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Andy T

g60 clutch sunk to floor

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Clutch pedal hasn't been returning properly just lately, now its only an inch of the floor!


it just about works, but the gear chage is bad, there's only about 10mm between 'on' and 'off' , and it's obviously not disengaging fully.


Is it more likely to be the Master Cylinder or Slave cyl? or could it be something else?


To my suprise, my 5 quid Lynsay/Porter manual shows the hydraulic setup well, it explains how to change the cyl's and bleed the system. :D


The fluid reservoir is full and the fluid isn't too old, cheers for any help!




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Look for fluid on top of the gearbox, this will indicate a leak from the slave cylinder, they leak internally to start with.


The fluid may be dripping out of the bottom too!! Check near the sump. You may get some more life out of it by bleeding it. I did with mine. It still working 2 years after it first played up. Even if teh fulid in the reservoir is pretty new it won't get into the Clutch without bleeding it.



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I had a look and both cylinders and they seem bone dry, not checked underneath tho.


I might have a go at bleeding both cyl's then, I know the brakes were done just before I bought it, because braided hoses were fitted, but then I doubt the clutch was done at the same time.


So either cylinder could give me the symptoms it's having then? How do you know which one to change?


At ECP the slave is £40+vat and the Master £78+vat (!!) and they are the same part no. as the passat.




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I'd do the slave first, much easier to access and the most likely in my experience. I think they would be the same as a Passat.

GSF do 2 slaves a 30 quid and 40 quid +VAT. I'd have no worries using the cheapy.



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Cheers. So was it the slave cyl. that died on your car? Speaking to someone else, they reckoned the master cyl. is the most likely to go...


Could do with finding out how many SC's get sold at GSF compared to MC's !



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i had same issues.


it drops itself. you have to push into floor for clutch and itll engage itself if held down.


first id rebleed and see what happens.


then id change both cylinders if you can afford. i did the slave first and all that happens is it puts stress on the master that then dies too if it aint already.


i found the master easier to do than the slave. be careful not to effect the cables on the box when doing the slave.

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Strangely, the pedal has more travel driving home tonight, and gear changes are fine! sits about half way down now.


Had a thought, if the slave cylinder was leaking, wouldn't it leak unseen from the piston, into the clutch casing? :roll:

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Had a thought, if the slave cylinder was leaking, wouldn't it leak unseen from the piston, into the clutch casing? :roll:


Correct, thats why I suggested looking under the gearbox. It might take quite a volume to run out the bottom though.



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Ahhh, sorry I see what you meant now!


There was some fluid underneath the gearbox when I first got the car, and it reappeared when I changed the box oil two months later. At the time I assumed the gearbox gasket was leaking slightly, I better check it properly!



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Bled the clutch yesterday, the old fluid was pretty dark and full of tiny metal shavings.


Took the car for a spin, the clutch felt exactly the same and was still sitting half way down.


I checked the master cylinder from inside the car, the piston was dry so it's not leaking from there.


But, by the time I got to work this morning, the clutch has restored itself and I've got full travel on it now :)



But I'm not holding my breath! :roll:

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Wish I'd read your post, got in the car this morning and clutch has totally gone, right to the floor. Can't engage any gears at all.


So its off to GSF in the morning for a new slave cylinder, might make it to work for lunchtime !




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Replaced the slave cylinder yesterday, what a bastard of a job, would of been easy but the pipe union was seized solid into the cylinder!


Had to disconnect the flexibe pipe further back, remove the whole lot then travel 10 miles home on the bus just to put it in a vice and get the molegrips on it!


It Came out after a bit of persuasion with a steel mallet, hopped back on the bus and put it all back together again.


I've got a clutch now but still not got full travel in it - Maybe I've not bled it properly?


I bled the master cyl. then the slave cyl. and run a 500ml bottle of fluid through using a pressurised bleeding kit.


Any Idea's? Maybe I need to replace the master cyl. aswell :(

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Just to update, it worked ok for a bit, then seriously died again. Must be the Master Cylinder after all!


I bought one (£99.99 inc. vat) from VW as both GSF &ECP no longer sell it.


Hopefully when It gets fitted it will solve the problem!

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was the handbrake light on the dash lighting up intermittently??


when my slave went that was the first signs of a problem, unfortunatly i didnt really take much notice and got stuck in a multi story car park in liverpool!!


the bleed nipple was seized so as a as a quick fix i just put some new fluid in and pumped the clutch by hand until it got some travel- got me back to anglesey!


dunno if it`ll work all the time but worth a go if your stuck!!

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No, brake light never came on for me.


Bleeding the clutch does seem to restore it for a few weeks/months, but then it would fail again, usually after a long journey(probably when the cylinders have got really warm)

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