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Bristol Volksfest 8/9/10th June *UPDATE p8*

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Yikes! Ben, have you got much space around you? Will we all be able to get a pitch?

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Im hoping to get to Huntsman for 9.30 if i have a good run up,if not meet you all there!

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Nice one :) We'll probably wait there for 10 mins then head off.

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I'm going to see if I can move the car closer to the gravel area lots of space just all drowned in water

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Tempted to leave the corrado at home and rock up in the estate, just fold the back seats down and hey presto a warm, dry bed :D

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Tempted to leave the corrado at home and rock up in the estate, just fold the back seats down and hey presto a warm, dry bed :D

Don't be a wimp, get the car dirty like the rest of us!!



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I'm not worried about getting the car dirty, just the Mrs moaning about being cold

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Hhmm, weather looks pants for Sunday, maybe I'll come on Saturday instead.

Hey Darren (Harrier) what time are you hitting the road Saturday, maybe we could convoy up there?




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Morning all just moved the car to the first field on the right on the gravel area l, if you park just after me it reasonably solid on the grass behind

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How's it looking there guys?

I'll be there about 9am tomorrow.

Are the cars parked on grass?? If so will they let me park with you if it wet??

See you all soon.

Oh, if it's raining in the morning will many of you be staying the day or going in the morning???

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A few shots from earlier today. Good to meet some new faces and tease the old ones. The cars got a lot of attention and it was a nice display.


Good luck to those camping!

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Cars are looking really nice guys.

Hope I don't let the side down cause mine doesn't look as tidy as yours.

Looking forward to meeting you all in the morning

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Some good looking cars there fellas - good work :)

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Good to see you guys having fun. Wish I could be there.

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Well anything that could of gone wrong did go wrong for me :( First off on the way I found out I have a warped spacer causing the rear wheel to osculate. Then I lock my keys in the car! Kinda scary how easy it was to get back into it tho. Also my hey fever kicked off with a vengeance. had gunk coming from my eyes all night and didnt sleep much at all, I look like I've been punched. And this morning when I went to chucked in the towel my battery was dead.


Sorry if I woke any one whilst trying to get my car started and thank to Ian for helping jump start the car.


Still enjoyed myself tho despite all the mishaps.


A few pics I took











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Nice pics guys! Jake, didn't even hear you go this morning- was sleeping like a baby :lol:


Thanks to all who came along- was a good showing from the club and we had a lot of interest in the cars.


Felt so sorry for you guys with the hay fever- was pretty rough!


Had a really good time- can't beat barbeque & beer, followed by beer, followed by dodgems & doughnuts, followed by more beer! 8) The weather was very kind too! Rained for all of 5 minutes in the middle of the night.


Big thanks to Jake for organising the food again + Lewis, Daren, Ian, Ben & Jake for the beers!


Roll on next year :)

Edited by CazzaVR

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Yeah roll on next year.

It was nice to meet some of you there shame I did get to meet you swompy but hayfever is a nightmare maybe next show.

it's nice to see some lovely looking Corrado's owned buy nice people too.

I did see 7 Corrado's today, 5 of them was you guys, 1 for sale and the "rat" (not my cup of tea lol).

Will post up my pics later didn't get many tho.

Oh and thanks again for the fuses, sorry cant remember your name. You try to remember your username and then you get told your real name it gets a bit confusing lol.

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Yeah roll on next year.

It was nice to meet some of you there shame I did get to meet you swompy but hayfever is a nightmare maybe next show.

it's nice to see some lovely looking Corrado's owned buy nice people too.

I did see 7 Corrado's today, 5 of them was you guys, 1 for sale and the "rat" (not my cup of tea lol).

Will post up my pics later didn't get many tho.

Oh and thanks again for the fuses, sorry cant remember your name. You try to remember your username and then you get told your real name it gets a bit confusing lol.


No worries Johnny, sorry didn't get to say bye when we left, hope you have a good day!


Next year they should hold the show in a big car park in the centre of Bristol so the Hayfever doesn't get us and we can enjoy the weather :LOL:

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It was great to meet you guys and hang out with you all on Saturday, I got some fresh inspiration and good advice on how to bring my car up to the next level. Some lovely Corrados on display. Yep, shame the hayfever tried to destroy some of us, I came off worse I think, but despite that it was a good day for all.

Yeah Swompy, looks like I've been punched in the face too, now where's those industrial strength hayfever tablets gone!... oh and great music choice chaps - blasting out Erasure directly towards the Mk1 Golf GTI club area on Saturday evening, pure class! Puts a new take on going 'camping'! I joke ofcourse.




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Was a really nice get together,thanks a lot to Jake for sorting bbq,sorry your hay fever was so bad,you & Phil had it real bad & its the worst i,ve had for a long time,must remember some tablets next time.Thanks to Lew for the fuses & Erasure treat !

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Thanks guys glad you enjoyed the food, sorry i didnt stick around in the morning but was completely fed up with the hey fever and wanted to curl up and die. Who ever invented it should be shot!


Next year I'm going to come in full NBC suit

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Many thanks to Jake for sorting out the bbq and food and to Lewis for the 80's and 90's tunes. Volksfest has a cool atmosphere and it's nice to hang out with all the different v-dubs - newish, old and very old. Many thanks again guys for the coolant fault finding session, it's next on the list of jobs to be done!

Yep I've never had hayfever like that before, the field unleashed it's full fury upon us.




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Really great weekend guys more than made up for last year , I'm as red as a lobster though thanks to the amazing weather on Saturday all i need now is claws and I can go live under the sea.

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