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Where to mount Parrot bluetooth handsfree?

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Hi, my new Parrot ck3100 arrives in the next few days, just under 90 pounds delivered from ebay..... has anyone got pictures where they think its best mounted?

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I believe the shoulder is the traditional mounting place for a Parrot....sm21757.jpg[/attachment:2p0cqhs2]


Arr, sorry me hearty, couldn't resist. :D

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Very good..... When I saw that someone had replied, I thought,'' cool, I see where they've put them'' Made me smile at least :clap:

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I had one in my old work astra. Positioned in the bottom right hand corner of the windscreen. Bluetooth connection could be flakey though.

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i've got a 9200 and mounted the mic to the side of the sunroof control and the control panel slightly out of sight just below the foglight switch. Might change it to fix in the cubby hole below the heater control. Have a look in my Members thread.

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