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I'm not on either side here as I think insurance is a total un-necessary ballache, and really dislike the whole business. I think the point that Tim was trying to make is that IF you qualify for their scheme then you stand to make good savings. If you don't, because you're too young or whatever, they're not promising that they can give you a decent rate.


C'est la vie. We've all been there with insurance. I got my first Corrado at 21 and was paying about £1,600 TPF&T!

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How come you don't insure engine conversions without engineers reports? That narrows this market somewhat

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Probably because they want to verify that the engine installation has been done properly, and not done in a dangerous / unsafe way? I don't think that's unreasonable either quite honestly. What if the dodgy engine install causes an engine fire at speed or something, or does something which causes an accident involving other cars? Should the insurer be liable for dangerous work done by someone who was unqualified?

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Probably because they want to verify that the engine installation has been done properly, and not done in a dangerous / unsafe way? I don't think that's unreasonable either quite honestly. What if the dodgy engine install causes an engine fire at speed or something, or does something which causes an accident involving other cars? Should the insurer be liable for dangerous work done by someone who was unqualified?


that is a fair point, but the same could be said for any modification. Or indeed any maintenance if the person is unqualified.

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That's a fair point as well.. you're absolutely right there. You could basically strip your entire car and rebuild it and be fine to get it insured.. but an engine transplant is subject to an engineers report. Go figure!

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Just got this years renewal, £60 up on last year.


Why oh why oh why does the premium always go up each year! Meaning you have to go through the age old hunting around and haggling process only to end up with the same price you had last year from the same provider. Surely you should get rewarded for yet another year of careful driving :grin:



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Just got this years renewal, £60 up on last year.


Why oh why oh why does the premium always go up each year! Meaning you have to go through the age old hunting around and haggling process only to end up with the same price you had last year from the same provider. Surely you should get rewarded for yet another year of careful driving :grin:



Insurers don't seem to like repeat custom for some strange reason. I have never used the same insurer for two consecutive years after 20+++ years of driving. I also don't like ads which say "you could save up to £xxxx". I "could" also win the lottery or get run over tomorrow! Just my opinion though :D

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I’ve been asked quite a few times recently how to get an insurance quote from us.


All you need to do is either ring the office please on 0800 917 2274 (or 01424 200477 if calling from a mobile) – Mon-Fri 9am till 5pm, Sat 9am till noon and state the club name and if possible the reference number (found in my signature below) - or use the email quote facility found on this forum.


I don’t personally do the quotes as I spend a lot of my time travelling the country on business and work from home also.

We have a specialist team who will be able to help you.


Also, please don't forget the popular car breakdown cover at £54.50 for full UK cover – please see http://www.ckinsurance.co.uk/docs/Chris ... akdown.pdf and the instant, online travel insurance quotes - http://www.ckinsurance.co.uk/travel


And if you need home insurance then http://www.ckinsurance.co.uk/docs/Chris ... urance.pdf!



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Please don't forget to try us if your car insurance renewal is due in July.

(Last week was our 2nd best ever in terms of business from the forums!)


0800 917 2274 or 01424 200477 - please don't forget to mention the club name and/or reference number found in my signature.

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Just a quick apology for those who tried our New Business team on Monday but didn't get through.


We were absolutely manic - good for business - but it didn't help those who couldn't get a quote.

(Claims & Customer Service depts were unaffected).


We are back to normal now so please ring us if you're car/home/car breakdown insurance is due in July.

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This insurance scheme is proving very popular which is great but I often get asked to do quotes myself.


Regarding this, could I ask you to either use the email quote facility found on this forum or ring the office please on 0800 917 2274 or 01424 200477 if calling from a mobile – Mon-Fri 9am till 5pm, Sat 9am till noon.

It’s just that I don’t actually do the quotes, as I spend a lot of my time travelling the country on business and work from home also.

We have a specialist team who should be able to help you based on the details you’ve stated.


Also, please don't forget the car breakdown cover at £54.50 for full UK cover – please see http://www.ckinsurance.co.uk/docs/Chris ... akdown.pdf, online travel insurance (instant quotes) - http://www.ckinsurance.co.uk/travel and home insurance.



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Here we go! The August rush!


August is always a busy month so if you're insurance renewal (for car, home, breakdown or travel!) is due, please feel free to ring us for a quote on our scheme. 0800 917 2274 or 01424 200477 and please quote the forum reference number found in my signature.

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tried getting a quote from you guys on a Corrado VR6


I'm 29 Years, 4 years NCB, zero points on licence and no fault claims for over 8 years (has someone rear end my last car three years ago but thet was paid out and the other person's fault)


Said you wouldnt even be able to match Brentacre's renewal quote, let alone beat it...


guess ill stick with Brentacre then...shame really as i have four cars to insure in the household and was looking for a decent quote from other suppliers to compare.

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If your car insurance renewal (or home, travel, car breadown for that matter!) is due in August, please feel free to ring for a quote on our scheme. In the next few weeks, we will have the September rates installed on our computers so we can quote for that month when that happens.




Our numbers are 0800 917 2274 or 01424 200477 and please don't forget to quote the club reference number found in my signature.

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I just thought I’d try and explain a little more about the insurer’s decision to amend the criteria for our insurance scheme. Please believe me when I say that we would love to insure everybody and I’ve enjoyed reading people’s feedback when they talk of our prices, customer service, claims handling, etc. However, the insurers have been hit hard this year and when trying to find out why, they have discovered that, in general, there are certain elements which are causing the problems. Hence the reason to only accept modifications with cosmetic changes and modded bhp increases of no more than 20bhp.


Also people must have at least 1 year's NCB – no introductory discounts are allowed, no more than 1 SP/PC/PL conviction offence per driver and minimum premiums are £250 for Comprehensive & £200 for TPFT cover.


It seems that people outside of this criteria are losing money big-time for the insurers though of course this is a generalisation as they understand not everyone claims in these ‘areas’. It’s just that once bitten, twice shy.


May I reiterate that it’s not us who have made this decision but the insurers. Let me point you to this article which tends to sum up the market at the moment - http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/Busine ... arch_Finds

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Is there any point getting a quote on a vr6 from you if im 23? Im paying around 850 fully comp at the moment (4 yrs no claims, 3 points), is my age likely to mean you wont be able to give me a good quote?

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If your car insurance renewal is due in September, please feel free to ring us for a quote on our scheme!


The parameters have changed in that the scheme insurers don't accept bhp increase mods by more than 20bhp or people with more than one conviction or who have had a fault claim in the last 12 months.

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Well, it's back to shopping around for competetive quotes then. English people are notoriously lazy with bank accounts, energy suppliers and insurance policies and many companies rely on that. Well it's time we took a stand against being ripped off, got off our butts and shopped around. There is always someone out there who wants our business.


I don't buy Insurance companies' excuses at all. They are always trying to make a quick buck at motorist's expense. Premiums have been going up steadily for years. Why do we rarely read about insurance companies going bankrupt? Isn't it funny how Home Contents insurance is optional and therefore cheap, but the compulsary cover such as buildings and car insurance is always expensive :roll:


Same old rip off Britain.


As the Sky report says, ever increasing premiums leads to ever increasing amounts of people driving around uninsured, which then compounds the problem because the already ripped off, consciencous people have to pay for that.


It doesn't take a genius to work out that if prices were sensible, then people wouldn't evade car insurance. Same old inept, incompetent Britain.


Yes some high risk drivers should pay more, but they are a much smaller minority than the sensationalised press reports indicate.

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If only I could insure my car with Haywire Insurance :luvlove: but sadly such a company does not exist :(


It's not difficult setting yourself up as a broker, but the hoops you have to jump through and the underwriter butts you have to lick just isn't worth the hassle imo.


I've never been a fan of Brokers tbh, and this is in general, not aimed at Mr slip knott. All they do is tout for your business and pass on your details to the underwriters - i.e. Herts, Flux, Brentacre etc all underwrite your policy through Highway, Lloyds of London, LVE, or which ever company is prepared to accept the risk, and don't speak to you again until renewal time!!


Why do we need them? Technically we don't. Why should we pay a middle man to only speak to us once a year and relieve of us of an unfair amount of money, when we can experience that direct from the underwriter? The problem is many underwriters can't be arsed or can't afford to set up handling customers direct, or simply don't want to speak to customers direct.


Unfortunately for us, it's usually only the smaller, never heard of before companies like, Ensign, LVE, Highway et al who are prepared to take on the 'risk' of a modified car. And as they are small companies, their claims service often leaves a lot to be desired. And I speak from experience.


They just don't have the cash reserves or market clout to deal with claims swiftly and efficiently, which is why you should always go to a big player over a small one if you can afford it. Pay less at renewal or policy inception = Pay more at claims time.


The whole insurance industry needs overhauling because currently it is grossly unfair and extremely dated.

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Yeah I hear ya, it's gay ... gay gay gay gay gay! Mine's up for renewal in a couple of weeks with Brentacre, will be interested to see how much it'll go up by even though I'll have driven another year without any claims etc :roll:

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Yeah I hear ya, it's gay ... gay gay gay gay gay! Mine's up for renewal in a couple of weeks with Brentacre, will be interested to see how much it'll go up by even though I'll have driven another year without any claims etc :roll:


Yeah my Brentacre policy is due for renewal next month too, and if it's gone up horrendously because of my claim (I have protected bonus, but makes little difference apparently) they will be told to that a hike.


What makes me laugh is how quickly they drop the premium when you tell them it's cheaper elsewhere, even though I didn't actually ring around :roll: See what I mean about trying to make a quick buck at our expense?

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Yep, got my insurance renewal through and surprise surprise it's more than last year, they want £1009 and I'm sure last year's was only ~£900-950 ish. I still need to change it to my new address though (oops :roll:) so that should take it down a bit as I'm in a much better area now, but doubt it will make a difference!


Just so f**king annoying that I've been with them a year and got another year's NCB and yet I have to pay more! :bad-words:


So looks like I'll be getting some more quotes and then going back to Brentacre with the lowest (if I can f**king get a lower quote :censored:) and telling them to beat/match it else I'll be going elsewhere! I really don't want to go elsewhere though as that means I'll need to pay the deposit etc again which along with taxing the car and needing rear tyres etc etc I'm gunna be skint again next month :(

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I remember ringing up during my renewal a couple of years back, (Flux or Chris Knott.. cant remember which) but the lady on the phone was a right miserable so and so...


Told her I got a cheaper quote elsewhere and she told me that 'this isn't a dutch auction you know!'

WTF! Well excuse me for ringing around to get a better quote...


And I've never understood 'protected' or 'guaranteed' no claims. If, for arguments sake, I've made a claim, how do I know that come renewal time the price they quote is any diferrent to if I had not made a claim? :?

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