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Indicator Problem - Serious!

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Hello to all,


Sorry to say that my first post on here is going to be a moaner - but well, here goes.


Last night, I drove to a friends, parked up as normal, switched off the engine and lights and noticed a strange orange glow from the front and back of the car. Oddly enough, ALL of my indicators are stuck on. Not flashing - just on. I've had the relays out, the fuses, the works - short of disconnecting the battery. (Which I didn't want to do for fear of the alarm/immobiliser kicking in at 12.30am). So anyway, with the fuse out (number 17), the ignition in position two and the relay in I get a solid green light for the indicator on the dash - the indicators themselves remain on. If I turn the indicator on, the light goes out. However, if i put the fuse back in - i get nothing. It's the damn weirdest problem I have ever seen. I ended up taking out all the bulbs last night as I needed the car to start this morning to get to work. Which, thankfully it did. Albeit, I did annoy a number of road users with my roundabout antics - I want my indicators back!!

I've tried all I can think of, the damn things just won't turn off!!!! If anyone can shed any light, or drop a suggestion in I would be most appriciative!


All the best


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I have seen that before on one of my old Golfs....it was the alarm. Or more accurately, it was the wiring that spliced into the hazard light switch that became iffy. Might wanna check that first, but if not that then, is one of the side repeater bulbs out per chance, or have you tried a new indicator flasher unit?




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I have seen that before on one of my old Golfs....it was the alarm. Or more accurately, it was the wiring that spliced into the hazard light switch that became iffy. Might wanna check that first, but if not that then, is one of the side repeater bulbs out per chance, or have you tried a new indicator flasher unit?


I'm still trying to work out how it happened, there was no work being carried out - nothing that springs to mind other than standard driving - not even booting it. Out of interest, where is the flasher unit? Is it on/near the bank of relays? Helpfully enough, VW didn't think to label the relays, or put any listing in the documentation! The side repeaters are both working AOK, in fact all 6 indicators are behaving themselves. I had a good chance to inspect them last night as they were on and staying on!


Thanks for your help


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I can't remember which relay no is the indicator one.....it's a short stumpy metal one with Hella written on it usually, the rest are normally all plastic. Or you can pull the relays out one by one until the lights extinguish...... incidentally, does the hazard light still function?



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Nopes the hazards are dead too. I've had all the relays out, and it makes no difference - the indicators still persist. Why Mr Indicator? Why Why Why? Why do you Per-sist?!

I think there were only two/three metal stumpys down there, I think it was the top left one in the block of six (if that makes any sense) Especially, as now I think of it - it clicked when I plugged/unplugged it. With that in mind, the relay is probably OK - and it's like you said, the hazard wiring. Is that in the steering column or under the bonnet? Yay, I've been a Corrado owner for two weeks, and I'm already stripping it down. Reminds me of that godforsaken Polo I first started driving in.


Thanks again


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I'm with kev on this one, the left and right indicators are two seperate circuits, which converge on the hazard circuit, which includes the relays for flashing and the fuse. The alarm is a likely cause.


Its not what youve done that has caused the problem, it will just be a contact in some part of the alarm system has corroded, and now alows current to flow through the hazard circuit.


It could be the flasher relay, but that is more likely to show its self by not flashing when it should - but I would try that first cos its easier than checking the alarm, also make sure the hazard switch is not being foolish!! The fuse should be in series with the bulbs, so with the fuse out the bulbs shouldnt be on. This would perhaps indicate that the relay that joins your alarm circuit to the hazard circuit is after the fuse and is the culprate. With the fuse in, half the current flows through the 6 bulbs, the other half earths through the relay, so the lights are dull, with the fuse out, all the current flows through the bulbs, so they are bright.


On the other hand, I could be wrong :shock: :lol: :lol:


There is one good thing about problems with the indicators, when its fixed you can do the old 'is it working' joke..


...yes-no-yes-no.... :oops: :cry: :roll:

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OK, as unlikely as this is going to sound, it is not unusual for a bulb filament to break internally and cause a short circuit.

In fact, we had a member recently where this had happened.


For the price of bulbs, might be worth changing them aswell, just to cover all angles.


If not that, then it has to be the alarm.....


Edit: Actually, you said all 6 bulbs illuminate, so can't be that then......Alarm mate, has to be....



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Well seeing as alarms don't need an excuse to crap out, it definately sounds likely.


I just had problems with a sensor on mine, despite the fact that I did nothing under the bonnet to disturb it.. AND it had just been rechecked by an alarm company to verify its thatcham rating, and to check that everything was in order.

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It could be the flasher relay, but that is more likely to show its self by not flashing when it should - but I would try that first cos its easier than checking the alarm, also make sure the hazard switch is not being foolish!! The fuse should be in series with the bulbs, so with the fuse out the bulbs shouldnt be on. This would perhaps indicate that the relay that joins your alarm circuit to the hazard circuit is after the fuse and is the culprate. With the fuse in, half the current flows through the 6 bulbs, the other half earths through the relay, so the lights are dull, with the fuse out, all the current flows through the bulbs, so they are bright.


I'm going to check the hazard circuit/switch tonight, it sounds more and more likely. Does anyone know if the hazard circuit is fused seperately? Hazards I can live without, indicators however are a different matter. It's not flasher unit/fuse related - the indicators are getting juice from somewhere else - that's gotta be for sure. I wish I was at home, and not stuck at work - I wanna check it out now!


OK, as unlikely as this is going to sound, it is not unusual for a bulb filament to break internally and cause a short circuit.

In fact, we had a member recently where this had happened.


I wish it was something that simple, but even with certain bulbs out - it's still doing the same. All the bulbs are working AOK btw. Sigh, for simple fixes - but we likes the challenges eh?


Thanks for all your input chaps, much obliged.


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Another quick suggestion, which has occured to me before now. Check the wiring on the "side repeaters" has not become frayed. Mine got frayed on drivers side and kept shorting out the whole lot. Just a thought.

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Cool, I'll also give that a check too. Annoying thing is, whilst taking the bulbs out last night - I pushed the wiring on the drivers side repeater into the arch. Rah.


Also, for all interested - just got off the phone with me old man, who is convinced it's something to do with the alarm. He's gonna have a word with an auto sparky tonight and see what's what. Spot on there Kev. I think I'm gonna enjoy being a member of this forum - peeps with brains - woo!


Cheers all


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Other possibility is a dodgy earth on the indicator circuit somewhere. It caused my indicators to come on and stay on except when I hit the brakes when they flashed!


As yours is all of the indicators at the same time, check out the alarm earth and the hazard earth for corrosion etc.

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I actually spoke to the Auto Spark my old man suggested, his quick fix solution is to break the wiring from the alarm box into the hazard loom. Sounds simple enough, but I just have to find it now. Apparently (depending on how good/stupid the installer was) it *should* be by the fuse wiring loom, or in the steering column. I'm not holding my breath, but if you see a rather large plume of smoke eminating from somewhere in Surrey - you know why.


I'll let y'all know how I get on. Thanks to you all again, I'm overwhelmed with the feedback from y'all. :D




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Cool, let us know how you get on...


Oh, as no-one else has said it yet: Welcome to the forum! 8) :roll: :lol:


Good luck!

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I'm pretty certain you've got a residual current leakage from the alarm going into the bulbs via the hazard light switch! Try removing the alarm wires spliced into the VAG HL switch loom.....if the bulbs extinguish, guess what the culprit is :lol:



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I'm pretty certain you've got a residual current leakage from the alarm going into the bulbs via the hazard light switch! Try removing the alarm wires spliced into the VAG HL switch loom.....if the bulbs extinguish, guess what the culprit is


The air filter? :-P





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agree too- alarm-defo, had that problem before although not with a corrado...possible it could have got water or dampness in it- lots of rain recently...best to get the alarm ripped out or bypassed.....bet the alarm is old...

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Just a thought, does anyone have a wiring loom diagram? I'd be a hella lot happier if I knew what I was looking for while diving around under the dash! Or failing that, does anyone have a suggestion for distinguishing the join easier? (well, besides unplugging it and watching the indicators go out - FINALLY!) Give me a Corolla GTi 16V, I'm laughing... ...put me in front of a VW... ...new pants please.


Yours n00bily


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Get this, started having a jigger about under the dash - and the ******* thing started behaving itself! No idea what the problem was, but i'm gonna take it down to the spark on saturday and get him to give it the once over.


Thanks again one and all, much appriciated



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:shock: :? I'd agree with getting it to a spark's to make sure there's nothing too amiss under there... Wiring fires are the worst thing in the world to repair on a car... :| :shock:


Glad it's sorted for now, and also that you're not just burying your head in the sand and leaving it alone now you know there's something not quite right but it's working again... 8) :D

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