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Jim Bowen

Not happy with Lamborghini customer services..

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they are just metal made into certain shapes and fixed together.


its like buying a new washing machine in my eyes

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nice new lambo, the guy who bought it had problems with customer service and they scratched it


so he parked it outside and a bunch of guys with sledge hammers smashed it up

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But the only person who loses out in that whole stunt is the car owner. It must be nice to be rich enough to destroy £100K+ Supercars on a whim like that.


Washing machine, LOL! Hardly. There's a big difference between smashing up a Mondeo and a Lamborghini. If you can't understand that then you're not really a car 'enthusiast' imo.

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Surely he should've smashed one of their cars up???


Then he would have been nicked. Not a crime to smash your own car up. Real waste though

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Surely he should've smashed one of their cars up???


If he had done that then I would have agreed with the sentiment... Smashing up a 100K car doesn't make any sense. I mean I faint at the idea of doing that to my C and she's worthless! :lol:

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its a new car, you can get another, the value is all relative to the owners pockets, i doubt he would do the same if it was a mk1 skyline


of course i'm a car enthusiast Keyhaywire, i own an old VW thats a muddle of a golf and a passat made by a company with no real history of producing sports cars :D


i could own a RWD jap car or BMW for the same price

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MMMm my 2p...sounds like a spoiled twat to me LOL


Yep, he's just like a spoilt child who cannot get his own way, instead of constructively resolving the issue he's just thrown his toys out of the pram.


When you consider how many people would love a car like that, but will never get the chance it seems even more stupid.


Shame he didn't donate it to charity.

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"According to the report, the owner is trying to make a point that China is home to a growing number of individuals capable of purchasing luxury items. Companies realizes this and are making increased efforts to offer their products to the Chinese people. However, the Lamborghini owner believes that the Chinese people do not get the same level of service found in other markets. By smashing his Gallardo, he's certainly captured our attention.


By the way, a new Lamborghini Gallardo, which typically sells for $230,000 on up, retails for between $529,000 and $757,000 USD in China. Ouch. "





Edited by Jim Bowen
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This makes me feel ill, not just the fact that a perfectly good car has been smashed to pieces but because it shows a level of arrogance that only wealth can bring !!


Surely the effort had backfired as most people - like the majority here by the sounds of it - will think the guy has too much money for his own good, and NOT 'Jesus how bad is Lamborghini's customer service, I'l buy a VW instead'.

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its not like he has broke his own back putting work into the car, its an off the shelf product, to him its just money, he can replace the car the next day if he so wished (i imagine)


You wouldn't do it to something old and unavailable to buy right new.


On the scale of things, it is like one of us smashing up a few hundred pound fridge in front of comet.

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good for local press. but i get the feeling he hoped they might come out before he did it. try to stop him doing it and fix it for him. he called their bluff and lost out


big time!

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