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Joe M

Corrado Insanity

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Just found this on the net.


1) when driving around town, you often look at the reflection of your C in store windows and think to yourself "what a bitchin' car, damn she looks good"


2) after parking your C, and locking her up, you can't resist looking back over your shoulder at her as you walk away...sometimes twice


3) upon coming back to your C, you give it a quick once over checking the paint for dings and scratches, and upon finding a new scratch/ding your heart sinks like someone just kicked your dog...and then you get pissed as you look around for the perpetrator...thinking "those bastards!!!..."


4) no matter how much money you put into your C, or mods you add, in a week or two you're calculating your funds and determining the next mod you can make...


5) you subconsciously decide to go some where and don't take the most direct, logical route...because your C is such a blast to tool around in


6) you always volounteer to drive when going out with friends, or taking short trips


7) you get really mileage-conscious about your C's odometer reading, regretting each thousand mile increment that rolls over


8) you resent some of the other new VWs at the Dealership...because your C is the best VW ever, and the new ones will never look as good...


9) deep down inside, you know that your C isn't really a performance sports car, but you're in denial until you see a C5 or an M3...because your little C will still smoke 90% of all the cars on the road


10) you mess around with your C more often than a member of the opposite sex, even if you're married


11) you spend any time at all corresponding with other C owners over the Internet when you should be getting work done!!!


12) during lunch breaks, you sit in your C...even if you aren't eating


13) You chase after any car with aftermarket anything on it (rims, a bigtip, &c), just so you can pass them and piss them off because even with all that stuff on their car, it'll never look as nice as yours!


14) Where you're driving along and enjoying the drive more than you probably should be when suddenly you notice a new noise that you're fairly certain wasn't there last week, and you begin going over in your mind all the things it could possibly be... "dang, was the sunroof sounding like that before? is there a whirring in the engine right now? is one of my wheels making more noise than it should?" in my jeep, I ignore these things- ah, its just a jeep; but in my C, I have an about-uncontrollable urge to pull over as soon as possible and get out and have a look....

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I ve seen that somewhere before was it the 'VW corrado dome site' you got that from! It is very true I think we can all relate to this in some form or other!

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A few of those are true....


Though not number 6 - I hate using my Corrado as a taxi, especially when some of my friends dont really think about slamming the doors and breaking interior trim as they are not car owners themselves, and dont appreciate what it costs to keep something like the C on the road! :evil:

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I've done all of the above, but especially 1, 2 and 3....all the time!


Get in! 8)

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So True... And I have never done half of these with any car other than a Corrado.

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