. I promise I haven't touched it for 2 weeks! But I'm off home to the folks for a 2 week break from work and I'm taking the C with me - so I'm hoping to get some stuff done!

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  biggerbigben said:
  blue95 said:
LOL - what next??


Keeping an eye on this one!


Not saying yet ;-)


Exactly, more to it!

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  billinjah said:
looking good ben seriously tempted to haldex mine whats the biggest part of the job the boot floor?


Hey Bill,


There isn't a big part to the job really.. I think the issue is the cost.. custome driveshafts, controller, haldex parts, modding rear syncro sub frame etc etc etc.. it all adds up.


You can do the 4wd conversion in so many ways but the most factory way is definatly to use a rallye/syncro floor pan, tank etc


Give me a shout if you want any advice or help :)



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so how quickly could it be done if i had a pile of bits ready to fit? from start to finish. any way i could get haldex but still use the g6o bottom end? no biggie if not im looking at 20v options at the minute.

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  billinjah said:
so how quickly could it be done if i had a pile of bits ready to fit? from start to finish. any way i could get haldex but still use the g6o bottom end? no biggie if not im looking at 20v options at the minute.


remember i want 1st nod on the screw charger if ya change the engine options :)

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  billinjah said:
so how quickly could it be done if i had a pile of bits ready to fit? from start to finish. any way i could get haldex but still use the g6o bottom end? no biggie if not im looking at 20v options at the minute.


It could be done in a month if you got cracking I reckon. Boot floorpan would take a long weekend solid then the rest of it is just buying parts and bolting them up to a certain extent. You'll need to move the gearbox mount back and then move the whole end forward by 10mm (to clear rear engine mount with the big TT CV). You'll need to shorten the front section of the rallye prop by 30mm if I remember correctly and change the end to the TT item (reco prop in luton do this for around 120 quid). Custom driveshafts will take a good 2-3 weeks to be made. Weld up the rear subframe to accept the haldex diff and make or buy a controller. Thats about it really. Sounds easier said than done but its not rocket science ;-)



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ooo nasty... hopefully its just the limitations of the casting, hopefully you know a friendly machinist?

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  junkie said:
For an amateur like me what is it?


Its a rear engine mount bracket. It bolts to the back of the engine block. And I'm sure your not an amareur..



  mk3 yeti said:
ooo nasty... hopefully its just the limitations of the casting, hopefully you know a friendly machinist?


Its funny you should mention it ;-) - A new one is already being made, but using 10mm steel this time around.



  Toad said:
  junkie said:
For an amateur like me what is it?

Think it's a rear engine mount?



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  biggerbigben said:
  junkie said:
For an amateur like me what is it?


Its a rear engine mount bracket. It bolts to the back of the engine block. And I'm sure your not an amateur..


Well now you mention it i did manage to remove all 4 wheels, clean them and re install them within the hour..... :)

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