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is it just me but have the classifieds on here dried up a bit?? years ago every time you logged on there was more things (alloys) i wanted to buy, is everyone putting stuff on e-bay?? or just hording there nice 17" alloys away from me??



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I think the new classifieds section is not as easy to navigate as the old listings.

Maybe people are just not bothering advertising on here any more!!

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I agree. I've never sold anything on here but I can see that the new system means it's slightly more hassle to sell something. Where someone could easily just post up a for sale thread they now have to construct an advert. If you are doing that then you may as well just use ebay which has a much wider audience.


Shame really. But I understand why the change was made.


Longer term it may lead to fewer people posting in the other sections too. One of the first rules of the internet is to keep generating content so people come back to the site.

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i hardly bother checking them anymore whereas i did all the time before either. i was also wondering how you're supposed to know that something has sold, or what offers its received - the extra hassle just puts me off looking at them.

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I was thinking the same thing only a few days ago, there used to be so many new things for sale every day, so when the new classifieds section came out I presumed that the slow down of parts for sale was just down to time to adjust to the new system, but it still seems really slow. Shame as it was one of my favourite things about the forum, but I suppose at least I save a load of cash. It also seems a lot harder to actually shift things if you do put an ad up. You cant gauge peoples reactions on price etc as there is no thread for discussion. But nevermind. Perhaps there are just less members these days?

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I also miss the old "thread" style for posting adverts. You get feedback from others. Potential buyers find it easier to reply in the thread rather than send a pm to the seller. If you respond to a question from a potential buyer it is there for others to see.


It proved much quicker to sell an item using the old way. Any chance of swapping back? Or re-introducing the old way with only long term members/donators able to start threads?

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well at least i'm not the only one that thinks the same, i would happily put my name forward to mod the for sale section, just dont expect any alloys/engine parts to get past me first theough lol

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I have notiiced the breaking section still runs on the old format.

I for one would be more likely to use the secton if it went back to the old classifieds.

As another poster said its easier to use E-Bay and that must be a bad thing!!

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I've sold a few things through it, and it's really not much more hassle to put an advert together, although if you're selling multiple items it can get a bit long winded I suppose. I do think the old system had a bit more of a community sense to it: you could see who was buying what, and it created discussion, the new system is essentially faceless. That said, there were numerous times when sale threads used to get cluttered up with rubbish that didn't help get the item sold.


The main problem I have with it is that you can't bump your item once it's listed. For example, I've had a Starter Motor and Flywheel listed for a while, so it's a few pages back. Any potential buyer is much more likely to buy the one on Page 1 that was listed more recently, and there's nothing I can do to get mine back to Page 1.

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I miss the old way too. I really liked three things. I found the exchanges educative; it helped me learn the right questions to ask. I learned about the sellers (and buyers) from the way they asked and answered questions, which helped build a sense of camaraderie. It also added to the 'club' feeling where, by and large, enthusiasts were selling to other enthusiasts.


The new system lacks all of this. It just seems pretty sterile to me and if it means that people are no longer selling on here but using Ebay, I think we are all the poorer for that.


"Bring back the old, bring back the old, bring back the old...."

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I've only sold the odd item on here, but i've bought loads of stuff.

Since the new systems been in place, I don't think i've bought a thing plus I don't seem to use this forum that often anymore!!!

I know the old system used to cause problems for the moderators, but if the forum is suffering less traffic because of it surely a bit of a U turn needs to happen.

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Unfortunately the old system gave rise to too many general discussions about pricing, which the sellers didn't really want cluttering up their threads. Serial buyers like Karl saying "I will 100% take it at the asking price" was something of a rarity!


Imagine if you were selling your house and you had 50 people in your living room discussing the price and general off topic chat. Doesn't really help the sale does it. It's why Estate Agents take all that on your behalf and only present interested parties to your door. And so it is with the new classifieds. You either want the item or you don't.


I fail to see why bringing classifieds to the forum is such a horrendous thing when the rest of the world seem to cope with it fine. We all use ebay, don't we? And we have to pay to use that too.


And another benefit of the classifieds is it encourages better quality, more descriptive adverts. The amount of ads we used to get with little to no info and / or no pictures was a joke. Ads like that will just get ignored now and it's then up to the seller to improve his chances of a sale. You get out of it what you put in.


You lot were just spoiled with a VERY loosely moderated forum :D It's still a good forum though? The other plus side of this forum is still here - information, and lots of it, and also the willingness to help eachother, so it's not all bad!

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I disagree Kev. I think the pricing discussions actually aided sales and also disuaded opportunists trying to sell parts at over inflated prices to unsuspecting corrado newbies, as they quickly got called out on it. I think the latter is key due to the scarcity of some corrado parts, I dont need to mention the rear badge thread but it is a prime example of someone trying to make a quick buck out of corrado owners knowing the rarity of parts. As a community of enthusiats this is something would should be trying to stamp out and unfortunately the new style classifieds doesnt allow for this. Just my 2p


Yes the forum is still great, actually its the best of the ones i visit regularly. But I do feel its lost its edge since the change in the classifieds

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I disagree Kev. I think the pricing discussions actually aided sales and also disuaded opportunists trying to sell parts at over inflated prices to unsuspecting corrado newbies, as they quickly got called out on it. I think the latter is key due to the scarcity of some corrado parts, I dont need to mention the rear badge thread but it is a prime example of someone trying to make a quick buck out of corrado owners knowing the rarity of parts. As a community of enthusiats this is something would should be trying to stamp out and unfortunately the new style classifieds doesnt allow for this. Just my 2p


Yes the forum is still great, actually its the best of the ones i visit regularly. But I do feel its lost its edge since the change in the classifieds


Aside from some people being upset by BadBoyHiggins's prices, I don't recall much in the way of swindling going on in the old classifieds? Certainly a tiny percentage among otherwise decent trading behaviour. Those rear badge type situations will always happen, it's just people capitialising on supply and demand. Whether we like it or not, it's their right to ask for a particular price. They might not get it, but there's no law against asking 100 quid for a bit of plastic.

Classifieds aren't an invitation to discuss prices. If you don't like the price, just ignore the advert? I think the majority of people are intelligent enough to spot a crazily inflated price from a sensible one and don't need looking after by the pricing police.

Just anotehr 2p in the pot!

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Don't really understand what the problem was with the old system ? Maybe the seller should have the ability to edit their thread by allowing them to tidy the thread themselves ? ED38 still runs the old style classifieds and they don't seem to have any problems 

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I've noticed that some of the regulars on here turned there own 'Build Threads' into 'For Sale' Threads anyway. All of a sudden, 'I've polished my bonnet with XYZ' went to 'Bored of my Corrado, genuine offers around £ABC will be entertained'. Quickly followed by 'Bump'.


Personally, I think the old style worked well for the genuine sellers, generated talking points and only rarely caused controversy. However, I completely understand that having a dedicated 'For Sale' section also helps if you are actually looking for something as all the items are collected in one place.


Payment pending, I hope that I am one of the first who can say their car has sold on the new Classifieds section (albeit not with the 'Offer' button!) and should be with the new owner very soon, all being well.

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Serial buyers like Karl saying "I will 100% take it at the asking price" was something of a rarity!


well i'm a rare type of person kev lol

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I really dont like the new system at all, as mentioned due to not being able to bump and complexity of listing.

Most items I'll cut/paste across several forums and it's frustrating having to do a separate ad here.


The answer unfortuatly will be f**k off elsewhere.

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I think that on such a well behaved and moderated forum that it was a real shame it was felt there was a need to change. It really has spoiled the dynamic process and its hard to follow. How about leave new system for one off or infrequent posters, ie selling only but for regular trusted contributors use the traditional system

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I miss the old system,the banter made the for sale threads,the must read threads !

I wish i could get the classifieds on Tapatalk ! Not all of us have the luxury (!) of using computers for work.

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I think that on such a well behaved and moderated forum that it was a real shame it was felt there was a need to change. It really has spoiled the dynamic process and its hard to follow. How about leave new system for one off or infrequent posters, ie selling only but for regular trusted contributors use the traditional system


yeh good idea Gareth; like on some forums you have to have a minimun post count until you can place an add. Sounds good to me.

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yeh good idea Gareth; like on some forums you have to have a minimun post count until you can place an add. Sounds good to me.


I've just registered on R32OC and I believe a minimum of 100 posts is required before you can put a 'For Sale' thread up.

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Old sale system rules, really miss it, still prefer use cars for breaking and put there few things than using new classified system.

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