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[Forza 4] Top Gear Corrado Challenge (Pg 8)

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Just sent a request..




I'm having a real hard time building a decent A class Corrado.. Any pointers?



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Just got this yesterday so a bit late to the party! Only had a couple of hours so far and not really into it so far. I'm sure it will hook me fairly soon though!


Will get signed up to the CF club. Look out for TheMagicalDuck!! :nuts:

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Will be back online Mon 19th after 3 months of no internet. Will be joining in on this if I can be pulled away from battlefield 3.

Forgot I be cptredeye666 on xbox that is!

Edited by captainredeye
im a forgetfull old t#*t!

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Why don't they put it on the PS3 and Xbox?


Cant buy an Xbox just for 1 game, (or can I).


rofl I only own Forza 4 and one other game for my X-Box - Forza 3 :)

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Why don't they put it on the PS3 and Xbox?


Cant buy an Xbox just for 1 game, (or can I).


Because Microsoft pay to develop the Forza series just the same as Sony pay to develop the Gran Turismo series..

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Just sent a request..




I'm having a real hard time building a decent A class Corrado.. Any pointers?




Try mine out if you like, if you like my tune, I can always send it over to you (unlocked). I haven't been on Forza for a while, not since I picked up Skyrim!! But I'll try and get on one evening this week.

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Sorry if I'm being a bit thick but are we actually racing each other at any stage? I've joined but all it seems to show me is the other club members' stats.

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Sorry if I'm being a bit thick but are we actually racing each other at any stage? I've joined but all it seems to show me is the other club members' stats.


the is never anyone online to race when i go on! just keep trying to beat peoples times on the rivals thing!

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Sorry if I'm being a bit thick but are we actually racing each other at any stage? I've joined but all it seems to show me is the other club members' stats.


How about we set a day & time for a Corrado forum thrash about? obviously someone will have to host it etc, any takers?


---------- Post added at 05:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:11 PM ----------


I've sent requests, my tag is DarkDogSoldier


send it again m8 as I seem to have been given semi god powers to allow.

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Yeah that's all I'm thinking. Seeing as though we're all joining, we should at least have a race night.


Or, even better in my opinion, why don't we pick a certain course and see who can set the fastest time with a certain rated car? E.g. Laguna Seca in any 600-point car of your choosing. I've not really played with 'rivals' at all - is that what it's intended for??

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Yeah that's all I'm thinking. Seeing as though we're all joining, we should at least have a race night.


Or, even better in my opinion, why don't we pick a certain course and see who can set the fastest time with a certain rated car? E.g. Laguna Seca in any 600-point car of your choosing. I've not really played with 'rivals' at all - is that what it's intended for??


what about doing both?


I'll have to have a look but it should be possible to set a club shared car that can be used by all to the rivals racing, that way it's driver not car/ setup ?

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Anyone have a standard C they could share ... or is there one in the club garage already?

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Why no r36 in le mk1!!!!??? I think that Turn10 have gotten a bit thick!


Add me if you want guys!



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I have stuck a standard blue C rated at 331 in the garage with only one mod which was to increase cc to 2.9. Now all I need to do is work out if you can use it for rivals or not ??


---------- Post added at 08:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:45 PM ----------


ah pants - from forza forum " You can't make custom rivals races if that's what you mean. You can only run the Rivals events that are there."


In that case who's for a race around the top gear track in a standard UK Corrado ?

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We can always use the car and post back here best lap times. I'm sure no one would stoop low enough to cheat. Can more than one person use the car at once though?

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Ok I think I have sussed a way to do it and it goes as follows:


Access Corrado Club > Select Club Leader Board > Select Circuit > Select D Class > Select Topgear Track - Full > you should then get a list of club members that have set a time (I hope) select launch race > Car selection screen go to the club garage > Should be a Corrado to pick > go set fastest lap.


If anyone has any better ideas speak up :)

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