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Bvf 2011

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So who went and what were you're thoughts on it?


I'm local to Malvern and have been going for many years and I must say this year for the first time was poor! Call it the recession or over pricing, it was quiet and consequently not very good.


After that rant I must admit there were still some very lovely Corrados and generally good VW's on show, was it you?

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Yes I wasn't surprised by the poor turn out to be honest, over the last 5 years things have steadily got worse and worse.


I usually go for the whole weekend and get there friday night but i had to work saturday so didn't get there till 9pm sat evening but was still charged the full weekend price of £30 clearly taking the **** if you ask me but i know i would have rather have done that than drive there sSunday and drive back again.


Hardly any usefull trade and that's down to the organisers charging stupid money to have a trade plot, to me the basis is no good trade no good attendance of punters.


The show cars, whilst obviously very pleased to have won the super class and then gone on to win best in show watercoled it goes without saying that there is a massive lack of cars on the field over the last few years but then this year there was no information sent out to previous show folk like myself and that also is going to affect numbers considerably they just dont seem to have much of a clue when it gets down to the nitty gritty, it is without doubt a thankless task i'm sure but unless you are gonna do it right then why bother at all?


No show cars on the field + poor trade stalls = less punters = less revenue


Not to mention the costs of attending, i have always loved bvf because of it's superb location and superb atmosphere but i seriously think it's had it's day.


Stanford Hall truly leads the way by some margin as VW shows go and long may it continue....


Plus with shows like VW Festival at Harewood house and VW Northwest which are much closer i'm starting to ask myself why go to the expense.


The bonus for me though is talking to folk i've met over the years and the comments and conversations i get from peoplee admiring my car on the day, now that is priceless :)

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Yep I couldnt believe how dead it was this year. Half the trade stands there normally is and the camping just seemed dead. I was looking around at 4pm on Friday thinking it would pick up but it was quite for the time but it just never did.


Its just silly things like some people got let into the main gate with advanced booking and some didnt and got told to go to the gate the other side of the site, no clear exit marked etc, the organisation seemed a bit lacking. I've been to BVF for years now and always really enjoyed it and I did this year but I think they need to sort it out before the rot sets in completely. It would be a shame if this went off my show calendar.


I did think it was out of order them charging you full price too Kip, that really is a bit of a p155 take like you said. Sorry I missed you to talk to, we did see you wave as you went past us on the way home! ;-)

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I think some of these people need some lessons in how to run businesses! (Eric..?! :))


The only way you're going to get the punters is to encourage lots of nice show cars, and lots of traders. When you price the shows unattractively for the people who are showing their car, and you make the prices so high that it discourages the traders, exactly what have you got left to offer the public?


I was fully intending to break my BVF camping "cherry" this weekend but an unexpected last minute change of plans put paid to that - so apologies for being a no show! Next year... next year... assuming there is a next year.

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We thought it was quite good, but then never having been before we had nothing to compare to.......some very nice cars there.


Mate if others years were a 10/10, this year was a 6/10.


Glad you enjoyed yourself though!

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agree with all of the above, very quiet this year, think people will vote with their feet tho, especially in the current climate, good to meet you today samG40 ;)

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Well having said all I did I did still have a cracking weekend but that was more down to the company I was with etc. Although Centurion is still a killer! Yeah nice to meet you Chris, if you need any G40 advice you know where we are.

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As already said before the show was about half the size as normal and the food and drink was just daylight robbery , which was a shock as i love this show. Still had an awesome weekend though . Got some aero wipers and blades for £40 too :)

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I have been a few times before and thought it was decent; most of the trade always seemed air-cooled so didn't really interest me anyway. The shame this year is that I was actually in Malvern on the Saturday with a mate, but we didn't think it was worth the £10 entrance fee for the 30mins/hour we could stay for.

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Only my 2nd year & I noticed the drop in numbers..... I still love the show due to mix of air/ water, atmosphere, seeing VW friends & of course the fun fair!! The cost is getting a bit much as said. Its easily £200 for the weekend for us (x2) and thats without the emergancy MOT I needed....


PS Peebee: your car is VERY nice mate - good work!!

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I think my first BVF year was 1997... Back then it was a really good show but i've noticed how much it's gone downhill over the last couple of years and after popping up on saturday we decided this year would be our last! Very disappointed with the lack of show cars that used to be scattered about all over the place and way too many stands selling complete and utter junk! So, where else do we go for the complete mix of air and water cooled?


Nice to see a good Corrado line-up as usual!

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Only my 2nd year & I noticed the drop in numbers..... I still love the show due to mix of air/ water, atmosphere, seeing VW friends & of course the fun fair!! The cost is getting a bit much as said. Its easily £200 for the weekend for us (x2) and thats without the emergancy MOT I needed....PS Peebee: your car is VERY nice mate - good work!!
Just think how much it would have been if you paid for your ticket too ;)

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Only my 2nd year & I noticed the drop in numbers..... I still love the show due to mix of air/ water, atmosphere, seeing VW friends & of course the fun fair!! The cost is getting a bit much as said. Its easily £200 for the weekend for us (x2) and thats without the emergancy MOT I needed....


PS Peebee: your car is VERY nice mate - good work!!


Glad you like my car mate! :)

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Just think how much it would have been if you paid for your ticket too ;)


You mean you paid for his ticket and all the food and drink !!!!!


The numbers were down but I enjoyed the weekend - probably something to do with having fun with friends !!

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