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Is 114 too high a temp for my oil temp sensor?

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If thats as high as it gets it should be fine, Oils start to break down after about 120oC tho.

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114C - you'll really be able to feel the heat there if you open the bonnet! Might just be a faulty sensor, but in case, check oil levels and check coolant is flowing properly and the fans are kicking in when they should. I would have thought the 24v would run a tad cooler, but have no experiecne of it yet. I'm sure others can advise here.

What is your water temp?

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I will add that those figures are from a long burn from Plymouth back to Worcester. On Normal day to day driving it's been known to see 108 degree!


A friend did most the work on the conversion so not sure what water pump is in the car!

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thats nothing to get woried about in my opinion, ive seen closer to 140 on a hot day in the g.


thats when you start to panick about the heater going pop and dousing you in boiling water :suprised:

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thats nothing to get woried about in my opinion, ive seen closer to 140 on a hot day in the g.


thats when you start to panick about the heater going pop and dousing you in boiling water :suprised:


Hmmm mm, nice! :p

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I would have thought that 24v would run hotter than 12v due to more moving parts? The same was definitely true about the 1.8/2.0 4 cylinder engines - from experience 16v ran about 10-15 degrees hotter oil than the 8v.

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If you used the 12V oil/water heat exchanger on your 24V, that's possibly why it's running hot. The 24V's oil cooler was completely redesigned and is not only bigger, but a lot more efficient. Unfortunately it fouls the front engine mount bracket, but I think it can be done. I'm going to be fitting the bigger R32 cooler to my 12V soon and I'll report back how I grafted it on.


In the MK4, 24Vs rarely go over mid 90s oil temp, under normal driving conditions.

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Any luck with the cooler? Would be interesting to see how you fit it on, if indeed there is any serious modification required.

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