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Tropical fish - think I could get into this

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lol THATS a damn good point David. I can do this! Anyone want to buy some? Will sell in 25 litre bottles haha


Phil - add me on UR mate - same username. Are you going to sump it or stick with the external filter? id recommend getting shot of the external if possible.


Dont put Live Rock ontop of the sand - best to place the sand aroudn the LR. You cna even use egg crate to sit the LR on then put the sand upto the egg crate.

Edited by Critical_Mass

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I'm thinking of running the external with phosphate remover and carbon in it with a fine wool To keep the water crystal clear, i ain't running a sump yet but might consider it in the future I wanna get to grips with it all before I go all out because chances are I'll get bored with it this small and go larger!! Ha I'll add you when I work out how to!

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click on my profile, then look on the right side.


yeah i see what you mean - people always say they wont upgrade and low and behold they do :lol: Problem with external filter is they can become a nitrate factory.


looking forward to seeing more pics.

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Sussed it! I rekon my 5 ft will end up marine but it scares me to think that lol!

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the money that it would cost to get it setup!. i would deffo go sump with it. but it would mean some serious work on the stand and then the tank itself. drilling terrifies me! i struggle to put shelves up lol. then just the amount of RO water that would be needed! it would be well worth it but the GF wont let me do it lol!

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Hi all, great to see there are so many folk that are fish keepers too. I've been keeping fish for nearly 35 years now, and gone through various disasters along the way. It amazes me how much things have changed since the old days. Back then, anything would be kept with anything. A tank clean meant exactly that, net the fish out, empty the whole kit and kaboodle and scrub everything clean. A big no-no in this new age of information. I had to down size my collection when I moved from Derby to Basingstoke. Went from 11 tanks down to two. My main tank is freshwater, 10ftx2ftx2ft which houses my main baby, my black shark (Morulius chrysophekadion). Had her for a little over 14 years so far, from an inch and a half upto the 24" she is now. My only other tank is my 100 gallon reef setup. Absolutely love having the reef, so much going on all the time.


Anyone a pond keeper too? That was my project last summer, building my pond.

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Just moved afew things around in mine.

Here's what it looks like now.

I must admit I do love it! [ATTACH]69100[/ATTACH]

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About 10-12 Neons

1 Platy

3 Siamese Fighters (1 male 2 female)

2 Siamese Flying Fox

1 Ruby Shark

1 Red line torpedo barb

3 Clown loach

2 Black Ghost Knifefish

1 Striped Eel

2 Kissing Gourami


That's it I think.


Edited by Johnny H

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  Johnny H said:
About 10-12 Neons

1 Platy

3 Siamese Fighters (1 male 2 female)

2 Siamese Flying Fox

1 Ruby Shark

1 Red line torpedo barb

3 Clown loach

2 Black Ghost Knifefish

1 Striped Eel

2 Kissing Gourami


That's it I think.



Nice list :)


I'll have to get some details of my stuff up. I've got a trio of clown loaches too, great fish.



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Yeah here you are, just taken some for you mate. [ATTACH]69127[/ATTACH][ATTACH]69128[/ATTACH]

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  Tigerfish said:
Nice list :)


I'll have to get some details of my stuff up. I've got a trio of clown loaches too, great fish.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Yeah I love my loaches, they are always together they look great.

Yeah get a list up mate. Always nice to see what other people have in there tank.

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What's wrong with barbs!?


Tigers, yes - but we have Gold barbs and Odessa barbs - they're wonderful friendly fish... we had some Cherry Barbs too at one point and they were great!

We also found that Harlequins are really hardly and live for ages - we got 8 originally and we've still got six left after about 3 years.


The comment about not water changing is really interesting - I've never heard that viewpoint before!


Here's mine - 350L Juwel Trigon corner tank :)




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2 x 3 spot Gouramis

2 x Adult bristlenose plecs

30 odd baby bristlenose plecs(!)

6 x Harlequins

2 x Chain Loaches

4 x Odessa Barbs

4 x Gold Barbs

1 x Black Molly (in need of bitches)

6 x Algae eating shrimp

3 x Neon Green Rasboras

Edited by mariojoshi

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Thanks for the pics Johnny :D



Tiger Barbs.. i would never recommend these to anyone. Too territorial and just nip anything that moves. Would definately not have them with a siemese or gouramis.

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  mariojoshi said:
What's wrong with barbs!?


Tigers, yes - but we have Gold barbs and Odessa barbs - they're wonderful friendly fish... we had some Cherry Barbs too at one point and they were great!

We also found that Harlequins are really hardly and live for ages - we got 8 originally and we've still got six left after about 3 years.


The comment about not water changing is really interesting - I've never heard that viewpoint before!


Here's mine - 350L Juwel Trigon corner tank :)




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2 x 3 spot Gouramis

2 x Adult bristlenose plecs

30 odd baby bristlenose plecs(!)

6 x Harlequins

2 x Chain Loaches

4 x Odessa Barbs

4 x Gold Barbs

1 x Black Molly (in need of bitches)

6 x Algae eating shrimp

3 x Neon Green Rasboras


Great looking setup and nice fish list :)


Which comment about water changes do you mean?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  Critical_Mass said:
Thanks for the pics Johnny :D



Tiger Barbs.. i would never recommend these to anyone. Too territorial and just nip anything that moves. Would definately not have them with a siemese or gouramis.


I've always found tiger barbs ok as long as there were at least 9 of them. They would then just bicker amongst themselves and leave the rest of the tank in piece.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  mariojoshi said:
What's wrong with barbs!?


Tigers, yes - but we have Gold barbs and Odessa barbs - they're wonderful friendly fish... we had some Cherry Barbs too at one point and they were great!

We also found that Harlequins are really hardly and live for ages - we got 8 originally and we've still got six left after about 3 years.


The comment about not water changing is really interesting - I've never heard that viewpoint before!


Here's mine - 350L Juwel Trigon corner tank :)




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2 x 3 spot Gouramis

2 x Adult bristlenose plecs

30 odd baby bristlenose plecs(!)

6 x Harlequins

2 x Chain Loaches

4 x Odessa Barbs

4 x Gold Barbs

1 x Black Molly (in need of bitches)

6 x Algae eating shrimp

3 x Neon Green Rasboras


That's a great set up mate.

Tank looks sweet. It's the same tank as mine.

What filter u running init??

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  Johnny H said:
That's a great set up mate.

Tank looks sweet. It's the same tank as mine.

What filter u running init??


Hahah - yep! I was really surprised someone else had a really big tank! I always swore that once I had my own place, I'd get a huge fish tank... so I did! (Had to take the door off the living room to get it in though!


Thanks mate - I thought the layering you had going on in your tank was really nice :) Standard Juwel jumbo filter in mine - but I'd much prefer an external like your eheim!



The comment about not changing water - I.E just topping up and not actually changing 20% every week or two..... how does the chemistry manage to cope with this without nitrates/nitrites building up?

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OO this topic lives on.. Ive got my reef tank up and going but its not stocked fully. Im debating stripping some of my other tanks and getting a single larger marine tank. I dunno what to do tho! :o


My Brachardi (sp) keep having fry and i must have about 50-70 tiny fish which are between 1mm and 1cm lol

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